I know, don’t want to encourage more PvEers… but enough of a bonus to encourage (party) grouping for existing WM PvEers, yet not enough to encourage PvE WM on more than already.
Since start of BfA I suggest to players grouping up solves a big part of feeling outnumbered.
Problem - they want to play solo in a multiplayer game mode. And that will not change without reward incentive, it just won’t.
Like it or not, many are reward focused, and these are the ones having WM troubles. Encourage them to group up for slightly increased PvE bonus… their perception of WM could dramatically change for the better.
There’s already a PvP bonus, which can be achieved through solo or group play, but easier to achieve grouped. This new bonus suggestion is to help encourage the PvEer to group up… and would make them more a challenge for WPvPers in the process!