Subscription Fee is a joke now


Yet compared to OW or HS if you buy tokens for an overpriced mount or a black market container this gold is forever lost and it never comes back to the economy.

Let’s take an extreme example : using tokens (170k) to buy the long boi (5m). You’ll have to give blizzard ~600€ and forever take away ~5m from the economy.

Meanwhile buying 600€ worth of lootboxes on ow won’t impact other people

The goal of these items is to reduce the amount of gold in the game, not to force people to buy it.

Once again people might value some content high enough to buy it, and value their time higher than their money. But none of the gold sink put in the game are made to increase the tokens sells.

You know what could be a great mtx opportunity to blizzard ? Selling boosts to 110 for 15€. People would rather pay or farm a token or two rather than lvlup toons and the game would be almost empty of low lvl caracters.

I’d rather have a 60€ boost than that

How naive are you all? A company will ask a price as high as possible to generate the maximum profit. If thats 100$ a month than that would be it and the profits will go to the shareholders. This whole thread is a joke

It doesn’t outright prevent these practices from being in WoW at all, but it definitely prevents them from being pushed as hard as in those games where they are the main source of revenue.

Listen, if Blizzard wanted to reduce the amount of gold in the economy, then they could just decrease the amount of gold gained from quests, missions, trash items, and so on. It’s that simple.

But that’s not what they’re doing.

In patch 8.1 Blizzard added 25 new mounts to the game.
In patch 8.1.5 Blizzard added 9 new mounts to the game.

That’s an obscene amount of mounts added to the game in a very short period of time. And patch 8.0 added plenty of mounts already, and patch 8.2 looks like it will add a whole lot as well.


Why are Blizzard starting to put so many mounts, pets, toys, and other collectibles into the game?

Because it’s good business.

Adding a new dungeon or battleground to the game is nice, and players will appreciate it, but it doesn’t make anyone spend any extra money.

But when Blizzard adds a bunch of new mounts, then it makes some players spend extra money on the game.

Whether some of those mounts are bought from a vendor, the AH, or the Online Store, then gold is what players need – and lots of it.

And the more mounts and collectibles Blizzard introduces to the game, the more appealing does that WoW Token become, because most people won’t be able to get all the cool and shiny things they want otherwise.

It’s the same practice as Overwatch and Hearthstone uses. Just dump a ton of new skins or new cards into the game with the knowledge that players won’t have the means to acquire everything they want by simply playing the game(s). That makes the use of real-life money all the more tempting. And some people will inevitably resort to that option.

WoW is pursuing the same business model. Blizzard are shifting the game to be a collecting game, because there’s more money to be made from those microtransactions than from adding a dungeon or battleground to the game.

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The value of Humble Bundle is only of value if you actually play the games for more hours in month than you play WoW.

They also reduced gold from quests/missions, but by only reducing future revenue you obviously won’t affect already stockpiled gold.

Most of the mounts are not that much locked behind gold but more by reputation grinds or game achievements.

No, because you keep the games you get from Humble Bundle. They’re yours. You can play them whenever you want.

With WoW, Blizzard owns everything. You’re just renting the account you play on for 30 days at a time. It’s not yours. You can only play it when you give Blizzard money.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all those Island Expedition mounts can be sold on the Auction House for gold.
Hello WoW Token, here I come! Because it’s completely unrealistic to grind any of the Island Expedition mounts and pray you’re lucky enough that they drop. But getting them from the Auction House…that’s realistic, since gold is only a WoW Token away.


Out of these 34+, there were 2 shop mounts, 6 cost 10k gold, 1 5m, 3 333k, iirc 1 dino from zuldazar cost a a lot of gold too.

Outside of the long boi they are all reskin of other mounts farmable in game.

All the others are farmable for free

They did, you don’t get more gold from mobs, quests and various sources than in legion. Overall the costs are also slightly higher.
They also nerfed legion, WoD and old raids gold to reduce the overall gold income.

Also why do they add cosmetic content ? Because players asked for non gear rewards and a rare and unique mount is one of the greatest rewards in game.

The key difference between OW/HS and WoW is that there’s no economy, trade and value in OW/HS, while wow do.

Things in wow have value because they are hard to get, and people pay for rarity and avaibility of said product. Merchant Mounts and tokens have value because gold is valuable, but the more you have the less it’s worth.

So no, tokens aren’t the reason why blizzard balanced the gold income. They nerfed it because it’s unfair for new and returning people who didn’t had the opportunity to exploit the gold missions.

Those who did are extremely wealthy compared to those who didn’t, and the only way blizzard found was to create gold sink for these players.

