XP in Dungeons with Followers

Throughout the 10.2.5 PTR, your XP was reduced by 20% per follower, so if you ran a dungeon with two friends and had two followers with you, XP was reduced by 40%. If you went in solo with four followers, XP was reduced by 80%.

When 10.2.5 goes live in this region, each follower will cause a 5% XP reduction. Your party of three players and two followers should see a total of 10% reduced XP, and solo players with four followers receive a 20% reduction.


but why slap solo players with a - to XP what is the reason behind this as they are already daily capped tbh its a slap in the face for people who want solo content just to have it nerfed x 2 already.


I think its still the ghost of Blizz from 2004. Meaning even though they put solo content in they have to penalise people for doing the content over grouping which they think is the ‘right’ way to play their game. Like the past 19 years didnt happen. The reason will most likely be …because…There is no logical, beleivable reason to do this except to encourage people away from levelling this way, odd behaviour for a new game mode.


Probably so it wont get abused by afking or botting


can bots even sign up ?

then the dungeon will just drag on and on and quicker ways to get XP gains.

Raid with followers when?


Why a penalty at all?


Accounts are already restricted to 10 runs daily…


I just don’t get it. Just getting punished.


Never, it’s called LFR!


Looks like for those of us with alts to level up it’s back to waiting until a Timewalking event drops.


Because they just have… HAVE… to play “Friend Finder”.

So if you’re the type of person who plays when your friends are doing something else, like… sleeping…

Oh well. “We’re gonna penalise you! Hah!”

“But why penalise me for something I’m not in control of?”

“Pfft. Do you think we care? Now wait until they are up and play Mythic Plus or raid like we want you to”


I do not understand the reasoning behind this reduction. Is this XP reduction to suggest that the follower system enables the player to complete the dungeon more easily/quickly compared to doing it with real players? If so, why would that would be the case? From my point of view, I thought this system was to help the player ensure they understand the concept of mechanics and how to deal with them. Therefore, how fast or easy it is to complete it would be dependant on how well they perform as an individual. Not sure why it makes to punish them for that.


Far quicker to level up doing all quests in Hellfire Peninsula and queueing for dungeons (when timewalking event is not active), while you’re doing that, than people thinking they can use the welfare dungeon systems to leveling up faster xD

It won’t help many of them unfortunately, as they will just go into auto pilot mode. Also I think the reduction is there to avoid the gold farming booster services from abusing that system.


Here’s an idea: don’t penalize players at all?
You already get a bonus for signing up to LFG, so… just award follower dungeons with normal XP.

Its not like it will ever be the preferred way of leveling but at least have it be an option to mix it in with all the other stuff.


That doesn’t make sense to me. Why a reduction in XP? You still spend the same amount of time if not longer in there.

I can understand a reduction in the amount of loot dropped as followers don’t need any.


Because queue is instant and in regular dungeons is 5min + depending on the time of day.

So do you think 5 players or 3 players and 2 drones are going to clear it faster than 1 player with 4 drones?

I suspect the 1 player will be in there longer than the 5 or 3 players and 2 drones.

So 5+ minutes waiting time is hardly a valid reason.


If XP gains are to be the same, then ‘everyone’ would choose follower dungeons instead of conventional ones and that would make queue times to be much worse.


Except that wouldn’t happen, the loot for the most part dictates where players will be.