I’ll just throw in my Sylvanas thoughts for the heck of it.
It’s always fun to see in retrospect where one’s theories diverge from Blizzard’s story.
I think the story Blizzard are telling with Sylvanas is one of life and hope.
Sylvanas in life is basically a happily ever after. She is young, good-looking, talented, popular, rises to fame as a Ranger General, and finds love in Nathanos.
The joy of life and a hopeful future.
And then Death comes to her door and The Lich King claims her soul.
She loses everything. Her existence as banshee and Forsaken becomes miserable and meaningless - envious of all the life around her that she can no longer have.
So she lashes out.
Everything she does is a rejection of who she was and the life she had. She’s burning all her bridges and trying to snuff out the remaining sparks of hope within herself - the emotion that only adds to her misery.
She’s set on a course to destroy the system of fate that dealt her such a terrible hand.
… And The Jailer is there, waiting, ready to help further her goal - using her destructive nature for his own ends.
But on her destructive path, Sylvanas is confronted again and again by others who still see hope within her.
Delaryn Summermoon grieves for her, saying that she’s made life her enemy and that is a war she’ll never win. That she cannot kill hope.
So Sylvanas burns down Teldrassil - lashing out again - to demonstrate her war on hope. Hope for herself.
Saurfang confronts her. His final words about the fact that Sylvanas cannot kill hope, that she’s tried and failed and just keeps on failing. It’s an uncomfortable truth, so she lashes out again, killing Saurfang.
Afterward she is confronted with Anduin who is the embodiment of hope and the good within everyone.
After Anduin is captured and imprisoned in Torghast, Sylvanas tries to convince him to join her and The Jailer.
They have a longer conversation:
Sylvanas Windrunner: So I will offer this, one last time. Join our cause, or be made to serve.
Anduin Wrynn: What kind of choice is that? Why even give me…
Anduin Wrynn: It’s the choice you never had.
Anduin Wrynn: Despite all your grand designs, there’s still some shred of your mortality haunting you, as if the Banshee Queen hasn’t entirely eclipsed the Ranger General.
Sylvanas Windrunner: Don’t.
Anduin Wrynn: Now I understand why you brought me here. Why you’ve tried so hard to persuade me. Because if you can get me to let go of hope, you finally can, too.
Sylvanas Windrunner: Enough!
So Anduin gets subjugated against his will, choosing to have faith in Sylvanas. To hold out hope for her.
Finally Sylvanas is confronted by Elune in the form of Tyrande. They fight and as Tyrande is about to win and claim her vengeance…Elune’s power withdraws from her, allowing Sylvanas to live.
Tyrande doesn’t understand why Elune forsakes her and Sylvanas basks in the hopelessness of Tyrande’s expression, saying that her goddess denies her victory.
But Sylvanas’ interpretation of the event is wrong. Elune is not forsaking Tyrande, she is holding out hope for Sylvanas.
And finally there’s the raid encounter itself where Sylvanas is confronted with the fact that The Jailer has used her for his own ends - a doubt she has had, but refused to acknowledge, because it leads to hope. Or in the words of The Jailer, she is still chained by mortality.
So she takes opposition to The Jailer, seeing him for the enemy he is.
The Jailer restores her soul and leaves her to the heroes’ mercy - an intended cruelty on his part.
And though The Jailer represents confidence in everyone’s inevitable fate of servitude to him, then Sylvanas still represents hope.
And now she’s gone so far down one path and she’s burned all her bridges and there’s nothing left.
…Except a compass. Left by someone who holds out hope for her.
And so she will embrace that spark of hope that others have held for her, choose a new path and fight for a new purpose.
The war against which she was always destined to lose. And the cause for which Elune stands. And Anduin. And everyone else. And now herself. Because that was always her fate.
TLDR: It’s the return of the prodigal son…or daughter, I guess.
That’s my bet anyway. Her story is one of tragedy. But she will be a hero.