Stuns should not be classified different and needs a fundamental change

All DRs are somewhere between 18 and 20s, 20 being the absolute safety to CC again.

We came to same subject where we talked here : U KIlled EU Horde - #15 by Ланабеникова-gordunni

It’s so hard to talk none on german and russian forums. Everyone knows everything and nobody respect each other.

Since you are 1600 rating player dying in rated bg not important unless you are healer or flag carrier you should know that.

It is if you play with teammates that knows how to stop cc chains, play defensively or when to go offensively and so on.

But that’s the thing, it needs teammates that are aware. Seeing people assist anyone else in random bg’s is rare, most just think about their own “amazing” dps or heals. As if it matters if you wipe…

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Whoever you are, even if for some reason you’re a bait it is ALWAYS better to stay alive and not waste spirit healer time + travel time. A dead person isn’t helping, a person alive and playing, healing dpsing being bait cc’ing etc is always more helpful than a dead person.

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