Survival hunter no changes in next patch?

Meh, you’re not getting LOS’d that much as Survival since you’re melee.
It’s really not as important as it is for MM.

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As he said, LoS is revelant for Harpoon, but that’s about it. Also, for Kill Shot, but I don’t think just 2 abilities would be enough to justify Kyrian for SV, I see you went Necro and I have thought about doing the same, specially now with the buff to Fleshcraft. For a melee spec, like us, feels like the best choice specially because we need some extra survivability, it’s kinda moronic that we as a melee, or hybrid if you wanna see it that way, still have the same defensive CDs as the ranged specs, we should at least have either an extra defensive CD or improvement(s) to the current ones, as a melee that’s quite necessary and Fleshcraft seems like a decent enough “band-aid” for now.

Speaking of which, what are your thoughts on it? Since you have been using it.

Well first, Fleshcraft is not the only perk. With Marileth, you get a 15% health shield upon reaching half HP, and it’s only on a 30 second cooldown. So that’s nice.

Fleshcraft can be used during Turtle, so you always get a full channel. You can also use it the same way a Shaman uses grounding totem, to nulify incoming CCs. I’ve absorbed HoJ, blind and kidney shot with it and it’s great.
Besides, it also heals you for a bit thanks again to Final form.

As for Death chakrams, with my 202 gear and burst cooldowns, it ticks for about 1400, 7 times. It’s pretty awesome combined with Crows for some big pressure every minute.
Don’t forget there’s a conduit to increase its damage by 10%, and in the next patch they’re buffing it by 15% again.

Damn, all that does sound pretty tempting.
I really didn’t want to leave Night Fae, as I chose it for flavour purposes and what not, not to mention the work I already put into it, and anima invested etc, but I did an alt recently to go Necro and try out all that. I made a Tauren for the extra stamina aswell. But on the other hand, I’d like to do that with my main, because it’s my main. Gotta think it through.

Yeah nigthfae’s 3 minute CD is really easy to escape and react to, and you don’t gain much from Soulshape.
We can duel together later if you’d like to see how Necrolord fares.

That sounds lovely. I might get home from work at around 22:00 server time, I got some stuff to do but should be quick, around 22:30 I will probably be available.

harpoon keeps ur uptime on target TO CONTINIUSLY deal dmg… jesus ppl as if im talking to my 5 year old cousin. 2+2=4

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22:30 is when I can start playing every day anyway, so that’s perfect timing.
Can’t type my battletag cause I’m on mobile and it’s full of weird cyrllic letters, so I’d gladly take yours.

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I’ll whisper you in game and we take care of that.

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ooh oooh! I wanna come watch :smiley:

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You just wanna go see me get rekt :frowning:

perhaps. Or perhaps I wanna try as well :wink:

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I’m back home and ready.

Ahahah, great timing, I just logged in, I had forgotten I went to work 1 hour earlier today.

Definetly buff SV please. Its getting boring

sounds nice Tabouret, but in terms of the damage you play at 1.4kcr so what you’re saying isn’t too relevant for higher level games. the meta is bursty af, sustain damage classes if that is what we have become… should do more sustain!

right now we have the sustain of a regular bursty class… just without their burst :’)
I’m all for going the sustain route but then we definitely need a big buff to our sustain, whether it be serpent sting damage or kill commands etc doesn’t matter, we’re not necessarily saying we need one shots like a ret


very well said

If that’s true, I’m livid.
I still can’t racial under Turtle like Paladins can in bubble despite Turtle not suppressing, it only stops offensive actions.

Why build a specific nerf into hunter, but give Pala free reign? I have no words.

Survival is the only melee class that can’t deal damage during its defensive cooldown.
It used to be the case for Paladins as well, no damage during BOP, 50% reduced damage during bubble. They removed all that.

But you know, as a Mistweaver main, I’m not even complaining because Survival at least gets some attention, sometimes. :man_shrugging: :sob:


Do you suggest necrolord or night fae?