I have stutter, no addons, no other tabs open, no addons - just WOW - its a tiny stop as you run, run stutter run in milliseconds - locked fps to 60, pings & bandwith is fine & steady at 14 & 14 home. Win 10
outdated addons probably
No nothing and it started the day of the pre patch,everything outside of wow runs perfect.
Running on Windows 11 laptop, no issues here. I’ve heard lot of people having issues caused by addons so if you have those, see if disabling them has a difference.
No addons same problem
Nothing to do with it at all. Get with the times. Works perfectly on multiple systems have all on 11.
Well it has been on pc gamer that meny games not work with win 11 meny of them was new games …
dont forget win 11 takes away user freedom aswell …
ur not even allowed install own firewall on windows 11 to block microsoft spying on you or blocking them getting ur userdata
have fun getting spyed on by US guverment
ur computer is not owned by you it is microsoft property
Tbh they do declare its not rly refundable outside specisl factors so its obvious why a auto refunder wouldnt be applied here.
We are talking about After use of DF products not before at this point considering u have access to evoker, a DF feature.
Im not gonna justify the issue this games having with dealing with these graphics cards, but yeah i wouldnt consider the lack of a auto refunder bad customer service.
Pretty certain they did come out abd say their struggling to get the game on 3k Graphics cards.
It is something about the 3060 3070 ti and 3080 thats causing problems.
Because the issue is the new graphics cards, everyone suffering the issue is on the latest graphics cards.
My pc on a 1060 has 0 issues. However 3060 onwards are suffering problems, there seems to be something gone wrong on the optimisation for thsoe graphics cards.
Blizzard declared their working on it, but obviously havent had any success yet
People said the same about win 10 when it launched also, later on it was found how to turn ur user data link off.
The reaction to every windows has been pretty much the same
running a 1660 super in my rig , but have the old 1060 as a backup . seems odd they cant optimise it for the newer gen cards
there is a windows 10 what was made 20th Dec 2021 no register no licence needed no install u can just run it from a USB drive how do i know this ? you see my IRL friends who works on microsoft made this … it is a mix of windows 10 and linux …
I dont think its a lack of ability to optimise, when this first launched it was causing severe lag, theyve reduced it to a very slight stutter.
Something in the code just simply broke when DF launched, same as something broke which made mac unable to access it earlier on in beta.
They just need to locate the code causing the issue to rectify. But that can take some time considering how much code is in the game.
I guess so, considering its 18 years old now - bloody hell, this game is older than my youngest son…
i have CN ver of win 10 it is not even made by micrsoft even
CN has their own publishers thats why it is so good
Might be an Nvidia issue. On my 6700 xt and 6600 xt(got 2 seperate PCs), haven’t seen a single stutter or lag.
P.s Yes yes, I am a blind, hopeless AMD fanboy, go figure.
Nowt wrong with AMD rigs - im using an old R5 3600 CPU and it does the job
I mean you’ve probably tried every single damn thing going but just to Chuck it out there;
Have you capped FPS in game and checked for stuff like G sync, anti Aliasing settings etc?
Can you monitor the stutter visually using windows e.g does the cpu get spikes on the chart or down clock?
I’m just curious as to what it is and wouldn’t half mind having a PC that actually does it so I could spend some time diagnosing this.
Stuttering in a game is usually caused by bottlenecking, temps, memory leaks etc etc etc though certainly not always the case and sometimes a poor error dev side, so I’m wondering if you have anything in common with the others suffering?
Perhaps start with an FPS cap of 30 if the stuttering is still present keep going up as high as you can in blocks of ten or twenty.
Make sure no anti aliasing settings are on and also double check those Nvidia settings to see if it’s a power plan setting.
By any chance are you using MSI afterburner with an OC on your GPU or is it stock settings?
Again - I assume you and all those people have done this, but if you’re willing to try I’d happily spend a few hours at least trying to diagnose things you can use as evidence to get a refund!
Can I also ask what you have running in the background when playing WoW?
FWIW I’m using a 3600@4.3ghz - 3070 - 16gb DDR4 and an M.2 so we both have Nvidia GPUs the only major difference is obviously the foundation / motherboard & cpu variant.
What are your temperatures like? Maybe it’s heavily throttling.
yeah… maybe it’s covid.
Or maybe the stutters are in his head. High temp can sometimes give hallucinations.
Nope not at all i have a 3080 rtx ti and have 00000000 problems, and my pc is also very high end.