Swapping quest rewards and customer support

just wanted to ask, anyone has any (positive) experience contacting GMs with regard to quest reward swapping? I know the US forum sticky says

"Customer Support will be unable to:

  • Swap quest rewards"

but being a tank without Mark of Tyranny I’m beyond desperate and I really REALLY don’t want to reroll after 20 days of /played time.

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Also, didn’t realize the posts on the new blizzard forums were character locked, so the issue obviously doesn’t concern my priest but this poor fella

Generally GMs should be able to help with issues like that, as they aren’t covered by the self-service item restoration.

I’d keep making tickets until I reached a competent GM that wasn’t just hired in BfA and actually know about these things.

Why would you want Mark of Tyranny? It gives +1% dodge and useless +10 arcane resistance. You can get Vigilance Charm from Dire Maul West which gives +2% dodge instead for a better effect.
On the other hand, the quest reward that I assume you went with - Blackhand’s Breadth is best in slot for DPS for quite some time as I recall.

GM are not going to be able to help the OP as the link says and they are covered by the self service. It’s been said many times, if you can’t do it then the GMs can’t either.

He might get His ticket privileges revoked for asking for the same thing over and over again.

And it’s not a competent GM, it’s one who is breaking the rules.


The armor stat is what makes it stand out the most, armor is basically dire bear’s hunny.
The Dire Maul trhinket is a decent alternative but in most situations, stamina and armor stacking is the best choice.

If you rly want to tank just go war. Thats a bigger mistake than not having marknof tyrany

Nah, even if I had a lvl 60 tank ready, it would probably take a lot longer to gear him up to BIS than rerolling the druid and getting my gear back up.
And that’s just one of many advantages of having a druid tank in a guild.

Also I tank with blackhand’s breadth and hand of justice.
They give me more rage to work with.

Don’t reroll druids are just fine as tank.

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You chose a quest reward, you got to live with your decision. GMs are not there to give you free stuff. They are there to help with customer service issues.

For the sake of a little bit of dodge, you actually going to re-roll an entire character and all your progress?

It’s really more about the armor bonus.
Also, this is quite literally the only irreversible choice that you have to make in the game - it’s the only point in the game where you have to choose a BiS or almost BiS item for one of three specs. And dare I say, a lot of people aren’t even level 60 by that point. Any other worthwhile item besides these three can be acquired by pure luck or tenacity, which I think is the way living, persistent online world should work.
Don’t get me wrong, the blame is absolutely on me, but I don’t see GMs being somewhat benevolent in this as such a big ask. We all make mistakes and punishment for this one is a bit too much.

I would like to know reason why we can’t have quest reward changed too. It should not be so big deal for them. As fellow druid i feel the loss of BIS and one of two defense trinkets with armor for druid’s in whole classic being missed out. I would not mind their policy not to change quest reward if there was samekind item droping somewhere but as the game is there just isnt. So basicly if you are new druid and don’t know your bis list you have to level up new druid to get it what makes this policy ridicilous.

You want the ticket queue to be 3 weeks? That’s what will happen if they allow this, one strong argument against.

Good argument. Still even ticket que would go up even 6 weeks i would vote for it because waiting more and get something actually hapen is lots of better than wait 4 days and get negative answer on everything writen with happy pattern.

I ended up contacting the customer support. They turned me down, the main reason from what I could gather being the technical difficulty - there is no automated system for this.

As a reply, I came up with a proposal to implement a paid token system, that would prevent abusing the customer support for swapping quest reward on the fly. They already did that with character transfer and the philosophy is really the same: did you make a single mistake while creating / playing a character that you later became invested in? There is a way to fix it without rerolling a new character, but you still have to pay for the mistake.

As far as I can tell, Blizzard customer support is very straightforward and transparent, so I’m hoping they might take a sensible proposal into consideration - working in the similar field I know company I work in would. Obviously not expecting this to be implemented overnight but hey, it’s my BIS all the way to Phase 6, all I have is time :slight_smile:

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I think customer support should help in cases like this if it’s asked for rarely, maybe once per char.

For every year the GMs give less help, more and more is made into payed and/or automatic services. An example is changing the name of your guild, that used to be free but you could only have it once.


I did contact support too and they gave me this answer:
“As it currently stands, we are not able to exchange or swap quest rewards in both Classic and Battle for Azeroth. If this is something you would like to have in the game as a feature to resolve mistakes, then we would recommend that you use the suggestion feature in game and let the Developers know.”

So only hope for this is suggest that kind of feature but one voice wont do the job so all who read this and aggree with us could you do it too?

I have wondered what percentage this trinket better than the others, it can’t be more than 10%.

Why we want it is amount of armor it has. So lets look it only as point of view of armor. In whole game there is 3 tanking trinkets with armor. One is made by BS and has 50 armor and nothing else. 2nd is made by enchanting and has 150 armor and have some resistances aswel. 3th is Mark of Tyranny from Q and it has 180 armor, 1% dodge and 10 fire res. You can do the math. Ofc they are used only until you hit armor cap which is like +16k armor but that aint going to happen anytime soon.