Tanks, its up to us to change the M+ Toxic community

Well I guess the fire is gone now? So it obviously worked.

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I remember seeing a similar thread a few weeks ago with this idea. Whilst on paper it sounds good, you have to remember that there are other people in that PUG who are not toxic and whose time and possibly keys you are wasting. However, if you still feel it’s a good idea, I would at least give a warning when you start or implement a 3 strikes policy.

A lot of people are on half dead servers so this isnt always that much of a viable solution. Like so much in life one problem exacerbates another…

Sure, lets make M+ better by giving people a jaded perception of tanks, what could possibly go wrong?

“Say bad word and ill ruin the key for 3 other people” :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowman_with_snow:


Dps A: Hey dps B, you suck.
Tank: !T O X I C! *leaves *
Dps B: Oh well the key is ruined but damn that tank was awesome for leaving because the other guy was rude, I wish I could thank him.
Healer & DPS C: Yeah for sure, that guy is a hero.


You can’t detoxify a system that’s built on toxic speedrun mentality. Solo speedrun games work because there are no other players to blame.


Yeah same. Eye for and eye kind of childish crap.

Just rise above it.

I had a mage on a mythic run who for no reason at all kept giving people abuse which they totally ignored. At the 2nd last boss on NW he began giving me abuse too. Genuinely got no reason other than I think he was a bored kid.

Our timer was good. We were going to finish with 5mins easy. So last boss when you have to dispel the ice. I chose not to lol. He died. He got cr’d and then I got frozen - so I dispelled myself fast to freeze him again. He died again. It increased his abuse. But…

Yeah I know it knocked off 20sec. Yeah I know it was childish. But man it felt good. Still timed it.

I chose not to rise above it lol


I mean, I get what people are goin’ at.

But let’s look at it this way, in our years of playing for m+ players seem to forget that players that play certain specs aren’t “slaves”, so if a DPS starts to pull everything because the tank is taking it easy or being careful, then the tank has full rights to either leave or ruin the key.

After all, the TANK is there to make sure that the DPS and Healer don’t die, the Healer is there to make sure that the DPS and TANK don’t die and the DPS are there to make sure the enemy is killed fast before they kill the Tank or Healer.

You want to fight toxicity with toxic behaviour? I doubt that will go a long way, it will only increase toxicity.
Sorry, but I will keep tanking the keys and will not join this movement of “leave a key of 1st thing that didn’t go my way” :slight_smile:

I stopped taking it seriously when he addressed it to tanks. Given I’ve had multiple keys killed by tanks and healers plugging etc its kinda just Lol OK. If you want to fix M+ you add the feature to black list b-net accounts and add a penalty system with no soft reset.

This make no sense. Everyone who is pugging, knows what they are signing up for, it’s a toxic environment and that will never change. If every single tank would start leaving groups, then those toxic players would just reroll to tanks and do it themselves, so congratulation, you achieved nothing other than making it harder for yourself to get into a group.

You might as well just change to the combat log window if you can’t handle these people and do the run, get loot and leave instead of wasting everyone’s time. Or don’t pug.

More like “tanks, you too are part of the toxicity, you should look in the mirror, you aren’t infallible and most of the time when you think someone’s flaming you they’re not”. Many pug tanks are insufferable company, if I’m honest. I add dps players more often than I add tanks, even after successful runs.
Majority of tank meltdowns I’ve seen were because of completely innocent, polite comments but most tanks in pugs can’t take any feedback, criticism or even questions without their head exploding on the spot. The god complex is real.
For many healers and high dps, too. Especially the fotm specs.

A lot of tanks’ pulling consists of chainpulling way too many mobs, stopping for only a few seconds to bait out the MM hunter’s Covenant ability, mage/lock aoe’s etc, and then strafing those mobs juuuust enough that they’re right outside the edge of said abilities. You really can’t blame the dps for seeing that as spiteful and saying “you keep taking the mobs our of rain of fire dude, we can’t dps enough to time this”. Which is not toxic. Especially since usually it takes long for the dps to say it out loud - you think it’s “as soon as the mobs are placed a millimeter wrong”, the dps has been wasting 17 rain of fires before they start to suspect you’re trolling and have to say something before the key owner thinks they’re afk. Usually this also comes with the addition of the tank linking dps meters and saying “try to keep up eh ;)” even though he has the ability to directly prevent many classes from dealing damage.

This is a multiplayer game. Not a solo game with npcs following you to help you gear up your virtual barbiedoll. Just stop expecting dps and healers to be superhuman while you’re barely acting human to them yourself, and suddenly the community seems WAY less toxic. :ok_hand:

The worst i’ve seen is dps player complaining my route sucks but he is the only one who dies multiple times in a row from the group and then leaves party. Wish u could know players like that before you even invite them.

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Toxicity is contributed one way or another by everyone, not just non-tanks. It’s like saying that racism/sexism/classism/whatever doesn’t exist or that it only exists for “tanks” (if you know what I mean), but at the end it’s just us categorizing people (players) into different groups instead of looking at things from an individual perspective.

Leaving a key as a tank, as a dps or as a healer doesn’t matter. You are hurting the key holder mainly and not the person you think you are hurting. At most you will only hurt them by them using consumables up to the point of the dungeon, which is evened out because most likely you used some yourself.

and kitchen is gone too now :smiley:

Take out. :smiley:

Ive never encountered it purposefully but my god do tanks whom keep moving mobs infuriate me.

I’ll set up like 5 rain of fires and for no reason at all they walk the mobs over to the next pack as opposed to pulling the mobs to them! Christ’s sake. That or just as I’m trying to set up my bolts they’ll move an inch around the corner for no clear reason which clips my LoS just enough.

Some tanks really need to take stock of their DPS and not assume every class can DPS on the move and has aoe that isn’t location bound. In the case above where the tank moved the mobs to speed us up out of my chained RoF stack, they basically wasted 1.5k free DPS or so on every mob in the pack (which was about 11 mobs big) because they moved them for no good reason. Not sure it sped us up really.

After that pull I did actually call it out because it was really bugging me even if it was accidental. Moving out of enemy aoes is important but so is keeping enemy in our aoes else I may as well just throw my shards at thin air.

Yet when I get a group that sticks in it, the damage is pretty wild. Probably because the tank notices the ten thousand fireballs raining down and thinks “oh yeah that’s probably hurting the mobs, I should keep them in it.”


Spread to neighbors house, not my problem anymore

So much this