Sunwarmed Furline and the 10.0

To begin with, here was the first part of the explanation (read if you want to know more about the previous Shop Mount as a hint of the 10.0):

Now, let’s do the same method for this new one.

Sunwarmed Furline

Meet the fuzziest mount Azeroth has ever seen!

Cozy up with a purrfect friend

With eyes of pure emerald and the tail of a fox, this magical cat can carry you effortlessly from land to land. But it’s favorite places in all of Azeroth happen to be anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves, especially when a glowing campfire is nearby.

I admit I start with a bias for “Quel’Thalas Renaissance” expansion as 10.0

  • First information to notice, it is an animal from Azeroth. This changes from recent mounts and it’s a hint towards a back-on-Azeroth expansion that everyone crave for.
  • A feline creature. Quel’Thalas is known for its fauna of lynx/bobcat…
  • A cat. Yet Silvermoon is the city with the highest density of cat critters AFAIK :’)
  • Des “eyes of pure emerald”. Huge reminder of Blood Elf appearance here.
  • “places (…) to be anywhere the sun shines”, yet the Sun is only at the forefront in Thalassian and Tauren cultures on Azeroth.
    “Sunwarmed” in the very name highlights it again.
  • “through the autumn leaves” - the autumnal theme is prominent in Eversong Woods.
  • “especially when a glowing campfire is nearby”, of course it’s the catch-up justification for such a creature to follow an adventurer as un mount, just like the justification of Blood Elf adventurers themselves when they travel outside their kingdom.


  • One should notice the little chains and pendants on its head. Emeralds! Just like the Blood Elves happen to wear, all the more in the last year customization option.
  • Fur tufts at the ears points. Not something you find on cats usually, but… on bobcats. :wink:
  • The saddle reminds me 2 things - a bit of Ardenweald, partly because of the choice of the background image on the poster (but not that much… too metallic I guess), and mostly Suramar and the Nightborne. This fits with my hypothesis. Suramar as links with Silvermoon, Lor’Themar may marry Thalyssra (at least in the Expanded Universe they have dates).
    Then, the violet cloth and silver chiselled metal can also remind us the Void Elves - a way to involve those “Alliance Blood Elves sort-of”.

For me, one point (the Skyblazer) is a point… Two points (the Furline) it’s a direction!

How much do you agree with my conclusions?


Bellular in his video also made a hypothesis that Store Mounts that do not fit the theme of current expansion, usualy refer to the upcoming one.

Like Iron Skyreaver and Enchanted Fey Dragon were Draenor themed although they came during MoP. Earlier we’ve had Heart of the Aspects in Cataclysm which could be referenced to Cloud Serpents from MoP.

In WoD Mystic Runesaber that was obvious reference to Legion and whole Nightborne stuff.

In BfA we’ve had Sylverian Dreamer and Vulpine Familiar that hinted Shadowlands.

So yes. Your claim that Cat mount means Azeroth centric theme is very on point. And not just that Cat but also the previous mount. The Sapphire Skyblazer also fits the theme.

Burning bird that is so hot that the flames turn blue. It is very Phoenix like which screams Blood Elven stuff at you.

As for Quel’thalas revamp. There are for sure leaks that claim the next expansion will take place on Azeroth. And this time it is Alliance that will have hard time with rebuilding and staying tied together.

Horde will get off easy this time as they were the center of chaos for few expansions straight starting from Cataclysm. There are plans to revamp not only Quel’thalas but also the rest.

What I hope for is that Blood Elven country will finaly be attached to the rest of Eastern Kingdoms and flying will be possible there.

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Oh really! could you give the link that one, if you remember?

It was a live stream. It is unlisted but I’ve managed to find it my history.

Mount stuff is in the beginning.

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That starting posts reads more like trying to find reasons for why it could be connected to things you want anyways, rather than trying to actually be open for any connection… which is fine, I guess, it’s not really much to go on, so why not dream a bit? But I still want to throw in an obvious sun-cat connection on Azeroth: The Amathet. Actual sun-worshipping cat-people.

Also, emerald is usually connected to the dream, while belf-eyes are associated with the yellowish green of fel.

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Thanks! Interesting, so I’m not the only one tinfoil-hatting about its foreshadowing lore on An’she (as Belore in my idea).

