Suggestions for a class for noob to start healing

You need to know when to use your spells on each healing class, and in what moments, and yeah I use regularly like all of those healing spells depending what’s needed because the type of the damage varies through the fights, you can’t just spamm your flash heal and think how you are doing a good job and you have x type of aoe damage incoming to hit the raid/party while in the same time also the tank which is receiving the spike damage.

With one thing I agree here tho with you, and that is that with the holy priests you have the answers for very varied situations when it comes to the damage.

With the classes which have smaller toolkits/smaller number of the healing spells its much easier to learn how to use them all properly and than its just the matter of time till you master them in my POV.

I didn’t said anywhere how swiftmend is identical spell to hws btw, but it serves the same purpose on 2 different healing classes with the different style of the healing, for toping people fast up when they get low and saving them when they are close to death. The druids don’t need identical spell like the hws with their style of healing.

The playstyle of the druid is not complicated at all even for beginners, their normal playstyle includes rolling the hots on the people in the raid/party and the tank for sustained healing and than using their spamming ability like regrowth in the situation that they need burst healing. With the occasional use of the wild growth, tranquility, efflorescence in the aoe situations.

Why reopen a month old topic???

Holy priests are very forgiving and is one of the easier specs to learn if you are new to healing… not sure why you are getting so defensive about it, when it’s the truth

For some reason the topic did end up at the front for me in the general discussion and when I saw the responses of some of the people on the topic which are making false picture about the class I play I felt triggered you know and decided to respond, because some of them don’t have much experience at all with how it works but like to act like they do.

And this is what I stated about it, read again :

Fair do’s

I’ve been playing holy for so long and i’m so used to it that I don’t even consider it difficult anymore xd

But I’ve levelled up a Disco, a Resto Dudu, a MistMonk, and a Holy Pala and honestly maybe my prior healing experience helped, but boy are they easy… except Holy Pala… I can’t seem to keep anyone alive at level 65ish and ended up abandoning xd

There is a reason why the classes like the resto druids are so overly used currently in the m+ at like all the levels. When you compare that with the number of the holy priests you will see a noticeable difference.

blood DK :muscle:t5:
You can get higher on hps than healer and you aren’t responsible for keeping all yolo pull & afk in fire PuGs alive.

If you do hate youself enough to be a healer in a group of strangers play rdruid. It has 3 other specks to change to in case of rising salt levels.
Which you will get, it’s always healers fault. :face_with_head_bandage:

Discipline? I tried it a lot.The Echo of Light from Holy is very good and that makes Discipline to fall behind.Plus some other abilities Holy has.
You can try and test for yourself of course.I liked the Restoration druid also a lot.

This is the weakest necromancy I have seen so far, this thread have only been dead for mere three years.


I thought threads closed after 1 month of inactivity…

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i thought it too

Auto-closure is obviously a recent addition om the forum, like 1-2 years old, and it was never set to also apply retroactively.

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Auto closure was added in November 2018 when the forum moved to the discourse software, the only threads that it didn’t apply to were the ones from the month previous to that which were moved over from the previous forums so as this one was created almost a year later… It would be a warlock who necroed it after three years though :joy:

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Actually you can see around post 44 that the thread was indeed closed automatically, then reopened for whatever reason.

As for the necro it seems like OP has awoken from a long deep sleep.

all healers are easy roles

you should be banned for this. :wink:

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I wonder why, because whoever needs advice will just open their thread.

Who for what? I doubt my felweed habit is illegal :herb:

hahaah no no. i was answering to retributor

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If the DPS had time to scream, health couldn’t really have been low enough as to warrant emergency-cooldowns :slight_smile: