Getting you to acknowledge a point is…
…well, pointless, I guess. Even one you made yourself.
Have a nice day.
Getting you to acknowledge a point is…
…well, pointless, I guess. Even one you made yourself.
Have a nice day.
this is probally the most idiotic part of this whole thing.
Man sylvanas is just a complete and utter moron and if blizz thinks they are writing her as clever then they are bigger idiots.
Sylvanas was never one to have a conscience, even in her introduction into undeath in WC3. She enslaved, deceived and butchered anyone who was around her. And she never “served” Zovaal, at least in her mind. She believed them to be partners, since she never referred to him as “master” or such. In her mind when she first interacted with him, he was bound and chained against his will into an existence he felt he did not deserve, which is precisely how Sylvanas felt when she was raised as a banshee. In him, she saw a kindred spirit who had also been darkened by betrayal. But as shown in the manga, she does have some good qualities. She sided with Zovaal because, since he now controls the chains of fate, he could use his power to break them and set everyone free. To tear it all down, in her own words. And due to her undead nature, which literally inhibits morality and allowed her to commit her crimes in WC3, she was of course going to follow him and go along with his ways. And her stance on free will has ALWAYS been one of self interest, of her self preservation. She herself stated that the Forsaken were simply arrows in the quiver to protect herself.
But since she now had an active goal of setting people free of fate, Zovaal’s revelation showed that the dominion over Anduin was not temporary, but permanent. That is why she only chose now to revolt. I hope this helps.
In the same place as the devs see the place of the player in experiencing the game according to some of the key narrative figures (Evolution of Thrall panel, blizzconline).
There is none. So, I guess another quest is considered a good idea or something. Or doing dailies.
RP is when devs talk about bad treatment (it’s actually bad sometimes, btw), but ignore how they treat the players. So, they are sad. Thus no need to fix anything / acknowledge how bad the stuff is. Works somehow in their heads.
On paper Uther story shows that the Jailer altered Uther’s memories. So, on paper everyone we saved from Torghast might be “sleeper agents”, and the compass Anduin dropped - a tool to lead us into a trap.
But in practice the devs take either most boring, or even more boring storylines so this would be unlikely to happen.
gl hf
Well, another step in the wrong direction. I hope this isn’t just because our part in the N’zoth cinematic was a laughing stock…
Sylvanas being surprised that the Jailer wanted her to serve him would be like the Soviet Union expecting Germany to stick with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
It just… Takes such a monumental amount of brainlessness to even consider that someone like that wouldn’t want to enslave everyone especially after how he’s been behind so much of her undead experience that I can’t understand how she physically functions.
Blizzard deemed it so.
Ok, so I simmered down a little.
My conclusion after watching this cinematic 50 times is:
They wrote themselves in a corner after Teldrassil and BFA, playing the shock card, but didn’t actually plan the story in advance. They didn’t have a point to make other than hurrr durrr insert mystery plan about saving all mortality at all costs
Not surprisingly, that upset a great number of people. So they had to fix it somehow.
They went for the Sylvanas’ other soul plot trying to please both sides. The loyalists get to keep her around some more and the rest get their hands on her to trial her for war crimes. They will probably put her through some serious internal conflict that will tear her apart to which everyone will, instinctively loosen up and start to forgive. Adding the whole “she was not complete plot” would give her redemption some sort of credibility, even if it’s slim.
The whole “she was dumb enough not to realize, well, pretty much anything at this point” is just a plot hole because they had to make it work somehow.
It is what it is, I refuse to stress about it any longer.
I can’t remember a single thing the Night Elves truly accomplished in WoW without Human Potential helping out…
That, my friend, is precisely the issue. The Horde sees somewhat the same treatment. Orcs everywhere. Zugzug
Well she never was the brightest candle in the chandelier so… a bit fitting…
IN WC3 she almost single handedly destroyed Quel’Thalas by boasting to Arthas that the gates were imbued with potent magics and he will never pass, never find the 3 key that lockated here here and here to open the three gate… oooooops?
And she basically went downhill from that point
Rushing in to that sword wasn’t her best moment either…
Maybe if she would earned her title as Ranger-General, not just handed to her, because big sis passed on the job…
Not Garrosh tho’
But who knows, that pile of ash that remained of him could be redeemed as an hourglass fill, to work off the kharmic depts?
Night elf female has accomplished most in WoW, they’ve been the prettiest mail box dancers since the game was released. No one has shaken as much gold out of adventurers as a skanky clad night elf female on a mailbox. Not even blood elf females managed to catch up when they were released.
That’s about as accomplished as you’ll ever get the night elves in WoW. Forget the awesome attitude and badassery from Warcraft 3, they’re not even close to that any more.
I’m not sure… those Draenei and Blood elven girls are very strong contenders to that title…
We need a vote!
The difference is that 2 years or so gap between releases. Question is whether or not the blood elves and draenei decreased night elves enough over the years to close that gap. This is proper scientific research going on here, we need a vote indeed! And deep study in the arts of mail box dancing
To Goldshire!
For - and in the name of - Science!
It’s not like people told the loyalist-players for 3+ years that they are following a psycho into madness…
Oh wait.
Well, there were arguments in favor and against this.
Sylvanas has a history of evil things but also fought for the right stuff. She has genuinely helped end world threats and the Forsaken have been the Horde’s bastion in Eastern Kingdoms.
It’s absurd to say she’s only done bad stuff, no matter how we put it.
The latest cinematic sheds some light on this. The loyalists have not been wrong about her after all. She genuinely thought she’s saving the world. Her intentions were not evil, her methods yes but we knew that and most of the loyalists accepted it as “the end justifies the means”.
Rebels were right about it too. It was madness after all and the Jailer is far from being a good guy.
The fact that she’s been oblivious to all this is well, on Blizzard to explain.
She thought following the guy who has chains and cages as the foundation of his aesthetics would be the right path to free everyone…
That just shows that this Sylvanas (as opposed to past Iterations) is extremely stupid.
And people who follow an idiot are commonly wrong.
Ok congratulations, you were right and I’m an idiot.
Someone had to be at the end of this I guess.
Unfortunately blizzard wrote a choice where a good part of the playerbase had to be wrong at the end.
I’m not happy about it even if I was on the “right” side. This is a story where being right doesn’t feel good because they butchered a good character (i disagreed with most of the time) in a way that makes her retroactively stupid and pointless.
Remembering the moments people on here told me they will spit on her corpse, and loot her over and over again. HAHAH WHERE