Switching Flight Styles is terrible

Whoever it was needs a stiff talking too and lessons in how players play.


I think it would be better if the change gave you a debuff instead of having to cast. So you land choose the form you want then can’t swap back for the previous cast time.


Why would anyone ever need old slow flying anyways? Since dragonriding was implemented I only flew the old way on my alts because they couldn’t dragonride yet…

hovering and precision


I know it’s sometimes hard to see things from other people’s points of view. Some people like myself get motion sick (have tried all the options), other people are visually impaired of have other disabilities that make skyriding impractical.

So I have used my slow flap mounts until this prepatch and now I just toggle slow flap on.

It’s great you enjoy skyriding and now you have an even bigger selection of mounts to travel on.


This feature has been implemented to get the game to the proverbial Bellular’s salad quality standard. It wasn’t acceptable before!

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Cannot agree more, would be nice if I can choose at least one mount to fly normally (steady) to fly short or to precious location or spots


When levelling, especially in older expansions, you have multiple quests in the same area with “collect x bat noses” or “find x potato eyes” and it’s a better experience to complete these with static flying than dynamic flying.

What I like to do in MoP remix for example is dynamic fly between quest giver and quest, collecting bronze on the way and then use static flying to hop around the quest area, then dynamic fly back collecting more bronze. Now there’s an extra 5 second delay when changing from one to the other.


we should be able to assign mounts to flight styles , that way if i use x mount that’ll come with skyriding or y mount it’ll spawn with static riding.


Blizz were getting Feedback on this since the Beta came out.

There are definitely uses to have access to both. And the 5 second gate to switch from one to the other does nothing but annoying the player.

This is another example of Blizz not listening to or responding to feedback.

We’re back to the old Blizz it seems.


Fine I will bite. There are a few reasons to use Dynamic flight:

  • Afk in mid air while waiting for a mob to spawn without being hit by mobs or killed by players in War mode
  • Precise landing at difficult spots
  • Short cut flight (From Org portal room to AH)

There’s got to be another way to do this. A 5sec cast to toggle between flying styles is not the path forward. Either cut the cast time and make it an instant cast or let us assign dynamic flight to individual mounts.

Might sound daft but this is the one issue I care about most right now. Much as I enjoy dragonflying on all the newly eligible mounts, I hate not being able to swap between flying styles on the fly.


So annoyed about this. I always use both, short distance between items for quests or in cities I use regular flying. Long distance always dragon riding.

Why was the previous situation a problem? Why can’t I have some mounts with normal flying and some with dragon riding… logged in today excited and ended up shutting the game being disappointed.

It sounds like a small thing but it’s actually not, using mounts is such a big part of most activities you get to do. Shame.


It is a nuisance especially when you do the raid and probably nok hud.


Yepp, we really have to continue spamming forums about this because this is 1) a massive QOL degradation as you’ve said, and 2) completely nonsensical and has no rationale behind it.

This is Conduit energy-level decision-making.


Absolutely stupid “improvement”.
Either make it switchable for every individual mount or revert this BS.


Blizzard deserve to lose a bit of subscribers. Making stupid changes for reasons…


Needs to be instant and castable without getting dismounted.


I was hopping i am not the only one feeling that way! What is the use honestly?

They’ll change it once the 2 remaining QA people at Blizzard get through the alpha ticket backlog, I’d estimate somewhere around 11.2.

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