Subscription Fee is a joke now

Either be buy to play or make the expacs free… I think that would be fair… wow isn’t in it’s Wrath glory days anymore.


Never said I don’t want to pay, but it’s not a good price for what we essentially get.


Season passes are better you buy a new pass every 3 months for the new content.

you always have access to all the content you have purchased.

The big ripoff in WOW is you have to maintain a subscription just to play the content you already paid for.


Well yes I get it but this kind of thing does not come cheap. Start with each expansions intro video the same method a lot of people would like to see a WoW film made the same way that’s not cheap it’s multi million odd production it’s own people bang on about “Oh it’s a 15 year old game” therefore should be free well yes all well and good but the production quality would go down the pan even more than the current mess that BfA is in right now.

Also using single player games as a comparison is a but of a way to defeat an argument on it as well because that is a different can of worms and not the same as a game with a huge number of people playing at the same time.

Do you honestly think that the upkeep is some how cheaper as time as gone on with this game? I do not not think it would be server technology has gotten more expensive and the power costs probably are eye watering as well for an operation that is run 24/7 365 days a year. Give or take the days when it’s down for updates even then the usual thing is a 15 minute reset of the realms every week and that’s about it.

I also firmly and strongly feel that the subscription keeps out trouble causers from coming into the game and has done so for the past 15 years I would prefer to pay my sub and have a game that at least the majority of people play by the rules than a free for all game where people brazenly break them and also the developer will then not take an interest in enforcing the rules as well.

The overheads and costs and all the rest have to come from some place. What really angers me most is Activision laying off staff and treating this game like a cash cow that’s probably best left out of the maths involved but I know if the sub goes we will see real toxic behaviour which is even worse than we have no encroach on the game if that happened I would seriously consider quitting.

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The same treatment that the StarCraft, Diablo, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone playerbase receives.

All those games receive the same server access, the same customer support, the same content updates, the same online stores, the same weekly maintenance, the same community forums, and so on, just like WoW.

But with WoW the playerbase has to pay $10 per month in order to receive what every other Blizzard game gets for free.



I’d say OW actually gets more than WoW to be honest, considering how much is getting pumped into the OWL.


Then what are you doing here, you still play wow, read my post well then replay

Well said!

They are killing it via the paid boxes… I wouldn’t mind those in wow so long as they were cosmetic only… had a chance to find a new hair colour, mount or tmog item… and that they dropped the sub.


Loot boxes. Seriously they are a stepping stone to gambling and even OW ones just being cosmetic do not in my eyes justify the stupid amounts of money people spend on them. I am sure that some of the money from those boxes likely makes it’s way back into this game and vice versa.

Tmog should have been paid service, with addition to swap mount colours and transmog legendaries and cross class transmog.

U think the fat goblin aka Kotick will let ez money on subscription go? Bigger chance that Liverpool AKA looserpool will win the premier league!


For sure.
I’ve paid $40 bucks for the game.
It gets more content updates than WoW.
The servers are in better condition than WoW’s.
The developer interaction and community forums are a level above WoW’s.
The customer service and action taken against cheaters is better than WoW’s.

And it’s all free!

With WoW I have to pay $45 for new expansions and $10 each month for a subscription, just to get the equivalent that Blizzard will give the Overwatch playerbase for free.

How is that justifiable?!


nah, I stopped playing, can’t stand the rush aspect of the game… mythic plus is not wow imho


The probably make more money from xpac sales now than subs. As I said earlier I will always buy the WOW xpac, just like I will buy the next Witcher or ES (offline) game. I won’t always be subbed because of time issues. WOW has had something like 100m unique players during its lifetime, many of those flit in and out when a new xpac is released, so monetised xpacs are here for the long haul.

Agree - they should have left that in Diablo… I would have loved it to have been a single player dungeon challenge though.

It is the timers, they have made it a very toxic environment, take them out and it would be fine.

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It’s not.

But imagine one of the managers bringing this subject up during a meeting:

What’s our playerbase atm?
//\ Approx 3 million
They all pay a monthly fee right?
//\ Most of them, yes. Around 10 Pounds each
But in OW and our other games we don’t have that, while giving them the same services! Shall we scrap the monthly fee for WoW?
//\ spits his coffee out
//\ YOU WHAT, that’s 30 million you’re talking about, monthly!
But it’s fair!
//\ You’re fired!
Wait wait wait, we can also just include the new expansions in the current sub fee then!
//\ uhhh yea no :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:


Yeah, I perfectly recognize that WoW is a business and Blizzard will of course always seek to make as much money as possible. And if the playerbase is willing to spend $10 a month in order to play the game, then Blizzard will charge the playerbase $10 a month.

I’m just flabbergasted that some players will litterally sit here and argue against their own interests. As a customer you should want as low a price as possible – that is in your own interest. Blizzard aren’t giving you more WoW just because you pay them more money. They’re always going to give us the bare minimum that they can get away with.
And if people were a bit more critical, then maybe in the future we could actually get lower prices or more content.
But so long as people will sit here and litterally defend Blizzard’s prices – and not defend their own interests as consumers – Blizzard will of course maintain the status quo. And I find that rather annoying. :yum:


This needs to stop.
Anybody thinking the price is not worth it, simply lacks taste. World of Warcraft by definition is not behind on graphics, very much so its adventure high quality graphics.

The immersion you get from the graphics setup is far more stable, and controlable than any other game.

ESO, Final fantasy, they’re all crap, literally. The design and graphic looks like its polished wallpaper.

The control you have over your character in WoW and the interaction, is much more stable.

When I play other MMORPG’s I feel like I am dehydrated, nothing is smooth, everything is whatever whatever. In wow you feel you are fully connected, and everything you do, and every step you take means something. The character actually moves, and you have to position yourself, and other things.

FInal fantasy, eso - Jump around, You don’t hit, but you did actually hit, you hit but you didn’t actually hit, moving around is sluggish, and boring, and senseless, everything about those games are rubbish.

Its polished up korean games.
World Of warcraft has it all, except for a good community.

Definitely worth more a month, if i had a say. Game should atleast be up there with new game prices. Its far to good for us to get it this cheap.

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I won’t say I’m pro or con monthly subscription models, there are arguments to be made for both. What I don’t like is the having your cake and eating it route WoW has gone down.

With this I mean having the cash shop next to the subscription fee, whereby the prices Blizzard charge for these cash shop items and services are in many cases far higher than what others charge in their games on a like for like basis.

This is confirmed by their 2018 figures, where they had more income from the cash store sales than from subscription fees.

I feel if the subscription fee is to remain, there should be no store mounts/pets/toys (except maybe the charity ones if ALL profits actually go to charity) and the services (name changes and the like) should be offered for far less than they are now, considering these are fully automated processes.

Can’t blame Blizzard though at the end of the day, it’s us silly consumers that have been letting them get away with it…