Why there is no WARNING at "Grim Tidings" Quest !?


Why there is no IN-GAME WARNING before you take “Grim Tidings” quest from Zekhan in order to remain loyal to WARCHIEF ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I got the quest without knowing about the path I chose and once I found out (When I got “Warrior’s Death” quest), I deleted “Warrior’s Death” quest right away but it seems that doesn’t change anything!

Soi repeat my question again!
Why there is no IN-GAME WARNING before you take “Grim Tidings” quest from Zekhan in order to remain loyal to WARCHIEF ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

There must be a solution for people who didn’t do “Warrior’s Death” already in order to remain loyal to WARCHIEF.

Just add the dialogue option to Zekhan when he gives you “Warrior’s Death” quest!

PS: Dear viewer, If you agree with us, Please support us with your reply. Maybe blizzard start to take our request seriously! Thanks in advance


There already is such a dialogue option when zekhan is giving you the quest. Its Below the quest he tries to give, on the same window.

But i do agree that there should be a warning when you try to accept the quest. As for now theres only a warning when you try to side with Sylvanas, but not when you try to side with Saurfang.


Exactly this.


There is no dialogue option when Zehkan gives “Warrior’s Death” quest. I saw it was before (in wowhead.com) but since I accepted the “Grim Tidings”, I can’t see it anymore.
And yes, There’s only a warning when you try to side with Sylvanas, but not when you try to side with Saurfang.

The problem is, Many quest givers have dialogue option when they give quests. So how the hell we are supposed to understand this dialogue option is different from all others!!!


seems like blizzard wants to trick players into siding with Saurfang so they can say “it was your choice” when we get forced to betray another warchief




Yeah, same issue. I do agree that its unacceptable to have warning when you are going to betray Saurfang and nothing when you are going to betray Sylvanas. I opened a ticked and they said that it was my choice and that they cant do anything. They totally ruined my game experience. And yeah i think that they try to trick players to join Saurfang wich is also unacceptable and absurd. I also think of quiting the game, i totaly hate Saurfang and i feel like i got tricked by blizzard… Jesus Christ. Both choices should have warnings isnt obvious?..


Blizzard taking sides? Blizzard tricking players?? Admit it Blizzard, you have done a tremendous mistake , so you need to fix it. Replying in a ticket that it was the players choice??? What?! Blizzard: You know you created an in-game warning when you try to side with Sylvanas but NOT same kinda warning when you try to side with Saurfaung. You have made a lapse, you failed on something, dont reply saying it was players choice when you failed miserably. Admit and fix the dialogue. Why do we even pay you? This is not a bug Blizzard, this is you doing bad.


Blizzard, fix this!


i completely respect and take responsibility if it was a 2nd warning when picking surfang but like this and no option to fix just feels out right unfair to us paying for this game yet we dont get to make a choice or chance to correct what feels like blizzards fault.

Really hope this gets fixed cos i wont be carrying on this quest till i get to change my option to side with the dark lady and if not im seriously considering just unsubbing i feel so robbed and my whole experience and love for the story just feels lost


I’m in a similar situation, A warning would have indeed be nice. Poor programming or a deliberate choice by Blizzard who knows. Rectification would be nice, Oooh what am i hoping for…


Same here. Issued a ticket to GM, didn’t receive an answer yet.
As soon as I realized I was helping Saurfang, I abandoned the quest, but reading here and there on the forum it seems there’s little hope for me to get a fix.
I’ve been thinking about it for 20hrs now, and I can’t decide what to do.
If I couldn’t rollback, I’d feel my character irreversibly spoiled. This would even lead me to roll another caharcter, but I tremble to think about all the time I have spent on this main. Every progress, achievement, reputation.
Everything gone. And is that or feeling bad for the rest of my WoW life.

I honestly feel tricked by Blizzard. Frustrated. Angry.
Was it on purpose? Was it bad sight? In both cases we DESERVE to be able to fix this in no time, since we pay 13 euros/month to have a complete, fulfilling game.
And this can’t be spoiled just for THEIR ERROR.
It’s absolutely unbelievable and unacceptable.

