Sylvanas possible real plan with Derek

Tell that to Louis XVI. If the “people” really WANT the power, they always can take it.

Jaina alone could pretty much solo an entire mob should it come to that. Do not compare Warcraft with real life.

Do you really think Jaina would attack civilians? She wouldn’t even attack the Horde until blizzard had them annihilate her city.
A huge part of successful rebellions is, that the military hesitates attacking “their” people.

Likewise, do you really think that the people would trust the words of a random nobody writing an heretical book over their trust in their beloved King? Despite what propaganda says, Anduin is a very popular King.

Well, if our history is any indication, people believe anything if they are desperate enough. Who knows what blizzard does, they could even make anduin a hated king estranged from his people because he sent thousands of them to their death in a war for Allies on the other side of the world. Continuity is not really their strength.

You know you are speaking about a person who trusted a dreadlord… right?

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But Anduin is not losing the war, by the end of Patch 8.1.5 he almost won, and could very well end the war in a matter of weeks.

you don’t need to loose a war for it to seem senseless to your people. It’s enough if it’s far enough away.
Look at Vietnam, the NLF and North Vietnam had 3 times the losses of South Vietnam and the US (1.1mio vs. ~300k) and still, the US “lost” the war in the public eye because the cost of it was to much for them.

As far as i know there is nothing warlike close to stormwind, so why would a citizen, safe and prosperous, support a war for some strange purple elf on the other side of the world.

That would happen if Anduin was the one who started the war and dragged them into a grave along with him. But he wasn’t, he was attacked. What what he supposed to do? Many soldiers died; Should Anduin have bowed to Sylvanas instead?

As far as i know there is nothing warlike close to stormwind, so why would a citizen, safe and prosperous, support a war for some strange purple elf on the other side of the world.

Because the people haven’t forgotten nor forgiven the genocide that the orcs committed upon them 30 years ago.

You mean probably the alliance. Well, I think that the people can understand Anduin if he doesn’t want lose against a maniac.

Well all of the books probably have a relation to House Menethil:

Anduin never told the people about Calia, since humanity are not a single kingdom but many. Some might see this as treason especially the people of Lordaeron. Many humans did afterall, see no purpose with the alliance, Lordaeron were one nation who choose to stay independent during the 2nd war.

The mongrel king refers of course to Genn Greymane. The reason why the people of Lordaeron whould mock him are because of the Greymane Wall being shut for refugees after Arthas killed King Menethil and threw most of Lordaeron into chaos post the 3rd war.

To Lordaeron loyalists Genn Greymane and his bloodline are no friends. However at this moment the enemy of their enemy are their friend. So they believe they can use him to take back the areas around Lordaeron.

Corpse bride, most likely refers to Calia Menethil. Which before her dissaperance were arranged to marry Lord Daval Prestor(the alias of Deathwing) and thus become the Queen of Alterac. How many that acctually do know about Prestors true identity is not known. But this little piece of history whould indeed make her a “corpse bride” post her reanimation.

The last Menethil well… It could be Calia’s daughter which have been kept a secret since her birth.

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I never Claimed they were good Plans did I?

Sylvanas so inteligent she can see the future

I think it’s pretty obvious he’s a sleeper agent, mind controlled successfully by Sylvanas. Baine just unwittingly delivered him to his target.

The question is, will he target the Proudmoores or Calia? He’ll have access to both from the looks of things.

I’m kinda betting he’ll fail at killing Calia/Jaina but succeed with Kathrine and/or maybe Tandred? Though obviously I’d rather he succeed at killing Jaina.

I don’t think using him to spread propaganda is the best plan. She could probably bribe a living human or have some other spy do that. Derek is too useful to waste on such things.

Plus one of the books suggests Calia “lives”. That’s not something Sylvanas wants getting back to her people.

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Jaina is like THE alliance character at the moment, she has as much plot armor as sylvanas. And I don’t want to see a son killing his own mom, but the horde is so evil some times.

Yes, right at the start it was. When the war was meant to be won by the end of WoT.

It isn’t now nor is the reason she raised them “split the Alliance”, she should have learnt that lesson when she found out the Alliance would never stop fighting her and burn down the tree.

Well they won’t fight her, if they fight each other. To Jaina/Katherine he is dear family. To Shaw and rest of the Aliance he is a massive risk. In such a scenario people tend to follow their emotions rather than logic. And a lot of things can happen, when emotions run wild.

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Free will is the cornerstone of Forsaken society…?


Looks at Lightforged Calia, looks at Shaw releasing and helping Saurfang escape without traces of Alliance involvement



Rightful queen of Lordearon will be back :wink:

Down with Sylvanas, the usurper!