Sylvanas possible real plan with Derek

No I didn’t. Referring to the same thing.

The person or group that rules a country controls its affairs.

And referred to a ruler of said body. Really, it was simple enough to grasp.

Quote source nine.
Wouldn’t make bold statements regarding who is lying…


Ps: Anyway, this is going down the same route as always. Again I have you grasping at terminology or deterring the subject. I’m done kid.

Not really, very few people can cut their way through your mental jungles.

Why, you!

Source nine is on the sentence:

The undead Forsaken[1][2] or simply the Forsaken and Undead[3][4] are a race[5][6] and a faction[7][8] of intelligent undead who broke away from the Scourge and took control of much of the kingdom of Lordaeron,[9]

Your claim, for which we demand a source, was:

This is not the same, obviously as should be clear to anyone who can read.


Yeah, you are lying again, as usual. And you were done the moment you began spouting headcanon.

Now, Thoradin Source and Wowpedia Lorash edit please. I have to read that before kindergarten.

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Oh, it is on!

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Meh, not really. The goalposts shifted from “You are arguing about laws”, to “You said in the past this or that”, muddying everything to a point that the crux of the argument is no longer visible.

In fact, I’m tempted of erasing every post I’ve made answering this sidetracking and leave the initial ones I wrote.

I don’t see what’s muddy here. Everything is perfectly clear.

To which I reply:

You reply:

I reply:

You ignore this, before I push you again:

To which you reply:

I ask again:

You reply:

Implying, you have a sourced sentence. I reply:

You reply:

I provide source nine as:

I think it is rather clear. Now go and cover your tracks.

Don’t forget to:

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No longer about ‘Medieval Rules’? :joy:


Might not have the UVG at hand, but I do have BtS:

  1. Those who currently inhabit Lordaeron lived there in life. The Forsaken are the true heirs. It belongs to them now. The best I can do for those whom I would have ruled is exactly what I’m doing. I’ve found peace and a calling where I can really matter. That’s more important than a bloodied crown.”

  2. Arthas, corrupted by the sword Frostmourne and pulled step by step from the path of the Light by the whispers of the Lich King, had not simply turned the citizens of Lordaeron into monsters. He had used a public welcoming ceremony as a chance to murder his father as Terenas sat upon his throne.

  3. The corruption of her beloved brother and the murder of her father, of so many of the people of Lordaeron… her flight, her terror… the loss of her husband and child, the loss of everything—

  4. The priestess stared at the ring and thought of her family. Of her child, whom she imagined as having grown up to be like Philia: brave and loyal and kind. Of her own husband, who had kept her secret and loved her for who she was. Of all the people of Lordaeron, who didn’t deserve what had happened to them and who had struggled on bravely.

Anyway, I’m done. :joy:

I can quote you a separate compilation based on that, but I guess, I can:

Not be bothered typing! You did it!


Also, are you legit done now? Like, for real? This is your third post in which you are done.

I guess your creative interpretation of certain words stretches even to the word “done”. Maybe you were implying your chicken for lunch was “done?”
Maybe you have “done” something.

Maybe I should “done” my armor?

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First of all, nice back-edit. Further more, once again, you prove nothing. Your claim was:

You did not prove this, you only proved that the majority of Lordaeron died from the Scourge, which is a well known-fact, and needs no proof. I mean, your own claim is silly, because apparently, going by it, the Forsaken outnumber the Scourge?

Have a complementary video:


Its simple really- it belongs to those who have the power to either hold it or conquer it.
Originaly it was all Elune’s land- The Goddess lost it to the ravaging Elemental Lords- They lost to the 4 old gods and their Black Empire- They got their proverbial behind handed to them badly by the Titans and their Titanforged armies- They then retreated and allowed the mortal races to be born,populate and conquer- The Trolls and the Aqir were the 2 most powerfull post Black Empire- The Empire of Zul defeated them and became dominant- They were humiated and defeated by Azshara and the NE Empire forcing the trolls to stay in their enclaves or be destroyed and the last empire to control Azeroth uncontested was defeated and destroyed by a civil war, the Burning Legion and blowing up the Well.
The Thunder King also has had enough power to say all land is Mogu land- Lei Shen came close and would have suceeded had he taken control of Uldum but he got rekted by the Tol’Vir and that was the end of that.
If anybody mortal wants to make the claim that all land is their land then they better come to the fight with the same power as the Highborne and Azshara did or the Trolls had under the Zul Empire :man_shrugging:


What?? When did i say that?.

