Sub too expensive

That thing we just talked about? Change it to a lot

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Perceived quality would be a better term, I think.

Sort of like comparing a premium Gucci handbag to a similar mass-market handbag from your local supermarket. Similar products, but a perceived higher quality on one of them.

That’s only if you find it reasonable to charge over €100 a month for a game. :man_shrugging:t2:

They can charge as much as they want. It’s the player’s choice to pay it or not.

I mean. Farming 180K Gold a month is really not that difficult. You can get it for free

And players outside the US/EU/China who want to play the game can ask for the same treatment as much as they want.

Honestly I think wow does better then both eso and ff14. eso has terrible servers, lots of bugs, unplayable pvp, dungeon finder is often broken, the latest expansion has a 2 hour story and costs the same as Shadowlands does and you don’t have to pay for patches like you do in eso

ff14 has terrible textures and you have to pay extra for bag space even have to pay money to change your eye colour or face…and pvp is also worse than wow pvp

Besides that wow has the option to pay for sub with gold.

3rd world problems lol.

PS. combination of BLM and south africa is so weird lmao

If they want to play the game in those regions they can pay what everyone else does. It’s not like their poverty is anyone’s problem but their own and that of their own third world government. In the case of OP, his people voted a party that advocates killing all of the white farmers and stealing their land into power for decades. They destroyed their own economy.

We shouldn’t be giving handouts to people who ruined their own nation.


They want their own servers with their own currency. Same treatment. South Africans asking for their own servers is a long-standing fight afaik.

Why would Blizzard give a whole SERVER with custom pricing to the less than 1000 (I’m being generous) Africans who play WoW?

My point is merely that all 3 products use the same general business model where they compete on product and not price. They’re the market leaders after all.

Pointing out that one of them is more expensive than another is missing the obvious a bit: They’re all expensive.

Those three games are not your discount games that you find on the lower shelves in the supermarket. They’re premium products with premium prices.

The MMORPG market consists of hundreds of games. WoW places itself at the top in terms of quality and in terms of price.

That’s what they already do with the Portuguese (own server) and the UK (custom pricing).

I think we all want a lower sub… But it’s just wishfull dreaming xD

The UK is a huge market for them. Same with Portugal. We’re talking tens of thousands/hundreds of thousands of people versus four figures when im being generous, when in reality it’s probably closer to 200.

The European Portuguese is most definitely not a huge market.

UK’s own pricing is not because of how big the British market is - it’s simply because when you sell stuff to a country, you adapt to their pricing rules and customs. Just like buying 2 L of coke in the UK is more expensive than buying it in, say, Turkey.

It’s infinitely larger than the few people in Africa.

Statistics sponsored by MyOwnStatistics dot net and HeadCanon dot com.

Anyway, debate is over for me. I’m not in the mood of arguing for the sake of arguing. I agree with you that it’d be unreasonable to offer access to European (or American or whatever) servers to people outside said region at a lower price.

What is not unreasonable is for players outside those regions to have their own server(s) and be charged in accordance with their country’s own pricing customs.

And yes, ultimately it’s on Blizzard to decide whether it’s affordable for them to do this or not, but it’s not wrong for players to ask for this either.

I’m going to eat breakfast, not sure if crêpes or French toasts lol

Have a good day

It’s not and never will be worth it to provide them for Africa because African nations can barely feed their people in a lot of cases.

If you are a hoarder like me, FFXIV is close to double(additional retainers)