IDK if the part about speculating An’she as Zovaal was a private joke (that seems soooo random! lol)

I think the “birds vs. cats” symbolism of the Reddit guy is overthinking yet :joy:
The Skyblazer and the Furline are from different levels of existence, one is an invocation, the other is a mundane mammal with magical (sun) attributes. But who knows, why not.

Partly yes as I am literally waiting for such an expansion for years, I must be biased somehow. But this is not pure guessing out of thin air either. Actually the hints are real, the matter is simply to get them right.
So I’d enjoy other interpretations! as long as they match all these features in a whole consistent puzzle as well.

First, I should have mentionned more an alternative possibility: that they can build up a brand new continent in Azeroth, in the doubtful Hidden Face of Azeroth or in another cloak of mists.
Maybe a land with an unknown kingdom of High Elves who fled Tirisfal, or later The Scourge, that would explain the diversity of skin tones that are now in the canon. Or an original offshoot of Highborne, a bit like the Nightborne. After all they did it to Night Elves of Shaladrassil that nobody heard about before.
Or even a whole new elven race that evolved from original trolls there, thanks to another Well…
Anyway, one couldn’t speak much about this possibility, because this really is imagining out of thin air.

Then, yes, the Tol’vir is a clever guess when it’s about Sun, cats, and phoenixes.

Yet you can hardly link the aesthetic style chosen for the models - armor parts of the skyblazer, saddle and jewelry of the (bob)cat - with the egyptian-inspired theme of the Amathet.
On the other hand this style cries “elvish!!” at our faces.

Same for the Pandaria like I discussed in the original post - the craft styles of the races of Pandaria is well known and nothing fits with what we see here.
And there are few “urge” for reworking theses zones that are Cata-old or MoP-old.

So that’s not cherry-picking, I did ask myself if it was the best interpretation before.

Besides, the desire for thalassian content is palpable among a vocal part of the wow community, as well as the thoughts about the “Dragon Isles” - old maps locate them near the coast of Quel’Thalas.
Blizzard may be aware that there pride against their publics’ wishes costs them more and more loss, and thay may want to bring something… I’d say, fanservice? (Zandalar and Kul Tiras were almost this, along with “war stuff for WARcraft”, at BFA.)
After all, in 3 days the Void Elves will get the high elven features, and SL gameplay feedbacks eventually being adressed. I mean, this would make sense - as a policy… all the more in these hard times for the franchise.

If you watch the first seconds of this video, you’ll notice this is not the “Nature deep” kind of green. (At all :stuck_out_tongue: )

I even think the reference here is clearly the Alice In Wonderland smiling cat. Maybe the future zones are sort of Wonderland. (Quel’Thalas again matches this theme quite well - nothing definitive, just thinking while I’m writing here X) )

I think it is an evidence since the designer team already moved to the development of the next expansion

Its also the faction merge for gameplay

Could be, the devs strongly denied, but we know what happened to the “impossible” conduit/covenant changes and the “impossible” high elf features :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nah, they said they wouldn’t remove the factions “lightly”, while they also very clearly implied that cross-faction guilds and raids are coming. There might be some room to keep the factions while introducing grouping, but they’ll be on their way out at least. Not sure if we’ll see orcs strolling around Stormwind in 10.0, but I’m quite certain we’ll see the Blood Elf fighting alongside the Void Elf in the first 10.0 raid.

Ah, I was talking about the WoW:Legion time when I was active as I remember their claims on the subject.
But yeah, just learnt about yesterday’s interview of Ion Hazzikostas, definitely, the faction barrier is going to be thinner in the next expansion.

Funnily enough, I didn’t know about that one before my post, but they said very similar, though less direct things, around Blizzconline.

The sun is a lightforged planet and this cat is an inhabitant of it
Thank you for coming to my ted talk

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haha my own speculation is that the Sun is a mass of cristallised Light (like the matter the Naaru are made of)

but if the Sun was made of Light, then it wouldn’t be very hot and/or it wouldn’t heat or burn really anything then…well, not the living beings at least :stuck_out_tongue: and the Undead like the Scourge or the Demons of the Burning Legion wouldn’t be able to go around and fight during the day then

It’s worth noting that this mount was encrypted in the files since 8.3, therefore it’s almost 2 years old, so it might not be related to 10.0 at all.

I think all you mentionned is a matter of distance, and there are many hints about a link Light / Fire element tho

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