Tank shaman thoughts, @devs hopefully :)

I am typing this in hopes of getting some reply from the devs on the subject of shaman tanks and any reasons why it’s not a thing in the game (retail).

It’s been a wanted thing by the players for as long as the game has existed, I’ve heard people say “I’ve asked for that since tbc” and stuff while talking about it.
I know a lot of people can want all kinds of crazy stuff, but this makes so much sense with the shaman archetype, and ofc the designers know that as well based on these things;
If we look at core spells, ascendance forms and class hall mounts, it is very obvious that enhance uses mainly the element of air, elemental uses fire, and restoration uses water. But the fourth main element is missing from the class, earth (I know there are some earth spells, but no main earth spec).
Earth fits perfectly as a tank cuz it’s sturdy and known for damage reduction, like most earth spells. I wouldn’t complain about a 2h wielding melee heavy earthen dps spec either tbh. Maybe a DPS spec but with a talent node that turns it into a tank, similar to how Mistweaver becomes Fistweaver, idk. But either way, earth fits into the archetype like a heart fits in a human, wouldn’t be a shaman without it.
But if it’s a tank we have another tank option, then we might see more people tanking, which is good cuz we lack tanks out there. I sure know that’s the case for me at least as I main a shaman but don’t wanna play an alt just to tank, but I do enjoy tanking a lot.

Wanted to make a post cuz an earthen shaman is what speaks to me the most as a player and it would be super fun to have it in the game, even if it’s not mega op.

So my simple question is just how come it doesn’t exist? It seems to carry nothing but good with it, a lot of people want it and it fits absolutely perfect into the archetype.

That’s all, peace :slight_smile:


And what better time than now; we’re diving into the core of Azeroth, literally into the earth itself, surrounded by it completely. And our new friends are “the earthen”.

I mean, it writes itself. Pleease make the shaman tank spec! Everything lines up ! :smiley:

There was a discussion about this in some posts bellow. A heated one.

But the TLDR is this : Gameplay vs. Lore.

From a lore perspective (archetype as you call it) there absolutely should be a Shaman Tank.

From a Gamplay perspective its much harder. Because you want each tank to have something unique. From a gameplay perspective only.

And unfortunately, most of the tank niches are already covered by other classes. A Shaman tank would be just a [X tank] 2.0. Or a [X tank] transmoged to mail if you wish. With the same spells but different names.

And that is why there is no shaman tank.

I know it’s been talked about a lot, and what you’re writing is only your opinion, and it doesn’t really matter. I wrote @devs cuz I wanna hear their view (the truth), not random players.
And people have been asking about shaman tanks since before death knights, monks and demon hunters were able to tank, but no shaman tanks were made, so therefore it’s clear to see that there are more reasons as to why they don’t exist.
And I have no doubt whatsoever that they can make a new tank that doesn’t feel exactly like one of the existing ones. So why are there not more? I don’t know, but I think it’s silly to think that there can be no more than 6 different tank designs.

(A) Devs wont answer you directly here. Its a lost cause. The purpose of the forums is to discuss with other players.

(B) Its not my opinion. Its mathematical certenty.

Because a NEW deathnight/monk/DH class that is both DPS and tank is far more appealing to sell for a NEW expansion.

Think about it : You tell a bunch of players to buy your new expansion because shamans can tank now ? Not a great sales pitch.

However this : "Look, we will fight the Lich King and you get to play as one of his Death Nights summoning ghouls and what not " … THAT is a better sales pitch.

Or… lets go to pandaria and you get to play as a Pandaran Monk ! Give us $$$.

Or… the legion is invading ! Play this DH (DEMON hunter) and lets go murder some deamons ! Gime us $$$ ! .

Thats your reason right there…

Like I said. Its mathematical. Think about it for a sec.

A tank’s purpose is to mitigate damage. How do you acheive that ?

You have a spectrum and 2 classes at either end : DKs that heal a portion of the damage taken. And warriors that dont heal but mitigate a lot of the damage taken. And all the rest of the tanks are somewhere in between that spectrum.

And those that are not (BM monk for example) have serious issues that need to be addressed.

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Lol what the hell is this? I told you I don’t care about your words and you write a book, that’s somewhat hilarious.

I am not convinced however, write another book.

Its 8 lines. With a lot of spacing to make it easier to read. Not a book.

Compared to your opening post… Its hylarious that you complain about that specifically…

Stop troling. Nobody cares. And even less with your absolutely horrendous way of writing your opinions.

