Sylvanas possible real plan with Derek

came to think about the plan with Derek in 8.1.5 and something hit me

i don’t think he is a sleeper agent and the condition of his mind where only to provoke Baine to deliver him to them

i think the goal of it is not to kill the Proudmoore but to split the Alliance

in bts many human was less than thrilled at the idea of living with the undead

and i think the books
The Traitor King: The AWFUL King of Stormwind has betrayed us all!"
The Cursed Old Wolf: “The MONGREL King of Gilneas can be of use to us!”
The Would-Be Queen: “Our beloved princess has been transformed into a CORPSE BRIDE!”
The Last Menethil: “The Menethil Dynasty will yet ENDURE!”
are the result of it

the author is clearly from Lordaeron base on OUR beloved princess has been transformed into a CORPSE BRIDE!"

and is not happy that Anduin only intent to replace one undead queen for another. hint the The Traitor King

what do you think of this idea

I highly doubt this was her plan considering was originally assassination in some form and not a divide of the Alliance. This is just a unintended side effect of her original plan failing.

If the Alliance still allows Calia then I don’t think having Derek as well will be that far of a stretch, especially if he becomes Lightforged. There is more chance letting Saurfang go will cause more tension than allowing Derek to stay within the Alliance.

I think this is about Talanji and her relationship with Bwonsamdi.

How about that hug?

Calia Menethil.

Another possibility. But she should be called more… Ummmm, Light’s Bride That Is Also A Corpse.

I would initial have thought that but I don’t think she would have 2 books named after her. Unless “The Last Menethil” is some smokescreen that that there is another brother/sister we didn’t know of or that her child actually survived.

Derek is probally already brainwashed and making his raising public was just meant to be a trap for Baine.

Erevien in today’s episode of “Wishful thinking”.


Wanna bet? It’s not the first time such a false flag happened. Just like when Garrosh counted on Baine warning theramore back in pre mop.

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It makes no sense to me, seeing Derek isn’t being sent to Kul Tiras, but eh. We shall see.

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Must Sylvanas always have a second plan that no one knows about?

She failed, plain and simple. She wanted to brainwash Derek and force him to murder Jaina and the rest of his faimly, but her plans were foiled once more.

Also, if Derek were the author of those heretical books, then he wouldn’t refer to Calia as his princess, since he is a Kul Tiran, not a Lordaeronian.

i never said that Derek was the author

Then there is no connection between those books and Derek.

the author does not try to be flattering
with title like The Traitor King and MONGREL King

Dividing the Aliance is only the purpose of this war. Unless you subscribe to the meta theories about how she is doing… eh nevermind.

I think that she will use him to make some cracks inside the aliance regardless of his state of mind. Hence she makes the spectacle of a trial in aliance territory(according to the broadcast text) to make sure the aliance sees it and doubts Derek’s mind.

no not directly but i think the author will find out about Calia as a result and that Anduin will not take lordaeron for the living but let the dead keep it. Imagine what stormwind citizen would say if Terenas would had let the orc keep stormwind after the second war

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Pretty sure she has 5 at all times we don’t know About.

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Bold to assume that she doesn’t have a backup plan to the backup plan of her backup plan.

They’re called Val’kyr.


The people have no power in an absolute monarchy. If the mob dares to rise up against our High King, the shining might of the Stormwind Army shall purge them.

Pretty sure she has 5 at all times we don’t know About.

You greatly overestimate the cunning of Sylvanas. She is not nearly as intelligent and careful as N’zoth or Kil’jaeden.