Sylvanas but chose Saurfang..... By accident!

I too suffered from this.

Is it possible to implement a ”deja vu” quest? Something alone the line of ”i dreamt i was doing something stupid and I’m not gonna make that mistake again”.

And upon completion of the quest you reset the quest chain and you can do it again and dont make the same mistake.


It was probably just used for statistics to see who horde players support. Whether it has any real impact or not within the lore design team, we don’t know. But what we can guess is that the statistic is increased by one the moment you click one of the options. So you could just finish it on the character (main for you) as the purpose was already fulfilled.

Wasn’t it on the same window in the beta?
If the option to stay loyal to the Lich Queen is hidden, then I’ll agree it’s just bad design.

Maybe Blizzard just really, really want you to pick Saurfang? :wink:

Wasn’t the third option somehow related to fishing? Like “Blow the whole thing off and go fishing instead”?
Would have been hilarious. People just doing a /shrug and think “can’t be bothered, too much drama 4 me! You two sort yourselves out…”


Ah poop! … I just did the same :frowning:

Will try again on an alt and read it more carefully this time!

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The Nat Pagle option!
The war in Azeroth ended with the great savior and Fishing God Nat Pagle :blowfish::crown:

I wonder what reward we could get with this option :grin:

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Many of us have had the same experience.
I’ll post mine here, just to share.

As soon as I realized I was helping Saurfang, I abandoned the quest, but it was too late. I issued a ticket to GM.
After 2 days without an answer, I poked the ticked again, asking for help.
The answer was pretty self-explanatory. The GM didn’t even read the ticket. He thought that my problem was that “I didn’t get the toy”, when I SPECIFICALLY wrote that I wanted to choose Sylvanas, and that the questline tricked me in Saurfang path.

He also told me to just “take the choice on another character”.
I replied with a very harsh post, but I doubt that will change anyhting.
If it was not for the friends I have on this game, I would quit right now.

I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I can’t decide what to do.
I can’t rollback. My character irreversibly spoiled. This would even lead me to roll another caharcter, but I tremble to think about all the time I have spent on this main. Every progress, achievement, reputation.
Everything gone. And is that or feeling bad for the rest of my WoW life.

I honestly feel tricked by Blizzard. Frustrated. Angry.
Was it on purpose? Was it bad sight? In both cases we DESERVE to be able to fix this in no time, since we pay 13 euros/month to have a complete, fulfilling game.
And this can’t be spoiled just for THEIR ERROR.
It’s absolutely unbelievable and unacceptable.

I want to point that I’m trying to raise the resonance of this matter in any way.
There is another post by Hellthrone, who had the same trouble, here:

And I tried the Reddit way too, here:

We must keep being loud about this. We must make the threads hot. We must fight for our characters.

Anyone that has had this trouble should reply to these threads.
If you have guild mates that experienced the same, please have them post a reply or just leave a like.
This may lead to nothing, but I won’t stop until I will know that i made everything to save my character.


2nd time lucky on an alt.

When you kill the hunter with the dogs, Zekhan will appear near the tree log with a quest … that is where you need to read more carefully :slight_smile:

Don’t you think that’s a bit much for a mistake someone made in a game? :fearful:

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If it leads to nothing at least take advantage of your position among his ranks and sabotage the traitor plans.
Our Lady will appreciate it

Yeah I very much got the feeling that Blizz wants the player base to choose the Saurfang option.

I was amused by the warning when I wanted to be loyal to my Warchief.

I do think they need to be two equal options shows in the same way. This is not the first post I’ve seen showing people didn’t realise it was an extra talk to option not to go defend Saurfang.


That’s the problem, You get a warning when you want to remain loyal to your Warchief but not when you want to side with Rebellion.

The thing is, Many quest givers have dialogue option when they give quests. So how the hell we are supposed to understand this dialogue option is different from all others!

If Zehkan had two dialogue option, One for siding with Saurfang and another to remain loyal to Sylvanas, It would be fine. People wouldn’t rush to take the quest!

Or I don’t know some sort of option like Legion Artifact or especial zone ability in Warlord of Draenor patch.

