Sub-race names & templates tied to the new customization options

But if a Bronzebeard and a wildhammer got a child, and i want to play that child.

Am i limited to that template ?

Lol, I guess you get to use the ‘no template’ default and ‘standard’ Dwarf tag, so you can get any kind of options?

Or at least this is what I gathered from the OP. I think nobody intended to restrict choice for base race, just asking for additional tags connected to specific templates if one wishes to use them.


Yes, this, thank you.
That is why I had written:

  • On the left: Templates (defaulted to NONE with all features available)

I have highlighted it on the post to make it clear… I really do not want to restrict/limit people to the templates… But I think many RPers would like an option of different tags…

Another option would be to make said tag also a CHOICE… that possibility is also listed in the first point.


They should attach allied races to this (making them in the first place was a bad idea) and either every flavor of race should have different racials or racials themselves should be expanded and made customizable.

Zandalari and Vulpera partially introduced it to this game already.


I would like a “High Elf” demonym option for Void Elves.


I’d dare suggest that would require an alternate visual for the racial skill and the exclusion of the most voidy customization, basically turning High Elf into some sort of Allied Race in a scenario where allied races do not exist any more and are just template sub-sets within a customization screen.

Not my place to decide, but if Blizzard wanted to go that way, I certainly would not mind. ^^


I am honestly surprised people are not commenting much about this with their suggestions.

On the bright side however, there does not see to be much of an argument against the idea!

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Yeah… come on people…

What new demonym and template would YOU like to get for your race?

(Added the question to the first post also)


Make it so if you want the “High” in your name then you can’t get the purple skin (which would allow Paladins to be High Elf only if they’re only available to those skin colours and those who specifically want to be called High Elf over Void Elf), and they can always keep the racial but just change/hide the visuals. Most people won’t get mad at doing Shadowfrost damage as a High Elf as long as the proc looks High Elven, right?
It’s probably too much work but I don’t mind small limits like that.


Yes please. It’s a brilliant idea and i’d really like to see it happen. :+1:


It’s really lovely to see the community supporting this idea. Thanks everyone! :yellow_heart:

I really hope some of the lurking blues take notice of our thoughts on the matter. :smiley:


Unfortunately I cannot embed images in my posts, but I will leave this here anyway:


Very nice, well done!


This image says it all really. Simple, beautiful and clean.
It truly shows how this idea would be a great addition to the current races, while also being an easier avenue of adding new playable races with less resources in the future.

I absolutely agree.
I guess having opposing viewpoints makes for more heated discussions, but I believe that if most people seem to agree, it can strongly help the idea to be
-hopefully- implemented.
So I must say I prefer it this way, but I definitely would like to see more sub-race suggestions here.
Then again, perhaps to do that we will have to start looking beyond the already data-mined / available on alpha customizations, and towards sub-races that don’t seem to have data-mined customization options
(like San’layn / Dark rangers for BEs, Man’ari eredar for Draenei, Blood trolls for Trolls are just some examples that can prove to be controversial)
but then things start to be quite debatable and I wouldn’t like to deviate from the point of the thread, but I guess we can definitely discuss adding such demonyms when / if we actually get their customization options.


It’s amazing how simply giving something a name can make all the difference. I fully support this. I think with a much wider range of options which is good, some of them can actually play to some of the current in-game races that now have playable representation.

It’s a good way of further boosting immersion, and very cost-effective too, as you don’t need a starting area for that.

I should add that this should not just be limited to Sub-races.

Customisations options for unique groups like Farstriders amongst Thalassian elves, Highborne amongst Night elves, and others where relevant should be given too:

e.g. Click Night Elf:
You get:

  • Highborne
  • Night Warrior
  • Illidari Elf (selecting this only gives Demon Hunter and Warlock class options -)
  • Ravencrest (selecting this only gives DK option)

*N.B. If the class options are going to be present in the clan selection sub screen, then when you click demon hunter or warlock for example, Highborne, Nightwarriors, Ravencrest are greyed out, with only Illidari Elf available)

The Biggest Value of This
It also would really help blizzard give lore identity to certain customisations, even if they expand the lore much later. This in turn gives people something exciting to look forward too.

e.g. New human racial skins - if t hey each had a name: e.g. Alteraac human, Arathi or some new name previously unused, would give a chance for future exploration.

