Stuck in loading screens

I have this problem as well, ran a quick WinMTR to check packet loss. seems to be part of the problem.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 188 188 0 0 7 0 0 188 188 5 5 13 5 0 188 188 4 5 15 6 0 188 188 4 5 29 5 52 62 30 16 16 19 17 2 181 179 23 23 36 23 0 188 188 23 23 52 23 0 188 188 23 26 76 23 5 121 115 0 791 4799 133 71 44 13 0 2790 4467 1479 0 188 188 23 23 46 23 0 188 188 23 23 36 25 0 188 188 23 23 36 25
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Having the same issue here

Stuck on character screen loading, stuck on login from 50% to 100% loaded, if and when i get in i get stuck in ingame loading screens, i get stuck on mounts, canā€™t cast anything, and it all happens randomly, clearly seems to be a server issue and not a player issue.

Iā€™ve tried most of the mentioned ā€œfixesā€ dx11, reinstalling, no addons, updated windows, updated everything, no addons, some addons, all addons, there doesnā€™t seem to be anything on my/our end that can be done, awaiting a response from blizzard that itā€™s beeing looked into.


For me, it seems to only happen upon login or when loading into a new zone, i also get stuck on mounts, etc. Have to alt+f4 pretty often.

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Iā€™m having the same issue. Itā€™s not that great considering I just introduced my friend to the game. Not the best first impression to say the leastā€¦

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Prob will take them weeks to even look into it, guess im quiting for now

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Having same issues. Sometimes DX12 works. Sometimes not. DX11 works the same, sometimes and sometimes not.
Addons or no addons. Regardless of what Iā€™ve done. DX12 and DX11 can work for a couple of logins, then it just shuts down.

CPU: 5800X3D
GPU: 6800 XT (Test drivers, but 150% NOT the issue. I wouldā€™ve ruled that out long ago)
RAM: 32GB 3600
WoW Installed on a 7000/7000 Mbps nvme drive.

Looking at Task Manager is that Network, CPU Util, GPU Util and Disc write/reading is doing something. Until the loading screen hits 100%, then it just drops and doesnt work anymore. WoW doesnt say its not responding in task manager. But nothing is working or loading.

I see people doing tracert, and tested that myself, not sure if this issue is multi-level or just 1 source. But 157, 158 and 159 adresses that have been posted leads me to a datacenter in Netherlands.
Some of the routes respond quickly, others timeout during the tracert.

Hopefully we can get some response soon from CS whatā€™s going on. This started the day before 10.2 in EU. Tuesday, had really long and non-working loading screens. ALT+F4 a lot of the time to even load into dungeons and/or teleports.

Wondering if this is EU centric issue, or if US is also experiencing this.

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Same, itā€™s like it just stops and goes into idle mode or something.

But like the post above states, it will probably take weeks.
They wonā€™t even respond and say they acknowledge the problem.

So Iā€™ve given up for now and just stopped playing until itā€™s actually possible to log in without alt+F4 several times.


I have the same issues as well in classic wotlk


I still have this problem and also black character screens. If nothing happens soon I will contact the news and maybe start a lawsuit because this is wrong handling of the customers who pay monthly to pay


Im also having these issuses in wow classic wotlk, as well as my brother and a guildie.

Game is pretty much unplayable atm. Tried removing addons, doesnt work. The issue seems to be consistant with different CPUs and graphic cards (compaired hardware to different people having the same issue).

Please fix Blizzard


This issue persists today. Canā€™t go through any portal or HS without getting stuck on a loading screen. After a while the music just stops and nothing happens. Have to forcibly shut down the game and log in again and hope I donā€™t get stuck again multiple times.

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In addition to this ā€œloading screenā€ issue, I am having issues loading my characters panel now.
Sometimes I can easily select which char. I want to log in but other times I must reboot the game entirely.

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Iā€™m having the same problem, it started yesterday. Getting stuck in most loading screens. Very annoying. It is worse today though.

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Iā€™m dealing with the same issue. Iā€™m not sure if it began before or after the patch. I get stuck on the loading screen when entering new zones or in the arena and battlegrounds. Iā€™ve attempted removing addons and followed all the steps on the list here : Iā€™ve updated drivers, but unfortunately, nothing seems to be resolving the issue.

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I have the same issues! Tried everything!..

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With this many ppl having the same issue it is not on our side. It does not look like it has anything to do with drivers, addons, or other pc related stuff.
It looks to be something on Blizzards side. I just wish they would at least give a response to this issue. Even if I donā€™t have my hopes up that this will get fixed soon :S


This isnt a consumer issue, I know for a fact half of my guildies are experiencing this same issue. So you can expect this being a prevelent problem. For me personally having to dalies and raids on 8 characters day/week it starts to become souldraining when every single loading screen needs a double alt f4 reboot :smiley:


I rebooted everything! Reset PC to factory setting upgraded/downgraded drivers. Reset IP purged DNS. Scanned all my addonsā€¦ I dont know what to sayā€¦ taken me so many hours trying to figure this stuff outā€¦


Same here. Verging on unplayable at this point. Hope this gets fixed soon.


Same issue here, but in wotlk classic. incredibly frustrating, and very demotivating to be kicked from dungeon groups for an issue I canā€™t control, and then recieve deserter buff aswellā€¦