Take the Lead in Follower Dungeons

Anyone else see the irony here?? “Here’s content you can now play alone in our MMORPG”

Why do Blizz constantly try to make more and more of this game solo based instead of actually trying to encourage people to group and punishing people for toxic behaviour?? All this is for is for new players and lets be honest that this is not going to be too useful to them as unless the boss mechanics are perfectly explained to them by the AI they are still going to die as soon as the key levels or until they start branching into harder content and probably still get flamed by some toxic person…

Theres no irony. a lot of people play alone in this game and dont care about others. so blizz try to have more player developing solo content.


I remember the times of LFM Shadow Labs HC in Lower City… Sure it sucked when it took a while to find people but if you were a toxic person word soon got around on the realm and you found yourself finding it harder and harder to get into groups if you got such a reputation. But now there is no punishment for toxic behaviour.


i remember perfectly the situation back in time. i knew almost any horde on sporeggar and i was aware who avoid. But i have to say i gave up with group content not for toxicity (or at least just not for this)… but for boredom. I find group content like dungeon or raid very boring… i never put effort so i prefer to let it to more focused ppl


I kept an eye on the US forum to see what the xp would be once it went live. At first it was like on the PTR this last week, but they’ve hotfixed it :slight_smile: It’ll be 5% xp reduction per active follower compared to a normal run according to Kaivax, which is quite an improvement!

XP in Dungeons with Followers - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Posted about 7 mins ago.

Ah I missed that and had to share the joy! :smile: Thank you!

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This is a great addition to the game. Perhaps not for the more hardcore gamers, but for casuals with limited time to “practice” the extremely fast playstyle that is the standard today.

Last year I returned to WOW after a LONG break (last I played was in the end days of Wrath)

Coming back heading into Dragonflight I was really surprised at the pace that was in the instances. I hated every single instance I was in because of the go go go mentality. Casters barely had time to stand still and cast before the tank was half way towards the next boss.

I would love to see this added to all other instances in the entire game (with scaling), as there is SOOO MUCH content that appears dead today and is more or less only visited for transmogs.

A way to encourage players to grp up with other players and not just bots, could be a reward system for perks and gear that is better the more real people are in the grp.

I usually play a Druid, and I love that now I can (at my own pace), switch playstyle without having to rush through the content and not really learn anything (or enjoy the game)

With the go go go instances being a new tank or healer isn’t really an option for many casual players. So this is great way to gain more playstyle experience.


i had this in BFA. After i realized it was just boredom… But i agree i could MAYBE try to heal or tank. Who knows?


I know!!!

Blacksmithing should require one player to hold the heated metal and two players to hammer it in order to make things. Imagine players doing something in the game without needing other players.

Pet Battle should need a full raid team in order to work. Imagine how cool it would be with 47 squirrels attaching a bear.
But they insist that we have solo content in a game. arggh!

Every quest should require a full 5 man group, a proper tank, healer and 3 dps.
How crazy is it that a quest giver can ask you to go collect 8 flowers and you can do this alone?!?!!
What has Azeroth come to??

/sarcasm (Poe’s Law gets me in trouble sometimes).

Remove us solo players from the game and you’d have to increase the sub fees to $450 a month. Are you willing to pay that much?


Gotta admit, that would be pretty cool! :smile:


Who doesn’t love standing around begging at a tank for help on a quest that gives 1.5% of a level?


So roughly how much % for a dungeon done solo (4 followers?).

“LFTank Shattered Halls… Ready to go!” ahhh good times…


I just got 3 bars on my boomkin at level 60 rested for Uldaman. You get even less for ruby life pools etc. So therefore it’s really slow.

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I have no idea, I haven’t tested it yet! But with 4 you’d end up with a 20% reduction of what you’d normally get. From what others described it seems like 3-4 bubbles of (rested?) xp, but don’t quote me on that hehe.

Can this be fudged by creating a group with 2 alts so you end up with only you and a tank and a healer as followers? Would be a bit slower but might be worth it for the xp…

I have no idea… I’m guessing if that is possible they’ll fix that tho :wink:

yeah, it didn’t work for the scenario at the end of Legion Invasions. Those should be soloable by now but they aren’t (as far as I know)…

Just tried one, put the pally in charge and just went along.

I’m impressed. The pally did LOS-pulls, and even suggested skips.
I severely overgear the normal dungeons and could probably solo them, but I will definitely try this feature more when levelling a new alt, can be useful for gearing.

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