Sylvanas Spoiler

Tyrande to a degree, but with Tyrande there is currently a massive focus on her flaws which makes her different - she in unable to wield the power properly and her thirst for vengeance is going to set her up for a fall. SHe is annoying yes I agree but not for exactly the same reasons.

Jaina and SYlvanas both seem to be able to acquire whatever powers they like, with no difficulty in mastering them or using them effectively and whatever flaws they have never lead to them being put into a difficult situation that has consequences, rather they’re either bailed out of said situation or it actually leads to them acquiring direct benefit from doing so.

Maiev would be a fantastic individual to step up for the Nelf. I always liked Maiev. She’s got the same kind of grit Tyrande is currently showing but she doesn’t have the whacky emotional imbalance that goes with it - Maiev is controlled and calculated.

Human Potential is what ruins alliance for me (I play both, focusing horde atm). I really like Alliance and what they are, stand for and many of their races. However I’m not massive on humans as they’re pretty generic as far as fantasy goes, yet 90% of the alliance story focuses on humans and then 9% focuses on “nelf history” (as in ruins, arcane apst and crap, rather than what they’re doing now) and then the final 1% is for everyone else to occasionally nod or agree with a human character in the centre of the shot.


How so? That is what they are…?

Azshara calls Lor’themar: “The pale Elf with the Sword.”

Player characters aren’t lore characters.

My fiance mainly plays a Male Zandalari Troll Druid. My main is a Female Blood Elf Mage…

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I used that example to show how accepting people are of the idea. I’m sure if it was added ingame they would give less a fuss, then they do with the Windrunner sisters relationship.

People hate the Elf-human relationship so much; I’ve even seen them say “kill Vereesa’s children” like… what? Is someone’s marriage choices really going to effect you that much! Lmao


There is no way they kill Sylvanas, she is by far the most sensibly developed character in the lore which is why a lot of players like her.

Some might not agree (mostly Alliance players) with what she is doing but, if you have knowledge of her back story, what she’s doing now seems justified, this version of her is the natural progression of the things that happened to her in the past.

As for PCs it’s nice in any combination. It’s only the people behind their computers, so it’s sweet in any way.

As for Lor’themar and Thalyssra, yeah I think it’s kinda grouse. They are basically different species. Only interelf relationships I can except are those between Blood Elves and High Elves. Void Elves are already either void advanced or degenerated.

Pretty sure none of them will be staying in the Shadowlands.

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Right, but it’s something that is so copy/paste from LOTR, it’s not even funny. I’m not part of that insane group who wants to see characters chopped because their mum is a Thalassian Elf and their Dad is a Human, but I’d like to see something that isn’t a straight up copy from Middle Earth. Their is more to Elves than being in a relationship with Humans.

This isn’t to say that same race couples are good. Tyrande and Malfurion are the most annoying, by a large margin.


No people like her because all the fanfiction and because people are horny idiots.

She was well written character until cataclysm after that she has only stayed in the game so that horny sad sacks bring in the buck.

That’s basically the Theme of Warcraft 2 and even waaaay back to the Troll wars.

Elves, Humans, and dwarves allying against Orcs and Trolls. Sounds familiar? I guess that’s why they went with the unique road during the Burning Crusade

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Yes and thank heavens they did.

As I said few post above, Horde Paladins, Alliance Shamans. They were a pain to balance before TBC.

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That’s not a problem in TBC Classic, since all Paladins (since Belf Paladins were the main issue in terms of Seal of Blood), are all getting Seal of Blood, just at different levels.

Not only that, but the Horde was a Faction that had waaaay less populaton than the Alliance during Vanilla. So they needed to add a pretty race quick to grab the attention.

Honestly I feel offended as a Troll lady. I’m pretty :sob:

And said race got to kill some of the Alliance’s “pretty races.” (Night Elves.)

It was a good day, to level my Blood Elf Mage.

On to the original topic, RED EYES PLEASE at least for Blood elf Deathknights

Void elves have a second theme. Why not Blood elves?

For all Blood Elves, since the “Dark Ranger” vibe could work for some San’layn/Darkfallen RP.

But, I think it’s got to come with a Blood Elf specific questline and involves Velonara. I vote, the Scarlet quest that was datamined.


Yeah it could be a similar quest to how the Night elves got the Night Warrior eyes (which doesn’t make sense in lore, but whatever.) it looks good

But, would Night Elves get the red eyes because of the Kaldorei Dark Rangers?

If they joined the Night elf society again, sure.

That hasn’t happened though…Someone’s fan art doesn’t make it a thing… :stuck_out_tongue:

Uhh, they’re like…Elves? That is like…umm, how these things normally work? The Windrunners are trailer trash who need to die in a fire, they are all tired knock off’s anyway.

