TBC and Wrath Era servers. Make it happen!

I know this is Classic Era forum but trolls and retial influencers who wanna destroy and erase classic from existence from Wrath section downvote me to oblivion, I believe there are more sane people here.

The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King - these are the best expansions ever made in 20 years of existence of this game and they deserve their own server.
I loved the first time I stepped into Hellfire Peninsula to drive away burning legion.
I enjoyed my journey into coldest place of Azeroth to stop the Lich King.
But now everything is taken away. If this is “Classic” (Cataclysm sic!) then I and my friends will find a better place to enjoy the real classic that is not twisted, forced and shoved into our face.
Give your loyal playerbase what they want Blizzard. Our patience is now at end!


Yes so much YES! Not only era but if we had seasonal realms just like Azamous said , 2 years per expansion then it progresses to next one and at end we have option to transfer to era :star_struck:


I like the idea but it isn’t happening and I probably wouldn’t play it if I did. I would pay to copy my char tho, but they almost definitely don’t have a copy of my char for TBC still in storage because it was never something they planned or ever intended to do.

TBC is love and it will happened. trust me

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