Suggestion to fix the shuffle format

Already done a thread with a suggestion for how to improve the rating system used for shuffle, which you can check out here if you so wish to: Suggestion to fix the rating system in shuffle

The growing disapproval of the shuffle format

There’s a growing disapproval rate creeping up amongst a few people, concerning the time it takes to play a shuffle after needing to spend such a long time queuing for a shuffle. It locks people into the activity for quite a long time, where they don’t get much to “show for it” after having spent all that time.

We all know people are sensitive to investing time, especially the target audience for which this game mode was intended. So we need ways to reduce the time people need to invest for it.
One way of doing that is of course to improve the quality of life for healers, and make the tank players understand that they’ve still got their precious tank queues as long as they play prot paladins.

But the other way to make the time investment more efficient, is to increase the “revolving door”-effect, which means to make the shuffles faster. So one way is to make changes that helps reduce queue times, while the other is to make changes that helps reduce the match lengths.
But how to do that without making people dislike the gameplay is the tricky part.

The suggestion for how to fix the solo queue

It’s not exactly a secret that designs are first made to fit into the PvE challenges in mythic raids and then m+. And then the unfortunate souls in charge of PvP designs take that, and do what they can to somehow turn those designs into PvP-esque viable designs.

But what if the designs would be for PvP from the ground up? For starters, one of the main reasons why you stand still to cast and so much of your time is spent hard casting as certain designs sometimes, is because PvE has encounters where part of the challenge is getting that damage etc. out while dodging stuff on the ground. That isn’t as much of a thing in PvP, so those kinds of considerations can be scrapped for PvP to make it more fluid.

Another would be designs for mobility, they’re meant to provide challenges for PvE encounters, but what if they’d be designed entirely for PvP? What would that kind of gameplay look like? Lots of untapped potential there all around.

But you can’t get designs entirely for PvP without separating the UI entirely between the two activities, and for that Blizzard would probably need to create new characters on new realms.

But what if those realms would have no leveling, would just exist purely for PvP, have a solo queue where you pick what to play after having been matched up, and only play one round? Because you don’t need that shuffle format with every combination possible, when people aren’t locked into only playing that one class and spec that they had to choose before knowing what others had picked or would pick.

It’d even be possible to put in that Legion template for such realms, and without ilvl differences just let people save stats points distributions like they save talent builds and gear builds.

It’d be a proper PvP solo queue & game, adjusted for WoW. 100% freedom to design skill expressions solely for the sake of PvP, and let people express themselves with variables like different talent builds for different stats builds, and more freedom to try different classes and specs.

It’d be what they’ve failed to deliver with the rated shuffle in DF.

So you basically want to completely separate and redesign it? Making some sort of a lobby game? Not going to happen. Can’t even consider this a suggestion, it’s plain delusional.

The long queue is simply a reflection of the lack of incentives. We all knew it’s gonna happen and it’s still better and less frustrating than LFG.

Oh look, you’re blaming it on the removal of PvP ilvl differences… You do realise people PvPed before rank upgrades was a thing in the game, right?

No, I blame it on the lack of incentives.

Weird argument. I could also say there were more people playing when grinding gear was actually hard and meant something, while it was tied to the rating.
You can come up with non-sense or simply acknowledge that incentives are lacking.

  1. Rank upgrades are still a thing, just not the PvP ilvl.
  2. Tier sets are still a thing.
  3. There are more rewards for rated PvP than ever before, only thing “lacking” right now is that they’ve delayed the implementation of the enchant illusion, elite tabard and elite cloak. That’s all.
  4. Don’t try to be cute, you’re not good at it. You’re saying there’s a “lack of incentives” when literally the only things they removed from the systems in SL was the conduits, PvP ilvl rank upgrades (still kept the PvE ilvl rank upgrades though), and the legendaries.
    So either you’re a huge closet fan of Choreghast & ZM, or you blame it on the removal of PvP ilvl differences.

Mhm. Sure.

Asking them to completely revamp the game for pvp, which they proved they don’t care or know much about in the first place, is a bit much. This will never happen.

Long queues is because of lack of healers. They could “simply” make the game more fun to healers. For example rebalance damage output, so healers don’t have to sweat and get stressed as much.

I’d argue it’s a very unpredictable state right now though. Because ABK wants to sell everything to Microsoft, and Microsoft can take it in a very different direction. Either way, it’s best to make the voices heard.

Of course, I’m all for that as well.

Do you understand the meaning of “incentives”?

Besides the fact that the stas on PvP gear are bad for most classes, you only get ilvl 408 for 2,4k CR. A friend of mine is already ilvl 408. Not only is that not possible to get right now through PvP, it’s simply pointless from a logical pov.

Rating and arena is irrelevant for this.

Quantity =/= Quality
Just because there is “a lot”, it doesn’t make it good.

  1. They removed something that was fun to get while not game breaking.
  2. No need to compare it only to SL.
  3. I also said the incentives lack in SL as well, especially after getting full gear. I’d argue more people tried to push to get max gear than people tried to push for 2,4k+
  1. I never liked Torghast, nor ZM.
  2. Stop being narrow minded… the ilvl difference is still there, people still cry the moment they face someone with more gear. And once that’s not an argument, they blame the balance… like always.
  3. It’s funny how you how you can twist your entire brain to come up with a delusional “suggestion” by literally separating and re-working everything. But if it comes to incentives and progression, you can only think of ilvl.

Right now, from healer pov, it is actually fun. Yes, you do get some donkeys who don’t know what to press or you get the sh*t trained out of you and you are not an Evoker… yes… these are the moments where it can be a bit frustrating, not having good people in the match being able to peel. But we knew before that we could have bad matches and it’s just part of it.
The issue was known before and is known now: It needs to be rewarding
A mount you’ll never gonna use and a title everyone has turned off, is just not enough, nor is it fun or exciting.
Already in SL many people stopped at 2,1k and said the rewards you get at 2,4k are not worth the effort.

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