Switching Flight Styles is terrible

Circumventing the language filter is against the rules. It’s not difficult not to swear.

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People don’t find spellings offensive but the meaning of the word. Yes - words mean things.

I know shocking!!

I’m sure most of us like to curse but there’s a time and a place and a private forum isn’t it. Use some self control.

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Or just use emojis if you REALLY want to use that type of “language”. Most of us know what :peach: or :eggplant: or :poop: stand for :smiley:

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but circumventing the language filter IS not swearing. so its odd you’re penalized for not swearing.

only 1 swear word i am aware of people take offence with. and even that i only started noticing that in the mid 2000’s. and location. people used it lots in Eire, and London. But the US and south england people seem to act like you’ve just cut off their arm.

also, people being offended by the use of a swear word is stupid. its just a word. its even more stupid when its not directed at them in a negative manner, but more overly to passively emphasize the persons feelings on a matter. eg. its hot vs its (swear word) hot. how anyone can be offended by a swear word being used descriptively rather then directly i just don’t get.

i think you are right as i’ve seen emojis on here before. i do find it amusing that one type of circumnavigation is acceptable, and one is not. we all know what the defecation emoji means after all.

EITHER WAY… this detracts from the OP…

Switching flight styles IS terrible in its current iteration!!! :smiley:

Because you are doing exactly the same thing. Writing in symbols implying words is still swearing. You are still trying to convey swear words. So just expand your vocabulary to include non swearwords.

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constant swearing and swearing for swearing’s sake is generally accepted as a sign of low intelligence, however, using swearing to emphasize a sentence should not be frowned upon with the intensity that some people do. they’re only words. and that goes for positive and negative swearing.

And how is your intelligence rated when it comes to not being able to follow simple rules?

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why is the rule there in the first place though. thats my point.

either way, this accomplishes nothing.

reduce CD!

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It stops people swearing. Hidden or otherwise. Because it’s all the same thing. As I’ve explained this numerous times now. It is clear it’s not something you are going to understand. So I’ll leave it at that.

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I really like this idea but I’d iterate on it a little to sort of rework the entire concept of blending the two styles together.

I think all flying mounts should start off in regular flying mode as a default, and Skyriding should instead be an option to activate only while already in the air. The activation should cause a Swirling Surge effect to give an initial momentum boost and make the transition into Skyriding smooth. So instead of slowing down while swapping into Skyriding, it would speed up.

When swapping from Skyriding back to normal flight, I think it should have the Aerial Halt effect, and keep you hovering when the animation is ended.

Basically instead of the two flight styles being completely separate and only being able to use one or the other at a time, Skyriding should complement normal flying by being baked into it as an option to activate whenever in the air.

Something like this would in my opinion make it so much more immersive and seamless. It would be an actual upgrade unlike the clunky swap cast.

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theres a difference between not understanding, and not agreeing. i do not agree. and yes, lets leave it at that.

YAll should be happy because it at least works for you

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It’s entirely possible to be offensive without using swear words. Sarcasm is one of those ways. For example: “When the Creator was raining brains, you were holding an umbrella” or “The lift doesn’t go all the way up, huh?” or (my favourite) “As per my last e-mail…”

While swearing is the fastest and least proof-demanding way to get a suspension, it’s the meaning behind a sentence that eventually sways the forum moderators one way or the other. It’s also why we can actually use curse words without fear when referring to situations, for example: “This boss is so full of meecrob”.

thats interesting. i use that a lot recently, but i don’t intend as sarcasm, i use it to point out you are lying to me on purpose and/or you’re factually wrong.

hmmmm i wonder have i been annoying people by accident with them thinking i was being sarcastic. genuine pondering here, not sarcasm.

The “rockstars” of the company cannot qa for you. You have to do it for yourself, complain, wait another 2 years before they might listen and give you an approx time when they will start thinking about making it better for you. I guarantee you in just 4 years this thing will be polished by lowering the cast time to 3s only.


Switching flight styles should be doable while mounted, on the fly. The current system is absolute dog****. Prior to this system I had different keybinds for different mount types, but that no longer works, why don’t they use their brains and actually think about how people are going to use this when they design it?

Was their intention to purposely make it a pain in the a**?


None of the suggestions worked :frowning: ?

Honestly, changing mode should take no longer than mounting up and not kick you off your mount. Idm if it makes us be on the ground to swap.

I was used to quick flying somewhere, swapping to an old mount and being able to strafe and weave around a quest area looking for the things I wanted with better fine control. Now I go careening around faster than I want to, or have to stand there casting for an irritating length of time and still to have to re-mount at the end.

The current cast time is one of those things that makes me feel like nobody on the design team actually tried playing the game with it - or they are just not playing the game the way I do.


Indeed, I used dragonflying for long distances and when I was going to crash down due to having no vigors anymore, I switched to flight form. Now I have to land to wait 5 seconds on the cast… It’s super annoying!


There is ONE totally simple fix for this and that’s to give dragonriding mounts the ability to hovver without using vigor…best of both worlds :+1: