Subscription Fee is a joke now

Well, for some of the single player games, one can say that you “own” them, as long as you own the blueray/cd. However, the trend for single player games is to become “game as a service”, so pretty soon even that will be in the past.

Iirc studies showed lootboxes stimulate the brain the same way gambling does.

So there’s factual evidence about the similarities between them, but not about one being a stepping stone indeed.

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It always has been a game as a service, you don’t even own the CD and it’s been that way for at least 40 years. Go read the licence agreements on the games you ‘own’.

I probably shouldnt comment about this any furter, apparently the person i replied to earlier considers my post inappropriate and keeps flagging my posts as trolling. I dont see how but some people apparently dont like discourse with people who have opposing view points i guess.

But yes i agree, it was the stepping stone i comment i questioned.

I know that( that’s why I used “own”), but from a practical view point, it’s the same as really owning them, because the real owner can’t do anything about you tampering with it.

No you wrote a grossly offensive response to my post on your own thread and then you try to feign ignorance to not knowing who I am in my response to this thread and so on. Don’t try and lie your way out when you know full well what you did before was completely out of line you seem to think everyone else on here is stupid as well.

I am happy they deleted that toxic and offensive post and glad it was done yet you persist with targeting me knowing what your doing is just that stop trying to justify your actions. You started it with me you need to stop this continued harassment of me now. I will not ask you again.

If you continue to target me in threads when I am giving my views and talking to others I will continue to report you for it because that is harassment.

Oh so let’s remind ourselves of the fact you used abbreviations of offensive language to circumvent the text box we all write in to swear at me. Then there was the condescending rude tone you then used to talk down to me and the toxic bile that was then also used in that reply.

And here you are now trying to play the victim card. Because someone had the guts to stand up to you and was not afraid to defend themselves as well. Think you have to learn to understand that attacking people with that kind of response because you can not be civil to them in giving a counter view is a good indication to me of why you needed to be taken down a peg.

I you talk about " Your behaviour towards me is beginning to verge on bullying and this constant reporting on my posts that are literally polite but sometimes disagree with you is starting to become worrying and stressful" Well hate to break it to you your post was equally offensive to me and the fact you went to the lengths of swearing at me with abbreviations proves you saw me as fair game.

I am not fair game I have abided by the rules on these forums you went out of the way to not do that to get me to react and it backfired on you because I did decided enough was enough. So I would suggest you stop trying to get me to react and do not reply to me directly from now on.

You don’t like me for having the integrity and the mind set to not take trash talking to my face that’s not my problem. Perhaps we would have got on if you did not do that in the first place but you did that’s your mistake not mine and I am asking nicely for the last time you stop targeting me from this point on. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Love to see where in my post I said that? In fact o can’t even see anything close, if you read it again thoroughly, you will see all I said was that the sub price hadn’t moved despite inflation over the years! Maybe you meant to quote another post, as your reply made no sense whatsoever

Noted. Will not contact you again. And one more thing before I go you might want to heed when dealing on here is treat others as you wish to be treated if you had been respectful to me in that thread it would not have gotten to this point I want you to understand I do not suffer fools gladly not just you but anyone else who is toxic towards me on here in game or the wider internet as well.

I also want to apologize for how I may have come across the past few hours but I felt you had not taken the hint to lay off me hence the response early on today. I am not a bad person I also seek to avoid this kind of thing but I was crossed twice and that is like taking a red rag to a bull and then you wonder why the beast charges at you full tilt.

I accept your apology and like you said we keep out of each others hair all will be well. It’s water under the bridge to me now. Time to move on. Goodbye.

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on topic of original question.

at this stage, 15 years on and with the current status of both BfA as a game, and activision blizzard as a company, i am not so sure that the game should be on a sub, or at least not what it currently is at. maybe a 50% reduction, maybe even more.

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lol. What triggered you all of a sudden.

Who’s triggered?! :crazy_face:

It’s just a pet-peeve.

The subscription was seemingly the guarantee that the game wouldn’t be filled with microtransactions and pay-to-win elements.
….But it is! It’s all over the place. You can swipe your credit card in WoW until it catches fire and come out as a Mythic raider with an Arena Gladiator title, a bunch of rare mounts, and the best items in the game.

And then there’s the whole notion of “Oh but WoW is still great value and if you don’t like it you can just quit!”
And that’s dumb as hell too, because people are quitting! For all the money Blizzard gets, it’s plain obvious that they’re not adding enough value to an expansion during its 2-year life-cycle. So far BfA has been out for 8½ months and Blizzard have added 1 minor and 1 major content patch to the expansion. Who the hell can say that’s satisfying with a straight face?!

I don’t get that. I don’t get why people don’t demand more for their money. In any other thread we can all agree that it would be awesome if Blizzard would focus more on class balance, implement more quest, create more dungeons, add more rewards, and so on. But then we have this thread and suddenly everyone’s like: “WoW is a bargain! It’s awesome value! There’s so much to do! It’s the best!”

Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas, but the WoW community sure can argue against its own interests. Idiots. :unamused:

….Okay slightly triggered. :laughing:

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Not so long ago you were Blizzard’s number one fanboi now you’ve completely flipped. Just curious.

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Utter bull.
I personally think wow is a bargain. Those who suggest I could get 50 (D class) games for the same may be factually correct but I wouldn’t want to play any of them. You can buy 50 old crap cars for the same as my jag but I wouldn’t swap.


But you can quite literally buy mythic raid boosts, PvP boosts and whatsonot, jito isn’t wrong there :o


We all have our demons, that we struggle to contain. :yum:
I still consider Blizzard and WoW to be amazing, I just don’t like the pricing model for WoW.

How is it utter bull?
You can spend a few hundred euros on the store just buying pets and mounts. For a subscription-based game that’s remarkable in itself.
If you then choose to buy any number of WoW Tokens, then you can sell those on the Auction House for gold and use that gold to get WHATEVER YOU WANT. Like litterally. There is almost nothing in WoW that gold can’t buy. And since Blizzard have established a legitimate way to exchange real-life money to in-game gold, and the Terms of Service allows you to spend that in-game gold for player services, then there is no restriction to what money can buy you in WoW - it is everything.

I fail to understand how the situation would improve without subscription though, since it would definitely mean less resources devoted to development.

I also fail to understand how you consider it unsatisfactory: what would be a realistic and appropriate level of updates for you? WoW updates deliver content which is not exactly cheap to make.

Also noteworthy is the recent news of the Fortnite team being overworked at ridiculous levels to keep up with the updates and fixes deemed “satisfactory”: I never heard about the WoW team being subject to such level of very questionable working conditions imposed by their employer.

If that’s the price for more content and updates I’ll gladly pass and stay with what we have now.

Everybody in this thread does too. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to post in it. :slight_smile:

They just laid off 8 % of their staff (about 800 people) few months ago and are telling they can keep same quality and get it even higher plus make more profits after that. So it is not like they are working “sub to mouth” basis on the edge, they got plenty of money and big profits.

They could at least lower the price for that 8%, same amount that they laid off people who were actually doing stuff for us.

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A subscription fee to pay for a game an MMORPG is fine. Nothing wrong with it. The reason why you would pay that subscription is to make sure the company can comfortably maintain MMORPG servers with tens of thousands of people on each of them and several hundred servers, and simultaneously have enough of a budget to be able to deliver a constant stream of updates without relying on an in-game store that gives players with a lot of money competitive advantages in the game.