Switching Flight Styles is terrible

Looks like Blizz is really going to stick their fingers into their ears and babble regarding the toggle cast time…


I don’t see how writing symbols is considered swearing. The word is not there to begin with. So how can writing “it is absolute *****” considered swearing or similar texts? I don’t see how can Blizzard even ban such writing if it is not explicitly written? I just don’t get it.
What if instead of symbols it is an emote. How can one be allowed and not the other? Both are ways to circumvent writing the word.

I think it’s a sort of spectrum of how close it gets to using the actual insult. While it’s technically all implied profanity, using “*******” implies that the exact word is there, just hidden, but using an entirely different word or an emoji is generally interpreted as less severe.

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My mine gripe with this now (apart from the sheer inconvenience and nuisance) is… what spell is it exactly that I am casting, when I am switching flight modes?

There isn’t any spell in my spell book that is so immersion-breaking. Am I casting a general nerf on my dragon riding mounts? Am I applying some kind of new ability to my other mounts? No, I’m using the toggle because I have to adhere to the developers’ ideas of what is or isn’t permissible.


What I need from Blizzard at this point is an autopilot that can assist with the landing. I am crash landing more than a Boeing airplane right now.

I don’t actually see the spell as any different to swapping WM on or off. That is not to say you should see it that way ofc.

Doesn’t make it any less of a nuisance though ofc. I would still rather summon in one mode or the other without needing a toggle. If it was instant instead of a cast time I could macro it. I can technically macro it now but the cast time is making it annoying for me not to interrupt.

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You can drag the spell onto the action bar, you can’t do that with the WM “switch”.
Switching flight style takes 5s. Completely changes the way you control your mount.
WM opt in/out takes a second (might not even be on gc) but you need to be in your capital. Makes you hostile to everyone from the opposite faction.
One of them is spell the other is more of a check mark.

It’s almost like they have nothing in common.

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To be honest, if they make the toggle instant but call it “Weird toggle that nobody can really give a useful name and that does in no way fits this fantasy world” I would rejoice :slight_smile: Guess I am a terrible RPer… sorry.

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To you they have nothing in common. To me they are the same thing. We have all sorts of things we do that make no sense IRL or process in game or options that make no sense.

If someone wants to approach the entire game as if it were IRL there would be a lot of systems and methods you would not be able to do that are standard to most players. Hardcore RP it so to speak.

Literally not the same. I just pointed out why. Here’s another example.

WM: “ENLIST in War Mode and activate WORLD PVP”
On: I want to kill/get killed by other players.
Off: I don’t want to kill/get killed by other players.

Steady flight: Heyyy… so, you know, I want you to forget that you can glide and start flapping with your wings hard enough so you can hover above the ground indefinitely.
Skyriding: Heyyy… so, you know, I want you to lose the ability of hovering through the process of muscle athrophy in the remaining 3s of this casting so you can only glide and gain altitude every 5 seconds as long as you can glide fast enough!

It’s bad. They should have just made hovering possible with skyriding or let us switch between the modes without even having to land.

And again, to you. I’m sorry you can’t understand people may feel differently to yourself.

I can go for the same oversimplified explanation

Steady Flight: ENGAGE in Steady Flight mode, activate STEADY FLIGHT
Skyriding: ENGAGE in Skyriding mode, activate SKYRIDING

To me they are. They are a mechanic for swapping modes.

However I think we are getting off topic here as to trying to use RP as a justification when there has been a huge amount added in game for convenience that does not work with that same strict RP ruleset.

The cast time is what most find an annoyance. Others would like to designate a mounts to do either and I would just like two buttons to summon either in skyriding mode or summon in steady flight mode using all of my availalbe mounts.

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haha ok, i always forget not to EnGAgE in a conversation with a lukewarm individual, because it’s unproductive af and leads nowhere.

I agree. This option is really annoying and take lots of joy from the gameplay since we use flying mounts a lot in the game.

Please let us choose skyriding or steady flying for each mount individually. Thank you.


I would even welcome the option to designate ONE mount as steady flight and the rest as skyriding. I would then choose my flight form as that one mount.


Maybe we should all submit a BUG in-game until they see too many requests and decide to do something about it? Clearly no-one pays much notice of these forums, not in the EU at least. I know it is not a bug but a new “feature”, but enough of us complain, in-game, maybe we have a better chance of seeing this fixed…

EDIT: Just submitted mine. If you’re not happy w/ this change, just do the same in-game and hopefully they’ll get enough bug reports on the same thing, as this is NOT QoL, it is a very poorly implemented “feature”.

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I don’t understand how someone was thinking puting a 5 second cast to switch was a good idea? this is incredible.

  • Fix - you can preset what mount have what type of flying. U do it once and never need to do it again.

I totally agree with that, making this global switch feature was one of the worse idea. There was a logical, good system, and someone just broke it.
Making players angry or frustrated is not the best way to feel yourself sooo creative.

I HATE dragon riding flight style, specially after playing with druid for years. It is annoying, useless for questing, you simply cannot stand still in one position, cannot go up, because u loosing your energy, etc. But it is only my opinion and can accept if someone like this mode. And I agree, it is a much faster movement option when u have to take longer distances. We were able to decide in every situation which mode is better without any switching.

With introducing this meaningless feature, you made a less flexible system, and it has no logical reason.

Beside it, you started to force using the dragon riding style in some dungeons. First was Nokud, where we had to travel big distances with zero reason, but at least flight style had no impact on fight mechanics. Now, in the Dawnbreaker dungeon, you forcing to use this flight style, and dungeon cannot be done without this mode. If my flight mode was set to “normal”/old style, I forced to switch before and after a specific dungeon… It is nonsense!

So, as many ppl asked before, please remove this failed global setting idea, and restore old one or make this settings mount specific.

Wow I’m shocked this is even a thread tbh…

Pointed this out first day of beta and did not believe it would make it to live but here we are :slight_smile:

Huge downgrate compared to what we had in DF.