Sylvanas possible real plan with Derek

No there isn’t. If you claim one thing somebody else can claim another. Your right isn’t better than the ones from the trolls just because the time span is less big. So, when are the humans and dwarfs relocate to the titan facilities? And when will all remaining elves on Azeroth get turned into Naga?

lets take it 1 step further.



And when are all the Trolls going to give up their clam on every land they own? What, just because the Old Gods are ugly squid monsters, it means that they have no right? Even the oldest Troll in history is but a spit compared to the Black Empire that ruled at the dawn of history.

Well, first of all, the term of “Medieval rules” here is rather vague, but I will assume you speak of Western Europe (mostly France and England) within a certain time period. According to those medieval rules, Sylvanas is not a rightful monarch.

This is your argument? I guess the Unicorns did not vote? Did Eru confirm her rule?

I want the exact, quote, page, sentence. In original. Further more, according to the medieval rules you are so fond of, Sylvanas is an illegal Alien supported by lower classes who did not even have the right to vote. Further more how many of the Forsaken are not from Lordaeron, or not even Human? Do the Dark rangers and Banshee also count as Legal Lordaeron citizens?

As for the former lands, this is hilarious. I don’t even desire to open this can of worms.

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Yes it is, time and generations are a big factor. There is a huge difference between Humans what had to flee from Lordaeron due to the Scourge/Forsaken and still consider Lordaeron their land (which was like, what 25 years ago?) to events that have happened 1000’s of years ago.


Erevien, delete your character. You are playing a thief who stole rightful Amani land. Be ashamed of yourself.


Well the other troll tribes certainly don’t see it like this. They are still waging fights to get their lands back. So do the gnolls and kobolds of stormwind. So which side gets the rights? Those that are privileged enough to serve the Anduin and his friendship league faction? Or those with ancient legitimate grudges because their enemies never managed to offer retaliation nor even an official peace treaty like it happened to the Frostmane trolls?

Common folk seldom had ownership over their lands in medieval times.
If we are to assume that WoW works any similarly, which given they function with a house of nobles, seems to be the case, the the owners of the land are the nobles themselves. Not the baker or the farmer.
And so far, the only Lordaeron noble we’ve had an expanded story about, is Barov.
With half his family supporting Sylvanas while the other half rather support the Alliance.

Doubt many rulers in medieval times or in fantasy settings that are inspired by them, cared one bit about the popularity contest.
And so far, the humans of Lordaeron Sylvanas he actively killed, were the ones that either actively battled her rule or supported her enemies.
Not to say the way she did so was any better.

But such is the crude reality of how medieval rules worked. Having a monarch keeping his position by always playing nice, seldom worked except with Disney movies.
Even Stormwind had their flaws with Westfall and the Defias.

For a moment I read AC/DC and thought about an Undead Rock Band.

But going back to your example, there have been examples of every race doing so. And we lack the explicit numbers about how many Forsaken did. Leonid Bartholomew is still considered an oddity.

I kind of did. But long story short: depends on the collective you are referring to.
The AC have been left alone, whilst Southshore was razed because of how they supported the Alliance.

Truth is, I would love to role play as a Naga :frowning:

The Old Gods. For what are the Trolls, the Elves, the master race, if not usurpers who are squabbling on rightful Old God land? Who is N’zoth, if not a poor prisoner who is fighting to restore what is rightfully his and was stolen from him by those pricks, those young punks like the Troll who pretend to own Azeroth even though they are nothing compared to the Old Gods?

Here’s a tip: This “Troll Land” BS argument has already been debunked a thousand times already, so why even bother bringing that up?

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I’ve already clarified that I was referring to the kind of rulership that took place during Medieval times. Not about the laws that tied them, as it would be absurd to argue about them in a world that barely holds up with much simpler concepts.

Medieval rules/rulers were harsh on dissidents. That’s it.

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So, you are arguing about legality and speaking of medieval “rules” by…not arguing about the laws tied to them?

You are aware that rules are laws? You are aware that the world “Legal” comes from the Latin word “Lex”?

What even are you talking about?

You also failed to provide me with what I have requested. Ultimate visual guide. Page, sentence, quote.

Or is this another case of Thoradin burning his regiments and Wowpedia sucking?

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Can’t we all just sit down and hug?

Not until blizzard starts to give some consistency to their story I’m afraid.

You misinterpreted, quoted this statement and thought that I was talking about laws.

When I said Medieval rules are harsh, I was talking about the rulerships. About how the rulers were harsh with dissidents.

Rule, as in the person or group that rules a country controls its affairs. Not the set of instructions or laws.

What are you talking about?


No, it’s about you misinterpreting what’s being said. Again.

I did not misinterpret. There’s the exact sentence:

You can say that Medieval Rulers were harsh to the opposition, but I am not sure what exactly you are aiming at. That is common knowledge.

When you speak of rules, though, you speak of laws, and there’s no arguing with laws. In the second sentence you also distinctly speak of the rules and the ruler as separate entities, so what is your argument again?

Also, I still await this:

Provide me with an exact page, quote, sentence, or retreat from your claim. Or did I misinterpret what you said above also?

Apparently, you are lying. Again.

It’s pretty self explanatory. Medieval rules were harsh with dissidents. Killing them wasn’t unusual.

If you want to know what I meant, read again all I wrote. Asking to explain isolated sentences out of the context of the post they were written in, seems a rather waste of time. Read what was written.

No. I simply don’t feel like typing a whole paragraph of the book. Specially if I don’t have it at hand right now.
You can take the wowpedia sourced sentence that refers to it if you like.

Edit: Ugh, why bother.

Woah, so never then.

I clearly quoted a sentence where you speak of rules and the rulers as separate entities. I will quote it again:

Awww, how very convenient! I have a source on Anduin having balls of gold, but I can’t be bothered linking it.

I did check Wowpedia, and Wowpedia does not back up your claim. Ergo, you lied. And you are lying again.

Why indeed, it is a harsh world where people don’t let you talk crap.

Ps. Still waiting on that “Thoradin burned entire regiments of his troops” source, as well as the Lorash Wowpedia edit. Can I add this to the list?


Well technically it’s supposed to be the physical universe…

But back to Derek.

I think that your Frankenstein’s monster comparison could be a very interesting angle.

Perhaps shed a spotlight at the fate of the undead who chose to go back to their families after being raised.