Suggestion - Buy honor gear with badge of justice

I still remember a big commotion from PvP-players that they “have” to do PvE to be viable in PvP.

Sure, but people usually like having options unless some of them are overpowered. Having to do something isn’t fun.

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Why should a PvP gear awarded for anything than PvP activity? Why you need PvP currency at all then? Or why rolling a overpopulated faction shouldn’t have a negative effect on your queues? No the only solution is in the root where it begun with the balancing of racials.

There’s your problem. I said it’s still possible and it still is. I can easily farm 1 item in 1 day.


20 characters.

Later on you can buy pvp gear with tier tokens so I think this one is the first ok solution. 20 badges offpieces 40 for mainpieces lets go :slight_smile:

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while i don’t really like the idea of having badges used as a currency for bg-related items i certainly wouldn’t mind on a personal level as i currently have like 150 badges i can’t spend on anything.
however, i don’t think it would be good for the game, so its a no from me dawg.

Imagine having the pvp set from reputation vendors :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

This would be help also, I think that’s a good suggestion too, maybe mine is a little too overpowered , but it depends on how it’s done, maybe turn in badges for some honor as a daily. But yes this is more in the Classic+ department. The reputation set was already in the game so it’s more plausible.

T5-6 gear for Badges would be nice.

That sounds like I was suggesting that you could buy gladiator gear with badge’s or honor. Tier gear and gladiator gear take some skill to get.

But you just said honor gear also takes some time to get… Make upyour mind already.

Well in my last post I didn’t talk about time only skill, I guess you are just trolling me.

If you say so.

On the contrary, I would like to buy PvE gear with honor earned from PvP. Like 20k honor for SSC/TK weapons, 10k for tier pieces etc.

So with this thesis and anti-thesis, we can arrive at a synthesis:
Implement a new currency: Chicken.
Like the paleolitic times in human history.

You should be able to buy all gear, pve or pvp, with chicken.

Want a dragonspine trophy? 40 chicken.
Want a bloodmaw magus blade? 30 chicken.
Tier tokens: 15 chicken each.
Gladiator setpieces: 15 chicken each. Shoulder is 25 chicken because its cooler.

And you get 1 chicken from every heroic dungeon ending or raid boss defeated.

This way, we can play the game as we want and enjoy.
Give us chicken. Well fried.

Maybe it would be better that you could exchange your SSC tier token for a honor item, that would make more sense I think, but yeah I agree this is Classic+ level utopistic thinking.

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