+30% warmode bonus for alliance now

We are just looking at WM from two different perspectives.

I primarily WM on for its intended purpose WPvP - and for WPvP, it works really well.

If playing primarily for PvE, not WM’s primary reason for existing, those players are naturally gonna have a skewed viewpoint on WM.

PvEers do have their place in WM, but it’s a PvP game mode first.

The variable shard balance is fine, the tools are fine, it’s a % of players lack of engagement with the game mode and each other that is the issue. If players refuse to properly engage, and it’s a big enough issue - the only ‘fix’ is to introduce even more incentives, or remove the PvE incentives completely. Each with consequences.

But, I like my idea for party small extra bonus. It would encourage grouping of PvEers, and provide more challenge to WPvPers.