The UVG is literal: […] Led by their queen, Sylvanas Windrunner, the formerly living residents of Lordaeron quickly claimed the fallen kingdom.[…]
Page 128.

How is that ANY to do with me claiming the Forsaken outnumber the Scourge??
Going back to the initial quote:

Edit: Next time, some guy should reconsider before saying i lied. (And is weird to know that an emoji enabled by Blizzard themselves is considered inaproppiate, but thanks for making me know Halasibel).

Your claim, hun, is that the Forsaken are the bulk of the population that once inhabited Lordaeron. Are you sure you know what “bulk” means :wink:

Well, good to know, my post where I quoted that part got removed too oO

But we can still post, can’t we…? What happened, anyway?

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Yes. The UVG describes the Forsaken faction as the residents of Lordaeron (that were formerly alive).

How is that anything to do with the Scourge? Or with what i said?

That its flagged as inappropriate and removed from the thread.

So… we both were flagged by someone not fine with that emoji :smiley: ?

Well, isn’t “bulk” of Lordearonian population within the Scourge? If Forsaken were the bulk, then they would probably outnumber the Scourge.

This is obvious. Forsaken are mostly (not counting e.g. Dark Rangers) residents of Lordearon. But that doesn’t mean that they are the “bulk” of Lordearonians.

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Typical Zarao mentioning things that aren’t even implied. I swear, they could claim that Sylvanas is related to Sargeras just because she is a powerful individual.

Move along people, there’s nothing to see here.


If they weren’t, the guide wouldn’t describe them as “the residents of Lordaeron” in absolute terms. It wouls say “A segment of the residents of Lordaeron”, or “A bunch of the residents of Lordaeron”.

The phrase is talking about the residents of Lordaeron, as a whole. In fact, if we didn’t know better, the quote would imply that ALL the residents of Lordaeron are the Forsaken.

The Scourge is described as an undead force that swept from Northrend under Arthas command. And its armies came initially from said continent, and from many other places. Even if Lordaeron and Quelthalas fell to it.

EDIT: And note that this initially bolted from a statement that said that the majority of the population of Lordaeron supported Sylvanas. Something that was argued against, by implying there was another bigger/more populous segment of it elsewhere that argued otherwise. Given UVG, this doesn’t seem to be the case, as it talks about the residents of Lordaeron as a whole, that turned Forsaken.

If I said that the army led by Alexander the Great into persian lands consisted of the residents of Macedonia, does it mean that MOST of Macedonians were in this army? It makes no sense oO.

… So, “Alexander’s army consisted of the residents of Macedonia” means that ALL of Macedonians were there. Every woman, every child, every carpenter and every macedonian dog?

Just to be clear, Alexander initially left for his campaign with the residents of Macedonia numbering around 45 thousand fighting men. There were more, but they were not residents of Macedonia :wink:

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If i say that the residents of Lordaeron (not some, not a bunch, not a few,…) became the Forsaken, i’m pointing at the majority.

It would be disingenuous to think that when they address them as such, they are referring to the minority.

I don’t think so. Why?

“The residents of Macedonia were the soldier in Alexander’s army”. I am NOT saying that majority of them were. I am only saying that they were, without talking about any numbers.

Why? I don’t get it. You are not pointing at any major or minor number.

You use a lot of terms like “disingenuous”. Why? Am I disingenuous because I don’t think like you?

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No, i was referring to someone that claimed that said sort of phrasing referred to the minority. Not calling it to you.
It denotes a lack of frankness.

I think that sort of phrasing does not refer to any specific number.


Well, good, it does not refer to mean, but if it did… My name is not Frank!

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