Hi there, my name’s Connor, I’m the Raid Leader for T H U N D E R - a Draenor-Horde raiding guild. Currently, we’re on the lookout for a couple more people to complete our raiding roster to enable us to venture into Mythic raiding - and to have a strong foundation when Azshara’s Eternal Palace releases this summer. T H U N D E R was created way back in 2011 as a multi-game community, and to this date, we still have a huge discord channel where people from SWTOR , Division, Starcraft II, Diablo, and World of Warcraft all join together - and we’re always on the lookout for more people to join the family!
Currently, we have both Dazar’alor, and Crucible of Storms cleared on Heroic - and have it on farm - aside from the odd wipe here and there - nobody’s perfect - but we unfortunately lack the numbers to properly jump into Mythic progression - aside from Mythic Champion who we kill on a weekly basis.
When do we raid?
Wednesday: 21:00-00:00 Server Time
Thursday: 21:00-00:00 Server Time
Sunday 21:00-23:30 Server Time (this is an alts raid, we usually do Heroic Dazar’alor, or Normal Crucible of Storms - this evening is completely optional)
Outside of raiding, we regularly run guild Mythic+, and are looking to set up a couple of dedicated teams ready to push through Season 3 - and are always on the lookout for more people that’re interested in joining our teams!
What are we looking for?
We’re looking for fun, social, and non-toxic players who want to clear Heroic and get their AOTC achievments in a timely fashion - and venture into Mythic - but understand that we’re not aiming for CE - and never will be. Our aim is to clear around half of each tier on Mythic difficulty - if we manage to get further awesome!
In terms of classes, we’re currently open to ALL DPS classes with particular emphasis on:
Shadow Priest
Demonology Warlock
Arcane/Fire Mage
WindWalker/BrewMaster Monk (the Brewmaster part will only ever be as a back up - we have two stable main tanks currently)
Enhancement Shaman
Frost/Unholy Death Knight
If your class/spec isn’t listed here, fear not - we take the player-not the class. We don’t min/max, if you’re able to follow mechanics, and pull your weight, we’d prefer you over the flavour of the month who ignores interrupts/mechanics
Why should you listen to me?
For one, I chose Horde, so I at least have good taste!
Secondly, I’ve been raiding Mythic since Hellfire Citadel (not to a Cutting Edge level of course. Closest I got was 7/8M Uldir).
Aside from myself, we have plenty of raiders that’ve reached high stages of Mythic progression - and we have a very close-knit community of raiders who are more than happy to welcome and accomodate new people.
If you’re at all interested, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with either myself or one of the other officers
My BattleNet: ConnorRigg#2598
Other officers include: Orggre (Guild Master), Imbasplat, Auska, Judest, Patchrip