We would probably get Swatted if we did, I mean we had to rename, because having mafia in guild name was bad apparently, hence the rename to Federal Bureau of Moo. Wonder how many people got mad at us and actually reported the guild name
Übertroll reporting for duty
H a v o C - Troll Rogue
Playing @ Firemaw - Same old Rogue, same old name
Avalanche - Orc Hunter
Übergamer - Troll Rogue
H a v o C and The Moo Mafia.
There where a lot of snowflake types on Sylvanas back in the day. Alliance where particular bad for being to offended too easily. I revelled in winding most players up by either pretending to be a ninja looter or claiming I dischanted their favourite gear. Got loads of hate mail.
I got banned off the Sylvanas realm forum like 3 times during Classic and had a month game time ban for being racist, xenophobic and obscene apparently. Well that is how the GM put it.
How about ‘Cult of Moo’?
Former Sylvanas player here. Played as Skallebank (Orc Hunter) in Vanilla, then changed to a Warlock in TBC (named Redroom) and tanking druid Moorder in WOTLK.
I was a member of mainly Nexus in Vanilla, Criminals in Action in TBC and GM of Hammertime in WOTLK untill my real life got the better of me.
I remember both Nessie ( ThunderFury, yea? ) and specially Vio from Nexus. Remember Vio sticking together with me in both CiA and Hammertime.
Aiming to probably play a lock this time around - but most importantly; I want to hook up with old friends :-). If anyone interested in having contact with me still, please contact me at BattleTag Halsbrann#2163.
Other than that I am probably not able to do a rush to 60, I got 8 hours work all day, and no vacation - but well… I am pretty goal oriented and just looking forward to play in our former home world, hopefully with old friends :). I plan to play the long game and really hope to play with a community of old friends and guidlies.
Hope to hear from you guys.
Edit: Anyone remember, or been in touch with Delijica? Mage from Nexus. Great guy, but haven’t been in touch with him for years.
Hey Skalle, real long time no see. Have gathered a few more Nexus veterans on discord. Added you on Bnet, so get in touch and I’ll get you the discord server invite.
Edit: Mewhywhy just had a fit that I found you
And alas, Thunderfury sponsored by Nexus went to Tauro…who subsequently quit about a week later. Mean and myself were a tiny bit miffed about that lol
Heyyy… Redromah where is my name I was the one guy who was still playing with you in WOTLK!
Pipaa - Orc Warrior, High Warlord
Back in the days I was part of Ascend and later on Nexus. And was a part of Archon’s Horde BG premade.
Checking in to see if some old names pop up
@Mewhywhy: How could I ever forget you?! So many good times.
@Nessie: thanks, I’ll jump on that Disc, cheers!
Remember that TF drama now that you mention it - guess I have surpressed some of the late-vanilla issues that arose …
See you all on Disc!
Hai Pipaa o//
Hai slacker o/
Hi Ganker. Think I remember a particular Orc Warrior who had a habit for ganking in STV.
I actually remember alot of you dudes even allies
Djana, hunter
Retaya, rogue
Djaner, warrior (Boulderfist)
Looking forward to see u all, atm shazrah, we shall see how it goes!
@pipaa legend in Sylvanas! I was rank 11 when u got 14 man
Greetings oldskool Sylvanas people! This is Exiz (retired UD rogue)
Used to raid with Excidium in the days.
I’ve still got some screenshots, you might recognize some players in there!
WeTransfer link (u gotta put the . couldn’t post the link otherwise)
wetransfer com/downloads/9a24209a4f681ffec4c441ff27fa8faf20190819190803/8a88ba7eb56f9b04debd1e3e158d5cdd20190819190803/544e50
multa vreme a trecut, poate ne auzim si noi candva
UD-Wlock Tokidoki
Orc war Dexecute
LF Zleeper / Croomi / other snowflakes from the past
/Salute Pipaa
The Moo Mafia top warlock reporting!
Who’s the top lock of TMM? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Hey there, I raided with this character back in the day but was pretty much incognito although there was a few firsts in the guilds I was in, Exalted/Affliction and very briefly Completely Different, had some really good times and very much looking forward to giving it all a whirl again!
Much love to the OG Sylvanas peeps!
Hi Pipaa,
Still gooing strong eh ?