I hope someone from the Blues read this whole thread… But we all know that it’s like speaking at deaf ears, especially in the last period.


Update on the situation:

after 2 days without an answer, i poked the ticked again, asking for help.
The answer was pretty self-explanatory. The GM didn’t even read the ticket. He thought that my problem was that “i didn’t get the toy”, when I SPECIFICALLY wrote that I wanted to choose Sylvanas, and that the questline tricked me in Saurfang path.

He also told me to just “take the choice on another character”.
I replied with a very harsh post, but I doubt this will change anyhting.
If it was not for the friends I have on this game, I would quit right now.

This character, however, is forever spoiled. Thanks Blizzard for having ruined my holidays.


This is what I’ve got from Game-Master.

“Okay - I know it’s upsetting for you, but customer support simply cannot undo this. We have not got the ability. It’s how the developers want it. They wish for players to be very careful when making decisions.”
He also said “I feel it’s important for me to say it clearly that we cannot help with your request. The choice you made is permanent for your character.”

Well, I believe the proper word is:
The choice DEVELOPERS TRICKED YOU TO DO is permanent for your character.

He also mentioned “If there is a community post about it then I am very confident they know. Especially if the posts are getting a lot of feedback”

So DEVELOPERS! Can you give us an answer, please?

There are many players like me who didn’t and won’t complete “Warrior’s Death” quest. We refuse to side with Saurfang and we are not able to remain loyal to Sylvanas! So, Thank you DEVELOPERS, For ruining our holidays and game experience, You guys ROCK!


Anyone that has had this trouble should reply to this thread. Clearly, developer are blind or just trying to force a story outcome.
If you have guild mates that experienced the same, please have them post a reply here or just leave a like.
I’ve also tried the reddit way, if you want to share your thoughts there. This may lead to nothing, but i won’t stop until I will know that i made everything to save my character.

Make this public, spread the voice to the people you know have gone through this.


Another discussion going on in general: Sylvanas but chose Saurfang..... By accident!


Will post my experience there too. Thanks for the link!


Me and the Mrs did it on our mains a couple of days ago, there was no warning dialogue for the inadvertant decision to side with Saurfang, which we didnt want. Last night on our Illidari’ we did the quest again, and there it is, if you want to side with Sylvanas its contained in a wee speech bubble and ‘DiiinG!’ theres a warning box. Both options should be made equally clear, not some half hearted attempt and directing folks to a place they dont want to be. It was a small retribution having the Illidari make the choice I initially wanted - which should never had been an issue in the first place had the Developers of the game had made the choice Equal in all ways.

I made a similar post the other day.


I made a mistake i didn’t read that quests and when i realize that chain about saurfang i immediatly stoped doing that so i open a ticket about that but gm said basicly u are not change ur decision but my problem i newer realize i’m making a choise. Bcs there was no alert like " You are about to betray your warchief, are u sure " but when u read that quest and if u choise slywanas that quest gives alert are u sure. So When game bugged you can clean everything, remove items azerith powers xp etc. etc. also when i delete or disenchant some item, i can restore that bcs u gave me that oportunity like yes dude if u do something by mistake we understand that and we gave u second change for restore. But why not this time so i suspect bliz wants the horde ppl choice the betrayer saurfang directly or by mistake well done realy good job at this. But i newer will complite defend the saurfang quest i hate him, there is no honor for his action. By the way why blizz didn’t give us selection at the start like a quest named " Choise your side " and 2 selection Saurfang or Slyvanas. Bcs blizzard wants saurfang so after all this end you can say new warchife is saurfang horde made a decision and most horde player choise the saurfang at that quest chain well done blizard well done…


You had one job ActiBlizz… the first serious choice in the game and you f*** it up. I read the quest but i thought that later will be choice to pick side. That it is not final decision… but now i feel misleaded by your bad storytelling. You should write to BioWare how to do it. Why not make another warning with text that im gonna betray Sylvanas?! …You telling us that you cant change the decision. Maybe if you create another dialogue box later when confrotation occurs ? Something like “Im sorry Dark Ranger, i wanted to know where exactly is traitor” Then the Quest would change to something like “go to sylvanas” and that’s it. I dont believe that it’s not possible.