HAI, Alhya long time man. Im not going so strong as i used too, less time for gaming these days.
Hey guys, Vyperdruid here. I used to be in Dark Forces of Chaos while leveling and after that in H a v o C, Bad Bones, and Nether.
So nice to see some people from back in the days!
Ezix! Thanks kerel! Those pictures bring up so many familiar names.
I’ll be reliving the experience of a druid on Firemaw, hoping to see some old pvp and pve friends. Can’t wait to start playing again!
Sup man? Spawencz here R13 Tauren shaman if u remember
Pipaa Spawencz R13 Tauren shaman overhere:) premade budy
Tokidoki Spawencz R13 tauren shaman
how ya doing man?
Gravelord, Undead Warlock
Sotalukki, Quanon, Misanthropia, Atahancc, Dius, Paranoia
Cya at Horde premades when P2 Launches , I’ll be ready
newfolder#1201 nu #newfolder1201
pe care servar ajungi
HUG might warrior on this bug mount
Hey! Xyler here … UD warlock spent some time in affliction and Ascend
I used the name “Moo Mafia” about 2-3 years later, during catalysm, with no issues.
Hey all! K!LL@K!n9 here, used to be a warlock in Nexus during vanilla on Sylvanas. Been a while
Hey everyone
Quiszar - Tauren Warrior from Sylvanas here
I spent most of my time on Sylvanas in Vanilla in Event Horizon
Hoping to see some people. I see Zherk is here
And Raging Nemesis since TBC
Nice to see everyone
Hi Killa, Nessie here…definately been a while. Hope you are well! We’re on Noggenfogger with quite a few from different Sylvanas guilds. Come join us
I remember you, you were that chatty Swedish guy! I was an UD rogue called Obscure, and was in Event Horizon as well (just before it disbanded shortly after the release of TBC).
If you want to hit me up, add my Blizzard account to your friend list (DaneelOlivaw #21221)
Hi everyone!
Primeape here, Tauren Warrior.
Used to play in Combustion/Profico and Ascend mainly.
It’s cool to see some familiar names from back on the days.
Hello. Now I’m a shaman on Tenstorms, same name - Flametongue . In BfA (not playing so much tho) I’m still Flametongue as mage
on Sylvanas.
Hey Ubertroll
Stupid forum is posting with other chars then intended
There is some 50 of us old Sylvanas players from different Sylvanas guilds on Noggenfogger in . Come take a look or better yet (re)roll on Noggenfogger ^^