TBC Arena Hype

the truth is arena performance comes from a player not the class/race/spec

In theory yes. But if you take 2 skilled pvper, the winner will most often be the one with the most OP race / class / spec.

Race :A good example would be a gnome warlock vs a ud warlock. UD will break relevant cc. Gnome will break irrelevant cc. Orcs will resist stun etc.

Spec: another example, a good destro lock will certainly loose against a mediocre sl/sl. Specs matters a lot.

Class: if your class cant deal with popular comps in term of cc / disruption / burst, you have close to no chance to compete. Even if you are highly skilled.

This is why I prefer BGs.

The minimum number of players allows to have at least one of each class (and thus more team comps) and the fact that you need not only to kill the enemy but also secure objectives means that you need more skill than Arenas.

any speculation on if we will be able to transfer classic characters to tbc? free/pay?


Is it even confirmed tbc will came?

It’s an inevitability at this point.
-Classic is essentially finished once Naxx comes out.
-There will be far less work involved to bring TBC back.
-It’s basically free money for Acti-Blizz.


A well minded player can still outsmart the best race/class/spec combo. sometimes The Characters owner are the decision maker sometimes they have to improvise.

Well yes obviousely if you’re a better player you’re going to win most of the time regardless of relatively minor things like racials. But that’s kind of a moot point. If you assume nearly equal skill racials, team compositions, and specs usually decide the fight.

And some are extremely favored no matter what.

guys…Dwarf hunter or Tauren hunter…mybe tauren warrior? how are tauren in Arena? also Tauren hunter or dwarf hunter? dwarf has op stoneform against rogues and they are alliance which will mean less que time for Arena and bgs token farm…but Tauren look majestic af and war stomp…

Stoneform doesn’t help against blind anymore with TBC, it’s not that great anymore.

It helps against rogue slow tho, warrior and druid bleeds and later dk

Seeing the min-max attitude you’ll meet a lot of RMP and Resto D + Warrior.

If you have to capitalize on racials see which are more effective against those. Warriors’ bleed ain’t much of an issue while having an AoE stun is a major tool for kiting and avoiding the dead zone.

Tauren hunter is garbage, dwarf hunter is good.

As a warrior you want to play either orc or gnome.

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