Folding in Allied Races for the Elves
With the exception of Vulpera, it’s obvious we can get all the allied races on the core race’s clan selection screens. For elves because void elves don’t play with BLood elves and Nightborne do not play with Night elves we could

Instead of having Night elf or Blood elf be on the main race page, it’s instead Elf on both alliance and horde, and if you select Elf you get:

  1. Sub-factions and races altogether in a longer list i.e.
  • Night elf, Highborne, Night Warrior, Illidari, Void elf, High elf, Farstrider ( on Alliance)
  • Blood elf, San’layn, Fel Elf, Sunfury (golden eyes) Farstrider, Nightborne, Moonguard
  1. OR have this arrangement by creating an extra sub-menu. So when you first click Elf you get the two options
  • Night Elf, Void Elf (alliance) - and when you click on Night elf you will get options like Highborne, Illidari etc, like an extra menu
  • Blood Elf, Nightborne (horde) - and when you click blood elf you get options like San’layn, high elf, Farstrider, Sunfury, Fel elf etc.

Alternatively, the allied races could still be up, but all except void elf, Nightborne and Vulpera would have templates in core races:

e.g. you can select Dark Iron dwarf from within Dwarf customisation, or you can select them from the main screen.

Modified Racial Menu

The above opens up some interesting new possibilities like making racial selections. How about being able to choose between certain racials in a racial menu tied to the clan selection?

So the racials of Bronzebeards and Dark Irons for example can be selected by the player on any dwarf. You are choosing between racials in one of each category. [note this can instead happen after you’ve made your character]

  • profession racial
  • utility racial
  • passive racial
  • Active racial
  • Theme/flavour racial - is unique to the clan you pick only e.g.only Dark irons get Mole Machine, only Nightborne get Cantrips

So you have options from both normal and allied races to choose from, with some new ones thrown in because of the new groups.

Adding Racial Themed Spells (not racials):

This is essentially Racial Customisation To Classes Through Cosmetic Racial Spells and follows in the spirit of the race customisations, but extending them to diversify the class you play in a simple but neat way once you start playing your newly made character.

It ultimately would allow things like your Troll hunter to feel like a Shadow Hunter or Night elf priest to feel like a Moon Priest, or your Blood elf Hunter like a Farstrider Ranger, your Gnome warrior feels like a gnome

It is further extending racials when you are in game, but these are cosmetic alterations to spells, like glyphs rather than an actual different ability which would require a lot of balancing. I think it would be a neat idea to be able to “glyph” racial themed customised spells to existing ones on your class to give your class a more racial feel when you play it.

A new tab in the spellbook called racials will have these options available, and you essentially auto unlock them as you gain abilities. They basically allow you to substitute a spell/ability in your class with a racial version of the same type which is essentially Glyphing an appearance to the spell but based on race. This are the category of abilities you will have racial versions of to be able to glyph on to your class spell.

They come in several types:

  • Melee ability
  • Range ability
  • Special ability
  • AoE ability 1 (cleave)
  • AoE ability 2 (mass Aoe)
  • Heal ability
  • AoE heal ability
  • Minions and pets
  • Stances

It’s not limited to these: you could have one for DoTs, one for channels too if the devs so wish.

Not every race would have substitutions for all of these, and they can be added over time. I would suggest that in the racial tab, clicking on the name of one of the new racial spells will bring down a drop down menu of the spells you can use it to substitute. I suspect you can only pick one option, but maybe in some cases you can pick more than one - up to blizz devs ofc

Examples of Cosmetic Race Spell Themes per Race
Here are some examples of the themes each race will have available to them:
These a based on the things that fit the race.

Example, Night elves have star/moon spells - because in lore they are Children of the stars, and actually we have seen night elf priests, druids and mages in Legion (esp Suramar) cast spells like Starfall, moonlance (it seems to be a racially themed set of abilities based on the Kaldorei night elf fantasy. Each race has similar, here are what came to mind at a quick glance.

  • Gnomes: Gadgets and gizmos: pets, minions, timed/delayed events can have replacements.
  • Goblins: explosives & alchemaic concotions.
  • Blood Elves: fire sun & light racial spell
  • Night Elves; Star & Moon arcane magic racial spell
  • Troll : Tiki mask voodoo & Blood effect
  • Forsaken: Defiled ground & undead minions
  • Pandas: Brews and Chi abilities
  • Draenei : Crystals
  • Dwarves: Titan aspects with unique visuals. related ability? Beer?
  • Orcs; shaman elemental spells & ancestral stuff
  • Tauren: Earth stampede (abilities cos the ground to shake as the Tauren stomps), Totem Stomp: replaces certain weapon & ranged abilities with a swing or throw of that iconic racial stomp
  • Worgen: Pack rush (aoe abilities) and ferocious frenzy (themed on Feral Worgen]

