Tall Vampire Ladies when?

You can call it that, but i know i’ve read and heard alot others feeling the same about the race. So i ain’t speaking for just myself.

That character is not popular because of the “height” ov her body.

<cough 34

Right, let’s put it in a simple way, when someone dies in Azeroth, their Soul goes to the Shadowlands, there they can either come back to Azeroth as a new person… Rebirth/Reincarnation, however, if they choose to stay, they’ll be denizens of Shadowlands.

Now, what reason would the people of the Dead realms care for mortal affairs other than obtaining Souls/Anima to feed greater Souls or their own worlds?

I mean, if I were a denizen of the Shadowlands, I would be like “…Ooookay… Why would I care? You as well as your enemy will die and soon join our realm, then again, I could go for a vacation and enjoy the beaches.”

Yeah, some people are explicitly against it, although it does not affect them in any way. It’s that typical stupid attitude or thinking that I will never be able to understand.

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But they added Vulpera for the furrys?

But if you were a venthyr, could you travel to Azeroth? Or just be bound to the Shadowlands?

Venthyr have some of the most badass looking ladies in WoW.
Sorry ya can’t handle anything besides a Barbie model…

Venthyr would be an awesome addition to the game, I love their vibe.


Taliesin & Evitel has a video regarding this, basically it would be plausible if your character ‘ascends’ and becomes a Venthyr, Kyrian etc. towards the end of the expansion or something.

And yeah, kinda sad that most people just want another blood elf reskin… Venthyr females look fine, but I would like for their faces to be closer to the original artwork, their faces tend to look quite manly – which is fine, as long as there’s more options.

oh they already ran completely dry of content ages ago venres it happen right around they started retconning half the damn game lore because their talantless writing staff cannot write within the confines of established lore like the 3rd rate haxs they are

Yeah, well, hate the posture of the undead, broken hunchback style. No no. :smiley:

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