And lastly compared to OW & HS, outside of the long boi all the merchant mounts from BFA are reskins and you Can farm another color of said mount for free. If blizzard wanted to follow your idea there wouldn’t be 3 versions of a skin with 1 or none paid with gold.

I think you’ll find you don’t ‘own’ the game, all you own is permission (ie a licence) to use that piece of software. This has been the case for several decades.

Maybe a little research and self education would prevent you making statements that show your ignorance.

You “can” play them, have you played them? No value if you don’t

The Island Expedition mounts have a ridiculously low drop rate (0.04% per run IIRC). They are so scarce that they are definitely not a significant push for gold puchase for the vast majority of the player base.

In all honesty Jito is a breed apart. You need to give him/her a break - they’re playing devils advocate and when you know that you can honestly sit in judgement of yourself. Love them or loathe them, they’re giving you a perspective and I love that - this forum has me increasingly sad and desperate, people are being silenced for having opinions and there is nothing worse than silence and blind obedience.


Yes, I don’t think I said that.

You said that the Unclaimed Black Market Containers exist to reduce gold from the economy.

They don’t.

They exist to make spend their gold – and if they don’t have any gold; their money.

Blizzard wants money. They want players to buy WoW Tokens, Level Boosts, Race Change, Faction Change, and so on. And they engineer and design the game to make those services as tempting and appealing as possible.

That’s why you get Allied Races. It’s why you get BoE mounts. And it’s why you get Loot Boxes. It makes the above more appealing to spend money on.

If you go back to the early WoW expansions, then they predominantly added content to the game, because Blizzard’s business strategy was to generate income through the monthly subscription by having as many subscribers as possible.
That is no longer the business strategy. Now it is more about having as high revenue per subscriber as possible – i.e. whales – which is realized by having prominent microtransactions and paid services.

And I personally don’t like that, because Blizzard aren’t added €10 worth of value to the game when the things they add encourages you to spend even more money. That’s uncool.

The big difference is that the Black Market containers are basically irrelevant: most new players wouldn’t even know they exists and I doubt many actually purchase them. Blizzard doesn’t promote them hard nor ties exclusive game-changing stuff with them.

Without subscription, things would be necessarily much different.

I’ll keep paying the sub while I’m enjoying the game. 6 months entertainment for less than 50 quid is a good deal as far as I’m concerned. You can p*ss that up the wall in a few hours on a single night out these days.

… Though I’d agree I have had a bitter taste in my mouth regarding the cash shop and extreme rip off character services in a subscription game. The sub itself is fine for me.


Blizzard, a business, wants money.

So tell me Jito, how do you think businesses survive ? Why do you think people start a business ? Are you so naĂŻve that you thing they exist on nothing ?

If Blizzard didn’t sell stuff to make money then they would cease to exist and WoW wouldn’t be here anymore.

Arbitrary way of looking at it. You’re of course not going to subscribe to any game service if you’re not interested in what you get out of your subscription.
Assuming equal interest, all that’s up for scrutiny is the quantity and quality of stuff you get. Blizzard definitely give lots of quality, but not so much quantity. With Humble Bundle it’s perhaps the other way around. But then you also have Xbox Live, PlayStation Plus, and so on. And once you look a the broader gaming landscape, it’s pretty clear that Blizzard aren’t competing very well. That’s just not up for discussion. They’re asking the same price as their competitors, yet they offer only a single game compared to entire libraries that other subscriptions will give you. And whilst WoW is a good game, it is also an old game, which also struggles to compete with the shiny new games that other subscriptions give access to.

I mean, between the two of us, as being WoW players and fans, we can easily agree that WoW is awesome and at the end of the day it’s worth the price.
But the general gaming market aren’t seeing the value anymore. That’s evident by the WoW subscribers decreasing to the point where it’s just the loyal fans like you and I who are left. And so Blizzard milks the dedicated user base, because they know they can’t compete on the general gaming market. WoW just doesn’t hold much sway with new gamers. Why would it? It’s old and expensive and out of fashion.

You trying to get a rise out of me again. FYI it’s not going to work. No longer going to interact with you on the forums period going forwards.

Activision Blizzard aren’t surviving, they’re thriving. They’re making money hand over fist. They have record revenues year after year after year.

If there’s anyone’s finances that should be of concern, then it’s yours and mine, not Bobby Kotick’s. The guy’s good for $7 billion. Activision Blizzard has $4 billion in cash reserve that they can more or less spend as they please. How much money do you have on your bank account? :thinking:

Why on earth are you concerned on Blizzard’s behalf in regards to your monthly €10? You should be concerned on your own behalf. It’s your money! Unless you’re a billionaire, then those €10 mean more to you than they do to Blizzard.