Sub cancelled - will come back when flying does at max level for gold

Becasue I actually enjoyed flying, and doing quests at my own pace when on downtime from dungeons/raids. Now however it just isn’t fun anymore.

WOW is almost like a school in a dark Charles Dickens social commentary, if the head teacher Ion sees anyone enjoying an aspect of being there he immediately takes it away.

I think ion is just the puppet. The board rules

I dunno if I cancel for it, but next xpac is make or break anyway. pathfinder part 1 was fine, but 2 to much. Though id rather have 5k gold for flying again.

No flying is fun first 2 months but after that is just annoying. Pathfinder 1 is not deal-breaker but part 2 is too much. 5000 gold is a joke it is not 2007 should be at least 500k if reintroduced as an option but it wont happen anyway!

Mechagon rep is ok it was quite easy to get its the Nazjatar that annoys me the most Nazjatar is just painful to travel the quests are not fun in there with collect X amount of crap that you cant even find and the mob aggro/density is just too high.
Other reputations i don’t really care as i have been exalted for every faction for months now.

I still don’t understand what is the point of prolonging the ability to fly only thing that it does is making unsub from boredom. And as for world pvp it was crap already because of the faction imbalance and sharding/phasing.

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500k, are you kidding. MoP was 2012 not 2007. Not everyone is swimming in gold and it was always 5K gold per char, if you make it 500k, than instead of doing boring dailies for 10 months, you have to buy tokens, or grind gold for 10 months.

Some people have jobs, wife’s, kids, and a life believe it or not.


And then you will complain about having no content. :slight_smile:

I mean, some people can never be pleased. They dislike the game but keep playing because they are addicted.

I think 500k would be over the top. The days of the garrison and mission table gold are long gone.


That’s simple, they choose what they remember in order to increase their efficiency at crying.

I swear it’s embarrasing at some point. Specially when people unironically defend that garbage of a dumpster fire that was WoD in order to spite the actual expansion. At this point, those people deserve to be locked in 6.2 forever,just so I can enjoy watching how they “enjoy” content droughts and garrison autism.

Plus, scratch the two weeks, you can unlock flying in just one, provided you put some actual effort into it.

Also, flying is the least of the problems with the expansion. If they gave up on the RNG crapfest that is gearing progression, fixed the current lore, and quit it with the constant pruning among other things, I’d more than gladly give up flying or grind it for a year. Hell, I would even anchor everyone else to the ground to stop them from even jumping since that could be considered a really short flight.

Same, I’ve burned my reserves from legion, I skipped wod so.


I just got flying after what feels like three months of grinding. The rep I received for slaughtering high level enemies for hours on end was laughably low. 50 rep for five elite naga or a world boss? That’s insulting. What’s worse: now that I’ve grinded my way through everything as fast as posssible, while hating on everybody who COULD already fly, I refuse to do ANY of these quests with my alts. So Pathfinder basically took all the fun out of the game for me.


Op is the reason they should have not put flying in TBC back in time

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Flying was implemented because of the bad waypoints in vanilla but that never happened again. Current expansion maps have way better shape than azeroth in vanilla had so flying isn’t even nessessary anymore

I’ve been playing every other day since patch launch, sometimes skipping days altogether. Still managed to get flying by just doing WQs, and that was like days ago.

I don’t think you getting flying would solve your problem. You guys are just bored with the game and the content, that’s fair enough. I’m bored as well, but the pathfinder achi was not an issue to begin with. Talking about it taking months to grind to Revered is such a hyperbolic misinformed statement.

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because its artificually slowing you down making you waste more time and boosting their MAU numbers - only number they care anymore.

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same here . wonder why is it though since i didnt have any problems with part 1. i guess its the idiotic rep gates for part 2.

literaly made me quit wow till 8.3 and play Shadowbringers . and i played non stop since launch of BfA

strange but i guess it was the "1 drop of water too much "

my opinion ? they should lower req to honored - it still a week f farming but would feel much more accesible then doing nothing else but logging to game wasting 2 hours on rep and logging out because you cannot stand game anymore.

3 weeks of farm is way to long for part 2


Same, I never went back to Naz or Mech it can rot in hell for all I care. I’m just prepairing all my alts for 9.0 and doing whatever I want.


Are you actually joking right now. I got flying within 2 weeks and coming up to the the third reset i am about to hit exalted. I don’t know what you guys are doing at all in game. it’s not hard and doesn’t take too long each day.

To be fair I think is is quite right.

I only play proper casually these days (an hour or two in the week and 6 hours at weekends. I’m almost revered with Unshackled and 1/3 of the way to revered with rudtbolt. I did get a little downbeat last week when I saw loads of people flying already but I expect to get there before end July. That’s a full year of flying before next expac…and it’s pretty useless tbh except for alts.

And I’ve 14 of them already at 120

Both zones become enjoyable after flying is unlocked! Took me less than 2 weeks but if someone does not have more than 2 hours a day then it takes longer!