Suggestions for a class for noob to start healing

so i tried disc priest healing and got it up to lvl 60ish and honestly putting me off healing, its just a complete headache. Any experienced healers got any suggestions for a class thats very noob-healer freindly?

holy paladin

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Resto Druid.

Disc Healing is about as busy as it gets tbh


I went for Resto Druid when I tried to raise a healer.

I found the spec very noob-friendly. Random groups were a lot less noob-friendly. The thing to learn was not how to heal, but how to predict which lunatic was going to try suicide next, and by which method.

  1. Let the tank pull and keep aggro
  2. Stay out of fire

are apparently very complicated rules. I never appreciated that until I tried healing.


I would suggest Holy Priest actually.

It is a very safe healer spec, with a lot of buttons to use in “oh-sh*t” situations, both singletarget and AOE. You practically will never run out of mana and the heals is direct and cast upon damage. You can even heal if you die.

But as GrĂĄinne said, the random groups is really the challenge of any healer. If you say at the start of a dungeon that you are new in healing, people usually pay more attention and make sure that you can keep up.


h-pala, h-priest, mw monk, r-druid. They’re all sleeper strong and all share similar strengths inregards to smashing your face on 1-2 buttons and being able to recover from bad situations.

Holy priest is quite simple, resto druid was really easy to get into for me too.
Although I gotta say max level druid is a lot easier than priest imo


I always think the proving grounds missed a trick, the rest of the group should stand in bad and scream stuff like “nnngh heal me noob!” when they get low.


I think Disc Priest especially is dependent on how your group is (well, at least, that’s what I get told - before anyone goes crazy about this xD). Imho Resto Druid (probaly easiest out of the two) or Holy Priest is a safe choice for a starter.

Shaman healer.
It is the easiest and most fun healer


That really goes for any healing class though. :wink:

And in addition a good healer should be familiar with the emergency buttons of others classes and how long that gives them to save someone else before for example the bubbled paladin at 1% health must be healed too.

Resto druid And holy paladin my personal recommendation.:+1:.Resto druid for me at least because it’s easy to pick up and kind of a chill healing I remember struggling with disc priest I couldn’t understand how it worked got kicked back then alot and holy paladin because you can heal multiple targets at onec with a beacon of light helps a lot.Mistweaver monk for me personally is bad cause of bad experience with those healers at the start of BFA they struggled to keep us alive and we wiped,shaman healers I can’t say I have no experience with them and holy priest is good but I feel that it needs more healing power to be viable at least from leveling experience with holy priest.

I have no idea how to react fast with a resto druid. I would suggest holy priest and holy paladin, I guess. Or shaman for raids.

Alot of different opinions here.
I have very limited experience with holy priest so I can’t speak about them. But have played the other healing specs a fair bit.
In my opinion the mistweaver monk is probably the most forgiving.
They don’t have alot of cooldowns to manage, and they don’t have to predict the incoming damage like a resto druid. Instead they have high on demand healing output. As long as you can get some breaks to regain mana they should be the easiest class to learn healing.

Im currently having lots of fun on my mw monk. You can use the aoe on groups of mobs to do some dmg also! And they get a daily xp bonus

How do you make them work just curiosly asking?. Because at low levels they never dished out enough healing.

I will give shaman a try cause it seems it’s the most praised healer on this thread so I will see how it goes.

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Huh not had issues on her unless tank couldnt hold aggro and lots of ppl took dmg as you dont get much aoe heal in the start. Just have to be quick switching the channel between ppl then

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One thing I am abysmal with is healing, and when I go try healing - out of my alt army I feel druid is most comfortable for me. They can keep people under control with hots, have ability to spamheal tank, and have a AoE heal for ‘oh darn’ moments.

Other healer I felt almost as at ease on dungeon was shaman. Their mastery is helping when things go ‘oh darn’ mode, but they seem to lack the sfaety feel for me that druid offers.

I have healed a bit as disc and it stressed me out so much, when things go low HP, I feel I am stuck. I have never played holy so maybe this is easier for uncertain/n00b player, but for me druid still wins.

Then we have monk, and even when my monk is raid geared - I have considered to try healing with her in LFR or m+, or even m0, I just couldn’t find any logic in mon healing after they killed the old-styled fistweaving. Its like rocket science to me to heal like normal healer.

But in long run shaman/druid are my own personal “I am not sure what i am doing, but i would love to try healing role” typed of healers.

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Thank you for the advice Yphera :grin::+1:.

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