Many of us have had the same experience.
I’ll post mine here, just to share.
As soon as I realized I was helping Saurfang, I abandoned the quest, but it was too late. I issued a ticket to GM.
After 2 days without an answer, I poked the ticked again, asking for help.
The answer was pretty self-explanatory. The GM didn’t even read the ticket. He thought that my problem was that “I didn’t get the toy”, when I SPECIFICALLY wrote that I wanted to choose Sylvanas, and that the questline tricked me in Saurfang path.
He also told me to just “take the choice on another character”.
I replied with a very harsh post, but I doubt that will change anyhting.
If it was not for the friends I have on this game, I would quit right now.
I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I can’t decide what to do.
I can’t rollback. My character irreversibly spoiled. This would even lead me to roll another caharcter, but I tremble to think about all the time I have spent on this main. Every progress, achievement, reputation.
Everything gone. And is that or feeling bad for the rest of my WoW life.
I honestly feel tricked by Blizzard. Frustrated. Angry.
Was it on purpose? Was it bad sight? In both cases we DESERVE to be able to fix this in no time, since we pay 13 euros/month to have a complete, fulfilling game.
And this can’t be spoiled just for THEIR ERROR.
It’s absolutely unbelievable and unacceptable.
I want to point that I’m trying to raise the resonance of this matter in any way.
There is another post by Hellthrone, who had the same trouble, here:
And I tried the Reddit way too, here:
We must keep being loud about this. We must make the threads hot. We must fight for our characters.
Anyone that has had this trouble should reply to these threads.
If you have guild mates that experienced the same, please have them post a reply or just leave a like.
This may lead to nothing, but I won’t stop until I will know that i made everything to save my character.