Or even add dialogue option to Zehkan when he offers “Warrior’s Death” quest!

All of us knew the quest we started, Is the quest we choose a side. And many realized something is wrong as soon as they got “Warriors Death” quest and abandoned quest right away! (Those who want to remain loyal to Sylvanas)

And after coming to the forum or even making tickets, Nothing!

Seems like Blizzard wants to trick players into siding with Saurfang so they can say “it was your choice” when we get forced to betray another Warchief.

@DEVELOPERS. There are many players like me who didn’t and won’t complete “Warrior’s Death” quest. We refuse to side with Saurfang and we are not able to remain loyal to Sylvanas! So, Thank you for ruining our holidays and game experience, You guys ROCK!

More information about this matter including our conversation with Game Masters can be found in the following thread, Please support us with your reply!


You are kidding right? Anduin has brought so much story to the table that it backdates to TBC which was one of the driving factors his father pursue and methods that made him become a great king.

the fact he lost everything from his mother too his uncle too his father and even a close friend who looked after him while the king was missing because of Forsaken revolution at the wrathgate… If you’re going to bash story make sure you know it first because hes had a part to play in the story since the beginning hence why Velen himself had a vision of him commanding both factions fighting as one.

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I would have expected to be a more obvious ‘here are 2 options, choose one’ Instead we got a NPC who gave us a quest and a dialog option, it was absolutely not clear there was a choice at that time.
If I hadn’t read there was a choice to be made with this new quest, I wouldn’t have taken a 2nd thought there and picked up the quest instead of staying loyal to my queen.
I’m here showing support for those who did make a mistake and want the quest rolled back, as well as having the dialog reworded to make it more clear it involves a choice.

It’s absolutely ridiculous you get a warning when you want to stay loyal to your warchief and not when you want to commit treason.


I made this mistake too and made a ticket the moment I realised that I almost had became a traitor

Not even abondon quest worked


As far as I remember, they were both on the same window in beta with a text of warning about having different quests appearing on another window. But on live the only option on the quest window was the option to join Saurfang and the only way to go with the other option was clicking accept on the second window.

Even worse for people using elvui, it makes that window even smaller and less noticeable.

If so, then it was a truly underhanded way to do it, because I just really, really don’t want to pick Saurfang.

…at least on most of my characters. I’ll be sure to play through that side as well because I have to sate my curiosity and get that toy as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember it as being a real option too and I’d love to go with that one, though I’m not sure how well would Blizzard handle neutrality. I’m not even sure if they’ll be able to handle the branching storyline they are trying to go for now.

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all fun and games until we read something like this in the 8.3 patch notes:

All characters who chose not to betray Sylvanas in patch 8.1 will be now turned into undead as the main storyline plot requires. Classes that cannot be undead will be changed into other classes with the corresponding armor type:

  • Paladin -> Warrior
  • Shaman -> Hunter
  • Druid -> Monk
  • Demon Hunter -> Rogue

We gave you a warning and now it’s time for the consequences. We are so excited too!

If you are not happy with this outcome, you can always change your race or your class in the game shop for only 49.99€, or both for now only 89.99€ (save 9.99 €)!

Thank you for playing World of Warcraft, you rock!



I know it’s really really mean but I so want that to happen now…

Same thing happened to me. I sided with Saurfang without wanting to

The problem was that the choice was not clearly stated. When I took the quest from the troll I thought that in the swamp of sorrows I would have to make the final choice by helping Saurfang or the Dark Ranger

I thought that the option “I would not betray my queen” was just some flavor text as it was for 14 years now.

I hope Blizzard will fix this and give us the option to make the choice we really want


Cant wait for sylvanas to slaughter saurfang… put his head on a spike same way is in the lotr movies when they killed and burned the whole urukhai gang.


Really bad programming, wasted all the ‘evil’ choices I made with my dk in the previous quests by clicking to accept the quest from the troll and I thought the choise was made outside the hut, but noooo. It was the dialogue ‘i will not betray my queen etc.’ . Could do nothing but abandon quest, and that didn’t help either. Hopefully my character will now get stuck and crashes the server, since can’t get the quest again :stuck_out_tongue: - the quest giver is gone.

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