Stuttering lags in WOW - High End PC 4090

Hello, i have high end PC , i run all games on Ultra RTX settings and it goes smoothly.

But there is one game which gives mi stuttering lags and it is World of Warcraft.


ASUS ROG STRIX GeForce RTX 4090 O24GB White

AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D



Samsung 980 PRO 2 TB - 2X+

I play on 4K (100%) on 55 inch TV monitor , while 2x 24 other monitors as setup.

It stutters mainly in big cities /dungeons / raids but occasionally in open world activities.
It is very annoying to have this kind of monster as PC and 20 year old game is giving me ickes.

The game looks like going around 100 FPS all the time but still stutter lagging.

Ive tried turn off and on all Addons , ElvUI

Ive tried to put graphics o 1/10 and still stutters. It is less but obviously i dont want to play on 1/10 on this PCň

Ive tried chaning Direct 12 to 11

Ive even watched some forums/reddit for this problem but no advice helped me get rid of this.

Drivers are uptaded as well as BIOS is

If anyone ever had the same issue and found solution i would be more than happy.


Nothing you can do. Itā€™s the gameā€™s old mostly singlethreaded engine.
I would recommend setting everything to max but draw distance and environmental detail to 7 or 8 because it is CPU heavy.
Also raytracing shadows have a CPU cost, might want to disable them when you are not questing and doing grp content.

Please , dont tell this kind of a rig will have stuttering lags and that there is no solution. All other games are performing at Ultra RTX on 100% and this 20 year old game is so icky :frowning:


Yeah cause newer games make use of multithreading. They ususally use 4+ CPU cores.
WoW is limited to one main thread and some extra for audio etc. but combat, addons and obviously the 3D meshes are calculated on the same single thread which makes it bottleneck really hard.


Is there software/program to reduce usage only to single core CPU ? Or it wont work here ?

No itā€™s how the game has been programmed in 2004 :smiley:

I have friends with same processor as me and they dont have similar problems to me .

Dont have solution but wanted to inform that i got identical pc to yours, only difference being that im on 32 inch 4k monitor and only one 24 inch monitor next to it. Usually no matter what i do i got 200+ fps. Only place ive had issues is in 40man bgs where both raids fight and got nameplates addon with enemy buffs on it so my screen is full of nameplates with buffs on them and then my fps drops to unplayable region.

About single core argument, your cpu is perfect for gaming because of its single core performance so it helps massively with games like wow, cs, valorant, etc.

Probably stupid since you play other games without issues, but i would check that you got EXPO on in bios to boost ram speed to its rated level.

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Yeah , i have tried turning EXPO both to Enabled and Disabled but didnt really help me .
I have even tried to change monitors but the problem is still there.

Please, for the love of god, stop saying stuff like that :smiley:
There is no PC that can do 200 FPS in a city hub or raid, or even a dungeon when pulling big.
You are just giving people and the OP false hope.

100 FPS would be more in line with your System in those demanding scenarios, sometimes even less.


Definitely keep it enabled unless it causes other issues, also how are temps? Could it be thermal throttle?

Ill be monitoring my fps more often and let you know! No issues or stutters so far but i try to get some exact numbers for you.

There is this phenomenon where people look at their FPS pre pull in a raid and have like 300 FPS and then drop to like 50 infight and donā€™t notice it thinking their FPS are high :smiley:

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Yeah i know, but i do notice if it drops to 50 region since its around that in huge epic bg fights. Im sure i dont notice if it drops to 100 - 150 so ill be looking into it when i get to play!

Sureā€¦ for me its like sub 90-100 FPS feels already bad in WoW and most other games :sweat_smile:

No System in the world will have consistent FPS in WoW until they incorporate CPU Multithreading. They keep slapping in more and more demanding Stuff while not updating their software.


Dude this game runs on the old warcraft engine which has been upgraded and rewritten thousands of times. What do you expect but its obsolescence and poor optimization of the game. Not being able to use multiple threads, never buy a new computer for games like this because you donā€™t get expected performance and donā€™t listen to the clowns who think that inconsistent 50-70 fps in a cartoon game where the models are just coated textures is great.

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Well u still have to get the fastest CPU u can get though to bruteforce your way to acceptable FPS though :smiley:

Yeah, whenever I see someone claiming they get a consistent 200+ FPS, I call heavy cap. I have a slightly weaker system than OP, 4080 Super and 13700k CPU, playing on a 1440P Ultrawide monitor, and my average FPS will typically be somewhere in the range of 100-120. For the most part, FPS will be similar across the board for most people if their specs are up to par.

Itā€™s just because of how old the game engine is.


Same system as you, had horrible stuttering in cities, specially if I was flying over them.
ā€œLow Latency Modeā€ in the game options. Turn it off, for me that was the issue.

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ā€œNothing you can do, itā€™s the singlethreaded engineā€ yes but mostly no. the TWW pre-patch introduced a great deal of stuttering, the worst of it has been fixed, but itā€™s still there, same happened at the start of DF, itā€™ll become better with time

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