Subscription Fee is a joke now

(I bought battlefield 1 for 5$ few months ago on origin)

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Which is a 3 year old game

WoW is a 15 year old gameā€¦


Which is why it should be way cheaper.

Agreed. Bit strange then that Blizzard have gotten into a habit of increasing the cost of the expansions and maintaining the same subscription cost.


How many PS and Xbox games lasted that longā€¦


I wdudltn midn tge store as much if w didnt whave sporubcruot, but we have subscriptuionbn, wich makes the stoe looks loke money grab int return

But WoW doesnā€™t have an inherent lifetime thatā€™s longer than any Xbox or PlayStation game. WoW lasts as long as the player finds it interesting to play. But that holds true for any and every game. The only difference is that WoW costs $10 per month to play, whereas most other games donā€™t.

I have Dragon Age Inquisition on ps4, and as an avid fan of the series I have done the platinum and played it through so many timesā€¦ and let me tell you the 3 npcs that play alongside you have way more awareness than many I have grouped with in wow lol


sorry tired brainā€¦ btw did you carry on playing in Calm Keystones or?

COD,Battlefield,Gears of War,CS,Dota,Halo

Theres loads TBH there still all active and no monthly fees
just the annual release


Well singleplayer and mmorpgs are ait different, cant epect everyone to be aad awezome as sera or oghren

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Iā€™m reading here what you friends from WoW write here about this payment metod aaaaaaaaaaaand I think you are wrong.
Those F2p Games you talk about they arenā€™t f2p at all most of content there is like oh sorry bro we added new land ? you must buy it ?? oh you wanā€™t cool shiny items you must buy it ?? enter end game dungā€™s ? more than 1 time per 24 hrs oh sorry pay for extra ticketā€™s or membership ??? I know that from my personal expirience. You guys think its enought to get gear bla blaā€¦ but in the end game is designed to force you to PAY ! or you will be far far away behind than people who pay. Games b2p also have cash shopā€™s or membership/club or anything what in time will force you to buy it for real money. You have like 30% of the game without it. WoW would be the same if not monthly sub, belive me. You want that ? really ? go ahead test those f2p gameā€™s not 1, not 2. not for 1-2 days play there atleast 1-2 months achive smth and ofc few games like maybe 6 ? or 7 ? In the end you will come back here and you will know deep inside this isinā€™t so bad compare to other games.
Next You guys talk about how much you got for Ā£10. Hmmmā€¦ sooo manyy titleā€™s, then what are you doing here ? If those games are so good what are you doing here >?? Why are you still playing WoW ??? You also Know WoW is far better game than all of those games combined together

Wow is now f2p game, people are just to damn lazy to farm matā€™s, sell them on ah, or do professionā€™s and sell stuff, drop old t-mogs there is A LOT OF WAYS to get TOKEN really, butā€¦ If you are lazy you can always pay these real life money ->14 euro per month and come here + complain . Other f2p games are the same or worse just calculate all ingame + money.

There is no P2W here, you can buy boosts from good guild for raids/m+, spend some gold all loot is yours, ALL !!! Even cash shop is for gold just some imagination !!




I donā€™t like shoot em up :slight_smile:

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When comparing to ps/xbox just remember you have to pay 5-6 a month before youā€™ve even loaded up a game. So to get the games pass on xbox for example youre looking at 15-18 a month and its mostly older games. Mmos like wow are different to more ā€œmainstreamā€ games and while i would obviously like to see it be a bit cheaper I would rather it didnt move to a ā€œgachaā€ style of free to play but addons cost. Because that would end up costing a lot more.

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People asking for a Free to play wow do not know what they are asking for.

Free to play (Pay to win) games arenā€™t the worst in the universe, but in an online environment it can get REALLY sh*tty and REALLY unfair on a lot of levels.

If you ask for WoW to become Free to play, you donā€™t really like WoW or you play it less than 10 hours a week.


I doā€¦ I also play eso and I think itā€™s model is very fairā€¦ and not pay to win anything.

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Not really, while I have taken breaks and barely even played this week due to work, I will buy the next expansion. I may or may not raid, M+ or rated PVP, but I will buy the xpac and play through the quests etc, then maybe unsub until the next one.

There are lots of players like that. I have actually hung around longer in BFA than I did WOD, purely because of M+.

After a while you realise that MMOs are a time sink for curing boredom during your down time. No matter what you do in an MMO there is always the next carrot on a stick to chase. The most interesting part is new content, and you get that in spades with a new xpac.

No one asked for it to be F2P, but paying 370 ā‚¬ every 2 years is a bit outragous for the content we get lol


No one forces you to pay, donā€™t want to pay then donā€™t play.