Allied Races: Inspired By Island Expedition Teams

  • Nightborne: Warp caster abilities & Chronomagic spell
  • Void Elves: Void abilities
  • Lightforged: Light Abilities
  • Zandalari: Loa aspects appear on certain spells: Each class has a Loa patron, that patron will appear and use its ability instead of your normal class ability.
  • Kul’tiran: Tidesage & Drust spell visuals
  • Dark Iron: Mole Machine for movement abilities & Golem
  • Mag’har Orc: Same as orcs
  • Mechagnomes: Same as gnomes
  • Highmountain tauren: Same as Tauren

This ofc can work regardless of whether allied races are part of a clan sub menu or selectable in the first race selection page. However clan menu are such a good idea I think they should happen. Ofc allied races can share some of the racial themed spells with core races they are from incl void/blood elves and Night/borne elves, since this is now in game in the spell book, it makes sense.

For those who think this is a lot, I am not sure you understand the vast amount of abilities created for dungeons, raids, mobs, and giving players racial themed abilities even in this limited capacity as customisations is a drop in the pond.

Here is a full concept I did in another topic.


Wildhammer customization now available in Alpha… so here goes mockup screen no.2.

Edit: and how about High Elves?


I have a modified sequence that can serve as a horde example and addresses how you would handle the Elves

Click 1: Choose your faction

  • Alliance
  • Horde

Click 2: Choose your race

  • Orc
  • Undead
  • Tauren
  • Troll
  • Elf - note it’s just Elf here.
  • Goblin
  • Pandaren

Click 3: Choose your Elf race

  • Blood Elf
  • Nightborne

Click 4: Templates Choose your clan
[ with the templates on the left side of screen ]

  • Magister
  • Farstrider
  • San’layn/Darkfallen
  • Sun Order
  • Fel Elf

Click 5: Choose your class
[ class options are on the top the clan selection sub screen ]

e.g. if you click the DH class, the template would auto-select Fel elf - also when you click other templates than Fel Elf, DH option is greyed out
But blizzard can be novel and allow you to use the Illidari customisation options for other classes, but in this case, if you click on Fel elf, priest & pala would be greyed out, if you click on San’layn/Darkfallen - DH, Priest and Pala are greyed out.
Night elves can have warlocks selectable if they choose Illidari template or clicking warlock would auto select Illidari, but Warlock is greyed out if you select any other template.

Click 6: Customise
[ options are on the right ]

I agree, I have done a mock up for the horde above, here are some options different races might have on the clan page. Also notice how I incorporated Illidari night elves actually being able to play as warlocks.

Examples of Template Clan Customisation Options for other races

  • Ironforge
  • Wildhammer
  • Dark Iron


  • Farakki “Sand” Troll
  • Amani “forest” Troll
  • Darkspear “jungle” Troll

Blood Elves

  • “Farstrider template”
  • “Magister template”
  • “Sun Order template”
  • “San’layn/Darkfallen template (if available)
  • “Fel elf Template” (only pops up on the DH class, possibly for the warlock)

Night Elves

  • “Highborne Template”
  • “Night Warrior Template”
  • “Forester Template”
  • “Illidari Template” (only availble on DH and is the only option for Warlock class option i.e. Warlock lights up here its grey on every other template, the warlock goes through the DH start experience which is now the Illidari start experience)
  • "Darkfallen/Ravencrest Template (undead template all the DK customisation options are here)

N.B Thalassian Elf would have Void Elf, High Elf, Farstrider as clan option templates.


How about this:

We do not even need any new racial skills: just an alternate demonym connected to an optional customization template and a quick line of text based on the NPCs currently in game.

“Curious to learn more about the Void, some High Elf Wayfarers have joined their transformed kin.”

(Credits to Moira for the mockup art of course)

Edit: and if the racials are really an issue, they could get a customization glyph of some sorts just as shadowform can have different intensity for the spriests?


No and I will explain why. Allowing Void Elf players to explicitly describe themselves as high elves has the knock on effect of disallowing Blood Elf players from claiming that same heritage. Blood Elves really are high elves. In fact given their possession of the sunwell, the land of Quel’thalas, the blue and golden eyes and an actual country, they are pretty much the ideal representation of a high elf. Void Elves aren’t as close to the ideal, but are still high elves.

The term ‘high elf’ should be seen as what Blizzard now seemingly intends it to be seen as, a catch all term covering both Void Elves and Blood Elves.

In fact, this template has the knock on effect of also disqualifying Void Elves from claiming the high elf heritage and attempts to reserve it once again for a tiny group who for some reason represent the ‘ideal’.

There are two high elf options available. One of them, the Alliance one, has a connection to the void. That’s all there is to it.


Hmm, I did not think of that. Valid points however.

I stand corrected I guess. And I genuinely thank you for the explanation. :slight_smile: