Stuttering on 3k pc since 26th oct, Want DF Refund but they refuse?

stuttering and lagging and frame rate drops are all part of the Wolk experience you should be glad blizzard re-created it so faithfully :smiley:

i’m sad that the crapstic players never got to experience the true experience of having 2000 MS and barely any frames in raids :smiley:

I’m gonna be honest, I had a “decent” PC back then, and with the leatrix latency fix I had quite low latency too (sub 50ms), as much as it could make a difference with batching in the game. Good FPS too, relatively speaking. It wasn’t until Cataclysm that my PC started struggling, because they massively increased all the visual junk on screen in raids from player abilities.

i only had a low end pc back then a 56k modem so ye which judging by my guild back then and the server at large (or maybe it was just the people on Elune US heh) it was what most people had after all wow is famous for being able to run on a potato

also for some reason zul’gurub was exstra lagging i never had the problem in MC :smiley:

did you maybe changed your mouse? Believe it or not, sometimes mouse cause stuttering. Do you have stuttering when turning the camera? or always?

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