With the trend Blizzard has been having as of late, I wouldn’t be so sure about it. Grommash wasn’t the final boss in WoD after all.
The game is bleeding out of viable villains, and having Nzoth being dealt with in a single patch, within an expansion that overall has largely ignored him, seems strange.
Wouldn’t put as a fact that he will be part of the raid.
Sorry, not following the logic. We’ve seen villains appearing in successive expansions several times, in fact being used as gateways to the expansion that follows so it’s not like it’s an alien concept but rather a common used tool. So I’m not sure what you are talking about.
I remember when they said at Blizzcon that 7.3 would be about Argus and in the end it was about N’Zoth.
Sorry, not following the logic. We’ve seen villains appearing in successive expansions several times, in fact being used as gateways to the expansion that follows so it’s not like it’s an alien concept but rather a common used tool. So I’m not sure what you are talking about.
Except for the fact that all these “gateway characters” – Garrosh, Gul’dan, and Sargeras – did not go MIA until the next expansion, but were featured heavily in the last tier patch of the current expansion.
And I personally don’t recall any Blizzard employee outright stating Nzoth would be the final boss. Even their “with the last cinematic you’ll see who that is”, seems vague enough as is.
It could perfectly refer to Azshara.
Let’s clarify this. And possible spoilers ahead, from what I recall the old gods are implicated in the supposed battle in Stormwind trying to prevent the Alliance and the Horde “rebels” from reaching Sylvanas because she has a “plan”, which makes sense since the Old God(s) are going nuts around her given what we seen in the Windrunner reunion comic.
At the same time there’s the deal with Helya which is, to date, unrevealed and on top of that Sylvanas’ clear desire to strike at Stormwind.
Bottom line, keeping in mind Blizzard’s storytelling and the connections between story elements and the leak, I can, at least consider the possibility that it MIGHT be for real.
It’s not vague. The final boss is very clearly either N’Zoth or Azshara, both of which are stated as being afk until the next expansion by the fake leak. The final slide at last year’s Blizzcon literally shows N’Zoth after 8.2.
I don’t care about a compilation of Blizzard’s lies. They are the exception, not the rule. The rule that was estabilished at Blizzcon 2016 is that if they say at Blizzcon that X is coming after .2, then X is coming. Pretending that they would say X is coming in .3 at their own live event, only to randomly change their plans (plans they already had before BfA even started) to completely cut off X from .3 is ridiculous.
I am the only one bringing cold facts in here. Your wishful thinking is meaningless.
Let’s clarify this. And possible spoilers ahead, from what I recall the old gods are implicated in the supposed battle in Stormwind trying to prevent the Alliance and the Horde “rebels” from reaching Sylvanas because she has a “plan”, which makes sense since the Old God(s) are going nuts around her given what we seen in the Windrunner reunion comic.
At the same time there’s the deal with Helya which is, to date, unrevealed and on top of that Sylvanas’ clear desire to strike at Stormwind.
Bottom line, keeping in mind Blizzard’s storytelling and the connections between story elements and the leak, I can, at least consider the possibility that it MIGHT be for real.
N’Zoth does not appear at all. There’s your debunk of the fake leak.
Saying that I bring “wishful thinking” implies I wish some specific outcome to happen. Not the case.
I just said that I doubt that given the information we have so far, Nzoth being the last boss is a “fact”.
It’s very probable, but it’s not solid and hard truth.
He does not have to actually appear in the damned patch to be involved. I don’t get where you just make up your mind that the leak is 100% fake when your counter-proof is so weak.
If you want to discuss a damn leak, read it first.
My “weak counter-proof” consists of two very clear statements from Blizzard, one of which was at Blizzcon. And it can’t be a counter-proof, it must be a proof, period. Since you very clearly haven’t presented any proof yet.
Right. Well, I guess we will find out soon. Like I said, I may be wrong thinking the leak may be real. You are sure it’s not real. We’ll just have to wait and see how it turns out.
If the leak is real, then I hope a massive backlash erupts. You don’t promote N’Zoth at Blizzcon just to completely remove him at the last minute. They have these storylines planned years before they actually get released.
Sylvanas: “Why should I accept your challenge?”
Varok: “You are evil, I am a good guy, thus you want to make me suffer instead of doing anything useful.”
Sylvanas: “Well… you got me there. Let’s fight.”