Switching Flight Styles is terrible

There is an issue also
Everytime you get into an instance for just tested the battleground it gets back to skyriding


I am starting to hate the switch button.

I am using both flight types a lot. Before the switch button was added I had 2 key binds for each flight type so they were quite easy to use. I don’t know why Blizzard didn’t make the button to be instant cast.

I hate the way it is now.


This seems pretty accurate.

I did not hear one person say, that this change was good.
That just a “you believe you want it, but you don’t” moment.

Edit: Could it help, if we all report it as bug? If they are spamed with bug reports about this, isn’t it better than writing in the forum, which never really did anything?


I deleted my subscription, if I cannot fly when I want after so many years playing I am no longer interested.


Situations like this make me wonder why the Beta even exists for anything other than class feedback and if it really even needs to be more than just training dummies and dungeons…

Becuase class feedback they react to.

But this, a global QoL issue, that AFAIK every Beta tester incl myself has universally maligned, this stays in… and of course gets the exact same feedback from the broader playerbase when it rolls out to live…

Almost feels like s J.A.B. is runing the company again… “You think you want to be able to freely switch flying styles, but you don’t”. :wink:


I kind of doubt it. Issues will already have an internal prioritisation, and no matter how we feel about this particular topic, they might have a whole lot of more severe things to get through before they start on tackling QoL issues.

From previous betas I can say that there usually is plenty of class feedback that never gets any attention. So class feedback definitely is not one of the reasons they do alpha/beta testing.
There are only two reasons they do a beta. One is to try and get users to break the game in creative ways their QA department hasn’t thought of yet.
The other, much more important reason, is to generate marketing hype for the new product.

To make sure bots, goldfarmers and cheaters don’t abuse it.
That’s my guess anyway.

This 5 sec cast is an utter nonsense.
Besides of being completely uncalled for, it’s also extremely buggy…
For an example - try to go “normal” flying mode and participate in a race. When you’ll be done with the race - to your surprise, you will find yourself in “dragon riding” mode and will need that damn 5 sec cast again. For someone who like races but prefers normal mode after several quests it becomes really annoying…
Please make it instant cast again…


It is awful.
I hope Blizzard replace the cast time with instant cast which dismounts the player.


Agree. What a lowsy deal to change the shift between the two flying styles to now take 5 sec instead the 1,5 sec it took to change mount before. Be nice and revert that smart thing or set the “change flight style” to 1,5 sec.


1st world useless answer.

As others have said, I too used different mounts for different situations, like for most of the time doing Pandaria Remix it is essential to use Dragonriding, but sometimes you just need some more control an slow speed manoeuvrability and I’d rather use another (normal flying) mount. Having to constantly run a spell to switch between the two is NOT the end of the world, but it is an annoyance that wasn’t there before the patch and only exists because Blizzard is wanting to justify the dev time spent on adding dragonriding and eventually get rid of the old style of flying…


5 second cast is just ridiculous. Just make it instant, what’s the harm.


Do anyone know what the macro command would be for switching flight style? I’m thinking of just macro it to my key shortcuts for the two mount types from before the patch.

Edit: Casting it is fine, but I meant checking which one you’re in so you can pick a specific one.

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i find it fun

You are just not seeing Blizz’s infinite wisdom if you do not enjoy the 5 second wait :wink:

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I definitely do not enjoy these changes. Blizz now just waiting when ppl will silently accept this nonsence.


It’s not affecting me as much as some other changes, like the annoying camera constantly flipping, as I tend to use skyriding most of the time, but I too would love to see some better options than a 5-second-in-the-ground-cast-before-being-able-to-just-do-a-quick-non-skyriding-journey.
I used to keep 2 mounts in my bars/keys for this - one with, one without skyriding, as there are times and places for both…


ye it feels really Nintendo styled solution to simple problem

Hard take here - remove old flying completely and leave only skyriding in the game. Problem solved. No QoL issue. Git gud.

That’s not QoL, that’s forcing something that even with all the motion sickness options enabled can still be quite visually disconcerting down everyone’s throat. The “normal” flying code has been in there since TBC, no need to get rid of something that works well AND has utility…