Sylvanas (PvP) Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Sylvanas in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Hi there, Nessie, Tauren Warrior, back in the day part of Nexus on Sylvanas looking for other old Nexus members returning to wage war on the puny Alliance once more.

Many names come to mind: Barco, Nanookh, Pipaa, Pupaa *(?), Scorper, Ebjong, Guvidus, Moonspirit, Danzel, Fisken, Mean, Tauro, Tautau, Epic, Voidus, Killi, Toke, Ante, Zha, Nosgothic, Azmodan, Rosha, Nivoglibina, Shimmer, Sjemmie, Ksasapis, Boneblade, Kakemonsen, Kakemonster, Alicia, Spix, Northstar, Silenna, Matrixowo, Gunslinger, Fenrisulf, Gaara and many more.

Looking forward to hearing from any and all!


Good to see someone’s already checked in here, Nessie!

Sín, undead warrior, here. Back in the day I rolled with The Moo Mafia, Ascend, Bad Bones, and Completely Different.

Some names that come to mind: Avaron, Plagueman, Painas, Noemi, Splinky, Sil, Elfcrusher, Ashashiva, Duce, Zimmah, Kalim, Azmodan, Minimadness, Outofcontrol, Hinkey, Zeuzo, Kendo, Gullfisken, Blazinarrow.

Hope to see some of you on the Classic realms!


Was Kakemonster a warlock perhaps?

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Yes, defintely Warlock. Male Orc if I remember correctly.

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tigru - mage undead
looking for old friends in:
Havoc or RoKillers guilds
flametongue, exorcistul, bestie, piedone, and many others

I really hope we can, at least, chat.


Skinnerr - undead priest
Spat - Rogue

Guilds: concept and bad Bones

Best things to do back in the Day: Gank method with Friends :slight_smile:
Looking forward playing with you guys!


Zherk, Troll Rogue, spent most of my time in Event Horizon.

Will probably just play very casually but it would be fun if people from back in the day are coming back.

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Suntem aici : @rokillers pe fb.
Sau bt meu #newfolder1201 - newfolder sunt frate Exo.
Da un semn când poți.

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Nu am facebook :smiley:
Iti voi da mesaj cu battletag.

Bigpappi here , i used to play in Moo mafia as tauren shaman .

I hope im gonna met in classic wow some of my old guild members or just some real oldschool guys from vanilla .


Vurtne needs to come back to classic. I am bugging Kendo via Bnet to join. I am the Paladin that got ganked 100 times so I need my vengeance.

I’m Whoopy the female dwarf forum-troll.

But lets see who I remember.

Yes I remember you. You where hard to kill in AV. Always a pain. I led a couple AV’s against your team in late Classic.

As for the people who Ravnx mentioned … how can I forget The Moo Mafia. You lot corpse camped me.

Remember Noemi the Horde Warlock. Always in IF and outside dueling. Fun times.

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Violence here, undead male rogue.
I was a part of Abomination, Rokillers, Draco, Nexus, The Moo Mafia. Also in TBC/WOTLK in Criminals In Action, Infinite and Hammertime.
I remember being a troublemaker for any alliance in, Tyr’s Hand, Hearthglenn Blackrock Mountain and Silithus.


Helló Bigpappi, as i remember u was a pvp oriented Rank 13 or 14 enchantment shaman, right?

Hi Hellforcer here, undead male Warlock, member of The Moo Mafia o//
Will be playing on Shazzrah, probably horde with some variation of “Samyaza” name.

nu ai sughitat? chiar vorbeam de tine zilele trecute cu Naz :slight_smile:


Hey I remember you, I’m a former nexus member aswell, orc male hunter by the name Lolelei :sweat_smile:


Yeah definately remember. Andersone already told me you were still hanging around somewhere :slight_smile: Nice grp of old farts is gathering now Classic is coming! Add me on battlenet Vigil#2997

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Can you guys remake Moo Mafia? You where always my favourite to try and gank.