[Suggestion] Make demon hunters immune to blind?

Demon hunters should also get mangekyou sharingan!

Speaking of logic, mages should have a spell reflect because why the hell not. I mean, they bend time and space with magic. They should be logically able to use some sort of magic mirror and it’s mage fantasy outside of WoW, right? Also disarm would be logical. Ever watched Harry Potter? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sandalf the biggest tryhard there is Congrats again

DH isn’t OP in arena, but it’s still way too strong compared to how hard it is to play ( Or how braindead easy)

So no.

I’d really like to have to learn to play DH, they look cool, but they need to be reworked, so they can be a class that has actual complexity and depth to it.

U must be a troll or an alt

on what grounds ? everything i said is true and objective

Dh is op. Not to strong to strong is Ghoushing op is dh lock mage and rog and for healers its pala.

Not to strong i agree with the rest Tho

as a solo class it might be op, but in arena, come on if you’re stuck at 2.1k or whatever, it ain’t cause of DH, or any other class really, it’s cause you suck. I don’t think it’s OP, if it was, you’d see a lot more dh in r1 cutoff.

Now, not being OP is not an excuse for being as strong as it is with so few difficulties and depth to the class.

I want the hardest class to play to be the strongest, and the easiest to be the weakest. Why reward a stupid easy gameplay is something i’ll never understand

Who stucks on 2.1

it was an example but now it’s actually funny that it’s your case xD

Check My other characters before u judge.

And before u poste anything why not show Main? :slight_smile:

Seems like I struck a nerve :slight_smile:

Not rly but i cant take ppl srs they poste on Classic chars sir cause They hide something mostly.

or maybe i dont plan on playing this trash expac and im just waiting for prepatch to level everything since i have to start from scratch :slight_smile:

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Oh well good choice bfa suxs

Legion made me completely quit but apparently compared to bfa it was still a lot better, kinda regret not sticking around for it.

Now gotta start from scratch, really hope Shadowlands is good for pvp gearing, it’s stressing me out

It stresses everyone out gear necklace cloak bis gear for example get ikku etc sheet game i just wanna pvp.

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I mean i have 20 more characters to level to be gucci for SL, assuming i come back full time. but I’m not gonna grind anything , just gonna grab decent ish gear and wait for launch practicing tekken xD

I hope the grinding as it is now stops like i work 40+hrs i have a gf and a house to take care of like blizzard doesnt play there own game.

And i also have a 4 y old dog

I always hated PvE, from cata to wod I never entered a single raid. BfA disgust me so I can imagine people that don’t have as much time, especially if they play more than one character