Sylvanas is actually pathetic

you know what I want. I want sylvanas dea*d
actually dead
her soul separated from her body
her soul burned to ash
the ash crumbled into atoms that resemble nothing
i want her to cease from existence
i want her to not be able to cause any more harm
I want her to disappear from our world so we can finally achieve a golden era between the two factions where we won’t be killing each other like animals.

And what you’ll get is her turning Anduin into a zombie

Yes yes, it’s quite apparent what you want.

Hold onto your britches then, and prepare to get villain batted, you have Turalyon, Yrel, Anduin, The night warrior, Genn and Alleria, all seemingly more or less going off the rails.

She’s in torghast though.

yes but if she dies in shadowlands she disappears forever, which is the point. I want her to not exist ever again in the whole universe.

True we will have a faction war once we come back from SL. But maybe now the factions won’t be Alliance x Horde but Shadow x Light. Now, who is here to say which is good and which is evil? Idk, and idc how that war turns out as long as Sylvanas is brought to justice.

I mean you say this but then you also say this:

the sad truth is, it doesn’t matter if Sylvanas lives or dies. The writers gonna write what they want to write and yes, they seem to think it’s great and fun to write the horde as villains all over again. No matter if you or we like it :woman_shrugging:t2: So what’s the point. Except for satisfying your revenge fantasies, of course. But that’s really all I ever get from your posts.
But hey, I hope we get that alliance going full evil light zealots storyline we all expect, and I hope you will enjoy it. Hint: you probably won’t.



What I want from my heart: Take full vengeance on the horde for several genocides and other warcrimes that lead to countless deaths of innocents on both sides.
If it takes Yrel and her fanatical light simps that I’m not even a fan of, so be it. If that’s what it takes to finally have revenge for Teldrassil, so be it, even if it won’t be in its name.

But most importantly, I wish, to decapitate sylvanas and ask a few druids to transform and decorate her grave with animal turd

What I realistically want because I know Blizzard still favors the horde and wouldn’t let anyone hurt it too much: Peace, because that’s the best I will get. I can choose to either have my people mass killed by the horde again, or have relative peace for one or two expansions. So this I would rather stick with.

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Of course not; the other faction having a “MWA HA HA!” moment for once might be a bit of a change, but it’s still stupid, cartoony, and bad writing :smiley:

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ion is the true raid boss we kill him in a 120 with the creative director and writters being the bosses before him

Well, it does have a reason.

Calia, being a soft and gentle human soul as she is, needed to have an undead safe space created specially for her.

Couldn’t have her interacting or surrounded by actual Forsaken characters…

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Having Cataclysm reversed, meaning an expansion where Alliance humiliates Horde everywhere at cost of Turalyon (or Anduin) it is not a bad deal for me. I will gladly help you dispose of him (/them) after that.

But what I am sure that will not happen, we will have them killed without first part, maybe with more humiliation of Alliance by Horde.

Horde lost more than just a whackjob on a throne during Cataclysm, but you do you.


Baine is a weakling who should have died 10 years ago. Horde would be better off with Magatha in charge of the Tauren.

Sylvanas will return and kill Calia and Derek and Voss and then reclaim Lordaeron for the Forsaken.

We didn’t just lose a warchief. You surley have never played Horde in your life because then you would know that. But I should not expect too much from alliance fanatics these days.

You already did that in bfa by winning every single battle that came after teldrassil. Stop being greedy.

The trashing of the Horde started in TBC and still is going on to this very day. But you are blind to those truths like most alliance players are.

Indeed. The Horde I joined so many years ago is no more. I’m not even sure what this current Horde is anymore, nor can I even force myself to care at this point.

Both factions should just break in my opinion. Shake things up, form new coalitions, focus on the individual races. Stop beating the dead horse.

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We just need another faction war where the alliance is destroyed and then we can be fine forever.

“Sylvanas is temporary, Bastion is forever”


GLORY TO CHAIRMAN BAINE … begone traitor takes away erevien’s blood elf symbol and tosses him into the maw … S i m p

In b4 the true villain of Warcraft invades from the realms yet unbeknownst and we all feel as if we’ve been bamboozled. Again.

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Don’t forget, that true villain is also possessed by the trutly true villain we have yet to know. Yet.

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Baine is a traitor. I hope Sylvanas kills both him and Thrall.