Tank/DPS/Healer Looking For A Guild - EU (Found a guild)

Hello I am Thunder

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft on and off since Wrath of the Lich King and I come back every expansion to see if I will stay for a long time or not and I have come back for The War Within and I have gotten 4 characters to level 80 so far and have about 22 other level 70 characters.
I am 26 years old so I have played WoW for quite some time and almost every expansion I played I did Mythic Raiding so I am looking to do it again as long as I am having fun.
I’ve experienced the ups and downs of guild life and after some time away, I want to find a new guild that’s active and welcoming but I don’t want to join a guild that is unfair towards its members.
A guild that is looking for a raid member and that has a Discord is preferable.
I do prepare for raids with runes, pots, foods and phials for that extra bit of help.

What I’m Looking For in a Guild

  1. A True Community: I’m looking for a guild that treats its members like part of their community and not an extra character in a ever growing guild, will straight up leave any guild like that if members are just treated like a number.
    A place where people enjoy doing content together whilst jumping in a discord to do Mythic+, Delves, Raids, Mount runs, Old Raid Content for transmog.
  2. Fun Atmosphere: I want to be in a guild where we can learn from the current content like boss mechanics and progressing together, even when we’re wiping on a boss or messing up a pull.
  3. Content Variety: I enjoy a wide range of content, from Raids and Mythic+ to Delves, Mount farming, and Gold farming. I want to be in a guild that regularly runs these activities and encourages participation so no one is left out.

What I’m Not Looking For:

  1. Elitism and Toxicity: I’ve had my share of encounters with elitists in the past.
    I am not in the mood for any guild that runs raids and feeds all the gear to one player because he keeps on screaming that it is his BIS item and tells others they don’t deserve it because he has the highest dps.
    And no toxicity and drama on 24/7 basis, here to have fun not to have drama.

What I Bring to the Guild:

  1. Versatile Playstyle: I play Tank, DPS, and Healer, so I can fill multiple roles depending on what’s needed.
    I play a lot of roles but at the end of the day I play what is fun for me and I do not put up with drama or disrespect
  2. Willingness to Help: I’m always ready to lend a hand, whether it’s helping out with a dungeon, running Mythic+ or joining a raid.
  3. Love for the Game: I genuinely enjoy the game and all the content it has to offer. From raids and Mythic+ to transmog runs and mount farming, I’m up for anything as long as it’s fun.

Hey there! I am not entirely sure if you’re still after a Mythic raiding guild, or a guild that wants to clear heroic, aotc and dab into Mythic raiding as we clear content. But, how about you check us out? we’re very much after a healer :smiley: <Torvet> Ravencrest | AOTC Raiding Guild | Cross Faction | Cross Realm

Hello Thundahawki.

First i must say i love the in-depth post you’ve done!

Second, i believe our newly-formed guild would fit you well!

if you wanna hop on discord at some point and have a chat about you joining us, i’d love to hear from you!
you can add me @kerucqc or join the guild discord in the post below!

Here’s a post i’ve made on the forums about the guild, maybe you can get some pointers to see if it is what you are looking for!.

I sent you a friend request on Discord.
I absolutely loved your guild motto and everything you stand for.
I would love to chat on Discord further and to hear more about your guild and to ask a few questions :smiley:

Hey! You’re attitude sounds like it could be a good fit for us.

We’re a new guild bringing a mix of experienced and newer raiders aiming for AOTC. We’re all in our 30’s and have been around the block a few time just looking to have some fun across all the content.

Have a little read if you’re interested and hit me up on BNET: <THE SPICE WITHIN> LF Heroic Raid DPS who are NOT in a rush

check us out!!!