The pair of them need getting rid of. Bland unimaginative characters, with no actual depth anymore. They have become plot devices, not actual characters. They had one job…One Job with Sylvanas, which was not to make her Hawt Elven eye candy to hang on a human male’s arm. Then look what happened. Then they try to claim she is all cunning and this is all her plan when it blatantly -wasn’t-! We saw that in Game! How also, even assuming the burning of Teldrassil was her plan (Which it wasn’t, as the Warbringer’s animation shows us!) How does that make sense? “Oh, I am scared of the Darkness that awaits me, that I saw for like two seconds before Deus ex Val’kyr, I know, I have a cunning plan, I will make that darkness even -more- powerful by sending it more souls!” That’s not cunning! That’s not being a master tactician, that is being a complete idiot. She should die this expansion, the only reason she still exists is for bad narrative, Steve Danuser to think she is actually real and his girlfriend, and for lusty fanboy’s to hanker after her (without realising that…uh…she’s dead…there’s a name for people that fancy dead people…)
As for Jaina, she makes no sense in lore. So let’s just take BfA into account here, and leave her other inaccuracies out of it. So there is this boat, right. This -Wooden- Boat, that has been at the bottom of the sea for years, it had cannons on it. -Metal- cannons.

So right away, we are talking about a set of decayed and rotten timbers that would not really look like a ship anymore, and cannons that would have been degraded, and essentially be unworkable. That ship is kaput. It is gone. Absolutely unsalvageable, yet somehow she manages to levitate it out of the sea, despite not actually being able to see it, and has magically done some Chronomancy on it to return it to it’s former glory! That’s not a thing! Or rather it is, for the Shal’dorei, who rather famously are not part of the Alliance. It also isn’t her bag, Frost magic is her thing, so we’ve already got power creep to do something impossible. Of course we have! Christie Golden went on record as saying that Jaina was her favourite character, and she’s now on the creative team, so of -Course- Jaina will be all powerful.

Then Jaina makes it fly. Because that’s totally a thing. She couldn’t sail it like a normal Kul Tiran, oh no, it has to fly. Because that is totally something that Frost Mages can do. Then, when she gets to Undercity, by a really weird route from the north that pretty much would have sent her ship hurtling to the earth as Ban’dinoriel just ‘Noped’ her magic, She opens fire with these destroyed cannons, firing arcane shots, whilst -also- keeping this thing flying. I mean I assume it isn’t flying on happy thoughts and, Gods forbid -Plot Armour-? Right. Mages can’t do that. Then, and this is even better, She’s doing these two Arcane things that she can’t do at the same time, and -then- starts casting Frost magic at the Blight to nullify it!

This makes no sense! The first time Blight was used in war was at the Wrathgate, a place that was rather famously cold, snowy, and dare one say, frosty! It seemed to work pretty well then! Frost magic should have Zero effect on the Blight, but of course, this is Jaina Me’dan Proudmoore.

I mean she is indirectly the assassin of Varian Wrynn. She could have teleported his backside out of Broken shores, we know she was there. She presumably chose not to. She must also really hate Worgen and Gilneans. If she can just finger wave and Abradabra, the Blight disappears, then why the everliving heck has she not done that to Gilneas City!? If I was Genn I would want her stupid head on a plate!


But yes, they are both awfully written contrived plot devices that need ditching.

I’ll you for why. Alleria and Turalyon happened, and it was like, fair enough, they’re doing an Aragorn and Arwen copy from Lord of the Rings. Then suddenly Knaak goes full on copy mode, and Rhonin needs an elf chick to hang off his arm, from the same family no less. Vereesa never even -existed- in lore until Knaak wrote her in, she literally did not exist. Now the really creepy thing here, That Blizzard have tried to avoid addressing, is that at the time her and Rhonin got together, she was a minor. We know that Elves are considered adult at the same time as humans are, and she was too young to fight in the Second War. Ergo not old enough to fight in the Armed forces of Quel’thalas. That’s right, Rhonin was a ‘wrong’un’ So that is really creepy, as well as being a Retread of a Retread. Well we thought, at least Sylvanas doesn’t share the family kin-Oh wait, she actually -does- share the family Kink, thanks to Danuser. So all Three sisters, one of whom never existed, all have to hang on the arms of human males, so this is now a Retread of a Retread of a Retread.

The Windrunners are a -joke-. Any Sin’dorei with pride would regard them as degenerates of a family, trailer trash, and kind of like inbred hillbillies.

Zero originality.

She really isn’t.

Thing is…they’re not. The Nightborne are the same species, and bizarrely have more in common with the Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei than they do with the Kaldorei. They’re basically the Grandparents of the Sin’dorei, possibly even just the parents in some cases. They’re Highborne basically, the ones that the Sin’dorei came from, just they were immortal until the destruction of the World Tree that cost the Kaldorei their immortality. For all we know, Thalyssra may have been an eternal 20 year old, or 40 year old, after all, Tyrande was actually pretty young, immortality wise, until it all stopped. Chances are high that Lor’themar is actually older than Thalyssra in terms of life experience.

Only Dark Ranger RP’er I have encountered was a complete douche, and broke up a group of people RPing, simply because they had to show how dark and embittered they were by being contrary to everything said. So everyone just left and went somewhere else, so more Dark Rangers? No thanks.

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She did die 3 times. 1st when Arthas killed her, 2nd in ICC, and 3rd when Godfrey killed her.

If you enjoy watching Sylvanas die to a Cata dungeon boss level character just do Silverpine storyline.