Stuck playing a single class whole week/month [ERA]

please change honor system or give permanent triple+ honor, Era playerbase are not kids

i finish rank10 and i plan to quit this insane game again

Blizzard shame on you, no other game let playerbase in this state of BS

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Just turn off weekly honor reset and make honor a money we can turn in rank.

Of course keep the weekly 500k cap in order to avoid abuse.


PvP ranking is not obligatory.
You can just do pve and get to nax eventually

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is that a problem for you if they make access to rank easier? would it give people some chance and will to play WSG and AB again? because BGs are empty right now

naxx is phase 6 vanilla

let’s make phase 7 with easy ranking, to have a chance against T3 nolifers

So you want to get R14 without any effort or investment?

And you call people who have T3 no lifers…

Just say you want the best gear handed to you :grin:

do you got a problem? T3 nolifers are already rich enough and you want them humiliate other players forever?

and some of them buyed the gears*

so yes Blizzard should triple or more honor for straight players

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Even if you get tripple honor nax mommies and daddies would humiliate you still, because nax gear>r13

i humiliate them in blue dungeon gear and my legendary skill, these buyers got no skill

but it’s still not fair for the average people

do you really enjoy farming AV 24/7 ? i see you queueing in the Castle of Stormwind

we need WSG and AB being worth in honor, stop suc*ing T3 players please, they don’t deserve it

even people who got a thunderfury don’t deserve respect for it, we are not in 2005

currently we are STUCK PLAYING A SINGLE CHARACTER for months farming only AV, and it’s a problem

their is only a few WSG at night for those who got passion for WoW PvP, the rest is only AV “botting”