There will never be a shaman tank. We dont need one. Nobody (except you) wants it. And blizz already has their hands full with 3 shaman specs.

Also… if people dont agree with you 100% what is your answer to that ?

This ?

Keep dreaming if you think a blue is going to read your “book”. You have better chances of reaching blizz by sending them a letter by post.

As I said. The forums are for PLAYERS to discuss things. Not to discuss things with the devs. If you dont have enough neurons to understand that, then you should not be suggesting anything about tanks.

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Uda - Miserable 3127 post moaner.


Love you too… (kiss)…

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Dude… what the …??? This is just sad at this point, I have no idea what you think you’re doing here but this is abysmal. You have over 3000 comments and this is what you write? Maybe stop hanging out here for good? Maybe turn off the computer and go outside?

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Well… I have to do something while I take dumps at work. :slight_smile: I reply to all of you people writing absolute nonesense on the Forums…

One needs to keep bussy you know. :slight_smile:

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nah dude this sht is sad, you need help. Nothing written by me has been nonsense. You are negativity incarnate, it’s literally awful, no one wants you here

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Negativity ? I was nice and gave you logical reasons as to why there is no Shaman tank.

And instead of having a debate you came back with this BS :

And this BS

Like who is the sad person here ?

Someone dissagrees with you and you literally insult them on the 1st post ? Especially after being reasonable with my “books” ?

Nobody wants YOU in these forums. GTFO and delete this post. Its embarassing…

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there’s no way you actually been doing this for 3000 comments? I cannot believe it, troll or serious, this is insaaaaaaaaaaane! 3000??? And this is the quality ???
Get help, go to therapy, idk why you are as you are and I don’t care but you’re awful to have around. See how another person commented against you and they got upvoted twice? That means several people dislike you. But hey thanks for trying to ruin my post with this bs no one asked for, crazy person

You made my day !

Trolls like you is what make the forums so entertaining.

Yeah, i got 3k post. I also received 1.7k likes on my posts.

And i have played in-game with several people from the forums…

And you ? You only post this garbage and try to tell everyone you are special or something?

Reading your replies is my therapy. Makes me feel smart knowing im surrounded by posts like this. :blush:

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TBF while this has been funny to read, you kind of are pretty negative, or at least have no sense of reality.

You start a thread speaking your opinion about shaman tanks, and then say that you do not care about the opinion of other PLAYERS, but only DEVS.

So yeah, that is pretty much trolling, since the only reason for forums to exist is for player discussion.

But even if you do not believe this, just go ahead and search the rest of the shaman forums. You can tell me the last time you saw a dev reply, and with that information, tell me how seriously people can take you in here with those kind of demands.

Idk what you mean, my entire original post was very positive.
I don’t need the opinions of other players because it does not matter, I simply want to know why sham tanks is not a thing. No other player can answer that, even if they think they can, hence the dev callout.
I know it’s rare to get a reply from a dev, but where else would I ask this question?
I have demanded nothing, only made it clear that I simply do not look for “debating” on the subject, as it is useless from my pov, just as useless as this conversation. We will amount to nothing doing this. I only look for the thought process of the devs.

Here’s to nothing, cheers!

And you get nothing because as someone explained to you earlier, devs aren’t going to answer.
Might aswell just not post in forums
Or try to be less petty next time (if theres a next time)

Maybe they will, maybe they won’t, we don’t know. But for whatever reason these players pretend they know that, and that they know Blizzards thought process on the subject over 19 years. But let’s say the devs don’t answer, maybe they at least see this topic and it gets more friction than it previously had. Sometimes you can only do so much to raise a topic, and I did so in a proper manner.
I expect these forums have at least some form of supervision from Blizzard and most of the topics and conversations here on the forums are almost completely worthless if Blizzard doesn’t notice them. Some aren’t ofc, but a lot of them in some way complain/ask/refer to Blizzard for things, have a look yourself. So saying this is only for players communicating with each other makes no sense, since so many people are reaching out to them here.

Now I made it clear that this was for the devs, so I have no clue why more people keep commenting stuff here seemingly offended somehow by how their opinions don’t matter to me. Your words and opinions simply do not matter on this subject and debating is 100% useless, it’s that easy.

but theres no debate, devs simply wont answer you
we’re informing you that what youre doing is pointless
but you don’t seem to listen
you need to understand that the people you talk about that “complain/ask/refer to Blizzard for things” are as clueless as you, and clearly aren’t using the forums the way its supposed to